Played heroic baron as priest.
Killed his three horsemen in the usual ways (). Used ooze on his two swords. I played two minions for the rest of the game, which he removed, and he frostbolted my face a couple times, but that was it. I just healed myself and passed, since my deck had almost no minions, and he just tapped himself into fatigue and didn't do anything at all. For the last 5 turns he just passed with 10 cards in hand, counter fitting cards and then taking fatigue. I finished with 30 hp.sw, science + smite, holy fire + deathlord hit
The best way to beat heroic baron imo is to use cabal shadow priest on one of the horsemen. Then your hero is immune to damage. Shadowword pain on the other two. SO easy.
Huh I've already encountered 3 Warlocks who AREN'T playing zoo or handlock on ladder, it looks like they just threw together some sort of standard value control deck with Azure Drakes, Yetis but they also have Naxx cards like Eggs with Hellfire/Mortal Coil to activate them.
That's the good thing with adding cards, creates new decks so it's not as stale. Already ran into the baron shaman deck, 3 nerubian eggs was fun to kill, then get owned by.
They weren't very effective though, they're definitely worse than regular zoo because putting in cards like Azure kind of works against the benefit of Warlock's hero power. If they wanted to play like that there are other classes that work better with those cards.
Maybe thats part of the problem. Maybe the Warlock class is just shit and only really works well with Zoo. I
God ... playing against these myriads of Zoo-Bots nowadays is so annoying.
They try to hide it by randomly targeting minions but it's still sooo obvious.
Great sign for the game if a Zoo-Bot is enough to get to legend ....
Edit: And now directly after that a Shaman Bot. It's getting out of hand!
Only 10 wins away from golden warlock! I've been close for over a month now but got really lazy for a while.
If the bot code was improved (and said improvements are on the way), to the point you couldn't tell with visual elements or by the pacing of their turns... it'd make for an interesting observation in the sense you could be facing bots in 75% of your matches thinking you're playing real people every one... and I guess would you even care? If you think they're real people, I suppose not.
Yeesh, shockadin doesn't really work with the current meta. I think I lost 10ish games and won one or two before I caved in and made a control paladin to get that 60g daily done.
Control meta <3
Lazy design. Got lucky with a priest and stole a runeblade.
I'm just amused that apparently the bots are way better than Blizzard's AI.
Ranked (vs bots) is the true Hearthstone PVE!
Someone's streaming a Hearthstone bot playing Paladin, it's surprisingly good (or it's disappointing how brainless Hearthstone really is).
You don't live to turn 6 too often, nor does the stolen horseman for more than one turn.
How do you check for Equality before turn 3? I need to know.How to beat Paladin as Priest.
Step 1: Make sure the Paladin does not have equality in his hand.
Step 2: Play Deathlord on Turn 3.
Step 3: On Turn 4, play Divine Spirit and Inner Fire. Hit face for 16.
Step 4: Paladin concedes.
If the bot code was improved (and said improvements are on the way), to the point you couldn't tell with visual elements or by the pacing of their turns... it'd make for an interesting observation in the sense you could be facing bots in 75% of your matches thinking you're playing real people every one... and I guess would you even care? If you think they're real people, I suppose not.
How do you check for Equality before turn 3? I need to know.
Mind Vison! =P
Seems legit! brb building deck
I'm just amused that apparently the bots are way better than Blizzard's AI.
I'm amused by the people losing to them and still blaming anything but their play.
I found it easy and did it on my first try. And my horseman never died.
You must be the only person to win against heroic Rivendare going in blind, grats I guess.
Crazy cluttered board states of Naxx.
Gothik was definitely the hardest boss.
It took me two hours just on that boss.
Horsemen(which I hated in vanilla, but beat it back then) wasn't bad but I messed up the 1st attempt
Erm okay... might want to think about how you come off when communicating like this.