Just had to share this crazy pack I just got from my last arena run -
Just had to share this crazy pack I just got from my last arena run -
Just had to share this crazy pack I just got from my last arena run -
I haven't opened a legendary is about fifty packs, it's good to see where they all went
Im so sick of playing against hunters. They all run the same deck. Ugh.
Holy shit my second legendary! This is like Christmas for me since i have bad luck.
Just got Al'akir too. I have not been that impressed so far. Stats are pretty low for an eight drop. Seem like you need to combo with rockbiter or flametounge for
If he had a lower cost or more damage or health, he'd seem more worth it. Anyone else have better luck with him?
just watched Deck Wars Kolento vs Gnimsh, Gnimish lost to a Handlock deck (again). Really seems like Handlock is the dominating deck in tourneys currently, it wasn't affected by the Pagle/Tinker nerfs either but got even better thanks to losing one of it's best counters. Turn 4 Mountain giants and 4/11 drakes and Watchers/Leeroy shadowflames coupled with the deck's draw power is just really silly most of the time
he's played a lot in Shamans decks. The idea is to save a rockbiter or flametounge to get that 10/12 damage combo going, but he's decent enough to clear and stabilize the board if it's a close game, unlike Leeroy. He's the shaman's version of Grommash with more utility and less raw stats
Miracle Rogue is fun to play, but I find it really complicated as well. Maybe I'm not as good as good as I think I am. I could also not know how the deck works yet either.
A couple of quick questions regarding ranked play:
1. I just started playing and I see you start at rank 25 and work your way up. How does this work? At what level do you lose rank? If you hit level 1 is that as high as you can go?
2. Arena: To play costs gold doesn't it? Do I need to have good cards to play, or does it give you access to all the cards? Are all arena players really good? I ask because I've never played a TCG and I'm level 20 and have only lost 2 times in ranked play. When do people start getting really good?
So I'm playing someone first time after patch and the guys turn apparently doesn't END wtf
Huge bug?
1. I just started playing and I see you start at rank 25 and work your way up. How does this work? At what level do you lose rank? If you hit level 1 is that as high as you can go?
2. Arena: To play costs gold doesn't it? Do I need to have good cards to play, or does it give you access to all the cards? Are all arena players really good?
I ask because I've never played a TCG and I'm level 20 and have only lost 2 times in ranked play. When do people start getting really good?
Last I knew, there were bugs where people could intentionally lock their turn in/make it last forever. Most were fixed but that doesn't stop more from occurring.
Then I get a rogue that buffs something to 19 DMG on turn 2. Argh
How the hell is that even possible? Glad I haven't seen that.
Every class has something that is a must have. That's kind of the allure of those classes.
80% of the time, it serves the same purpose as Argent Squire would have in your opening hand. But Argent Squire quickly becomes an unwanted topdeck draw, while Lightwarden still has good value. The reason for this is because of the Healing Totem. I've had people Fireball my Lightwarden even though I had 4 threats, just because it went to 7/2. You can also consider this a different version of the Argent Squire + Bloodknight combo. But instead of a 1/1 and 6/6, you combo it with Darkscale Healer for a 3/2 + 4/5.
I've wrote out the purpose of every card in this deck here if you're interested:
It's really fun to play. Like every deck sometimes you just draw like crap, but most of the time you'll find yourself countering soooo hard with Bloodknights, Mind Control Tech and Acidic Swamp Ooze. And for such an aggressive deck, Hex and Lightning Storm almost make it seem unfair because the classes it's designed to counter don't have equivalents running in their decks.
A couple changes I'd like to see:
Grimscale Oracle: Cost changed to 2, HP up to 2
Coldlight Seer: Give murlocs next to it +2 HP
Murloc Warleader: All other murlocs have +1/+1
I guarantee Leeroy will be nerfed in some way in the not too distant future
Also, people underestimate the meaning of 2 1/1 whelps. Sure... they are 1/1s... that is nothing in the mid-late game in terms of strength and power. But removing those minions generally means you are dealing 2 less damage to the opponent. So leeroy does 6 damage... your opponent gains to hp or 2 damage per turn or if they are just used to kill leeroy... they are free removals.
The two 1/1 whelps are useless 90% of the time because Leeroy is being used in combination with unleash the hounds, shadow step, cold blood, inner rage, etc as a massive finisher. In fact, the two whelps work against you when you are facing the Leeroy/unleash combo
I don't know, I'm just really starting to get tired of the current meta. Warrior aggro, Murlocs, Zoo, and Hunter aggro are about 80-90% of the matches I play against these days, and to be quite honest, I'm getting bored of it. Sure the game just "released", but it BADLY needs an influx of some new cards
Not a Warlock myself, but this is the style I've been testing since I've gotten 2 more legendaries 3 days ago. Putting all your Legendaries in a deck and then the rest of the deck is 'fake aggression'. So far I had the most success with Rogue with this style (minions that summon minions and then suddenly Legendary after Legendary). Warrior kind of lacks board presence after the initial aggression, causing big card disadvantage so that one is kind of a fail build. Shaman seems to do okay but it's easy to get bad draws against a rush deck.This stupid deck is probably my favorite right now. All I did was throw in every Legendary card I have, then just a handful of cards with decent value and a tiny bit of healing. It's pretty awful, but fun when it works.
Not a Warlock myself, but this is the style I've been testing since I've gotten 2 more legendaries 3 days ago. Putting all your Legendaries in a deck and then the rest of the deck is 'fake aggression'. So far I had the most success with Rogue with this style (minions that summon minions and then suddenly Legendary after Legendary). Warrior kind of lacks board presence after the initial aggression, causing big card disadvantage so that one is kind of a fail build. Shaman seems to do okay but it's easy to get bad draws against a rush deck.
My most recent Mage Legendaries deck is doing a lot better than all previous decks though. Instead of fake aggression, you just freeze stuff and play Alarm-o-Bots. So much fun![]()
Man I want Jaraxxus so bad....
BTW did anyone watch the developer Q&A? Did anything interesting come out of that?
+1I am sick and tired of these disconnects
My other day I got golden jarraxus when in a game versus a warlock. I played it when I had 4 minions and he quit. Lol
I was a priest
Just had my archmage antinidas drawn on mind games turn 4. Ughh
The two 1/1 whelps are useless 90% of the time because Leeroy is being used in combination with unleash the hounds, shadow step, cold blood, inner rage, etc as a massive finisher. In fact, the two whelps work against you when you are facing the Leeroy/unleash combo
I don't know, I'm just really starting to get tired of the current meta. Warrior aggro, Murlocs, Zoo, and Hunter aggro are about 80-90% of the matches I play against these days, and to be quite honest, I'm getting bored of it. Sure the game just "released", but it BADLY needs an influx of some new cards