Count me down for it! And btw my username on Bnet is simply Mistouze if anyone wishes to add people in the EU.
Yep would be nice to have a Euro tourney. I am really not keen on investing a bunch of time to get a decent take on US.
Count me down for it! And btw my username on Bnet is simply Mistouze if anyone wishes to add people in the EU.
Verse#1603, US
Please add me: looking for people to play against.
Well, I think I just exhausted my pack opening luck for a while now... opened 1 legendary in 3 packs back to back to back, 2 jaraxxus and a king mukla, then a double epic + rare pack as I pressed my luck for a fourth time. Unfortunately, the legends just end up being mukla and 800 dust for me, but 800 dust is still not bad at all!
Goodbye Nat Pagle, you officially suck vs your value of 1600 dust. Dusted him!
Last three games he didn't even last on the board long enough to even trigger his ability a single time (he didn't even get a chance to fish and miss)... near-worthless now I say.
Geddon's fairly good in Control Warrior. Mukla is great for super fast tempo/board control decks since the Bananas tend to not even have a target for use most of the time.
We're about halfway through a GAF tourney but I suspect another will pop up once this one is finished.
Is it still the best idea to use gold for arena fees instead if just buying packs? I am not very good so I don't expect to go far in the arena. Have not played since December and I remember the wad the generally feeling on gold use back then.
I've been enjoying the game thus far, and it is actually pretty well balanced despite my early bitching during beta. My only problem is figuring out what is worth dusting and what is worth keeping around. Obviously spares go to dust but should I just keep everything else or are there cards so bad that dusting them is worth it?
So last night I lost a game with one damage, so always to remember to count friends!
Is it still the best idea to use gold for arena fees instead if just buying packs? I am not very good so I don't expect to go far in the arena. Have not played since December and I remember the wad the generally feeling on gold use back then.
I need some more people to play with! Add me on Battle net my user name is phatmac. I'm in the US.![]()
If you're planning to play a long time, you shouldn't dust anything because you never know when some card might become worthwhile, either due to meta shifts or Blizzard's own balancing.
Most of the cards that are "so bad not even worth considering" aren't worth that much Dust either. Usually commons although if you get a Millhouse Manastorm you might want to dust him.
Just don't come crying to me when Blizzard buffs the card![]()
HahahahaI finally got hatemail for the first time. Crushed a dude with my druid deck and he accused me of spending $250 on cards. "gg ******* pay to win". Ah so satisfying.
I finally got hatemail for the first time. Crushed a dude with my druid deck and he accused me of spending $250 on cards. "gg ******* pay to win". Ah so satisfying.
Glad you've tried it and like it! Injured Blademaster also synergizes with Darkscale Healer, that's why I love that 1 mana more expensive Yeti since Shaman can do so much with it. I used that a lot in the past in an yeti-style Shaman deck.Also playing Soneet's Shaman and it's been working really well. I don't have the blood knights but I switch them with Blademasters since they work so well with healing totems.
Im so sick of playing against hunters. They all run the same deck. Ugh.
Which deck is that?
I'm a main hunter player as well.![]()
'The one that has Iggy and Wolfrider in it. I'm okay with anything else, but that version is just not fun to play against IMO.Which deck is that?
I'm a main hunter player as well.![]()
Since this is the Hearthstone OT perhaps we should only be permitted to communicate using Hearthstone emotes?
Since this is the Hearthstone OT perhaps we should only be permitted to communicate using Hearthstone emotes?
Since this is the Hearthstone OT perhaps we should only be permitted to communicate using Hearthstone emotes?
I finally got hatemail for the first time. Crushed a dude with my druid deck and he accused me of spending $250 on cards. "gg ******* pay to win". Ah so satisfying.
Anyone else getting this error? The tabs are supposed to say "Promo set, Reward set" etc. but only the t appears unless I click on them.
Starting to ease back into this after taking a break in November, any particular cards that were popular around then that are now trash and should be avoided?