What's everyones favorite golden portrait?
Bro. We both know what the best Golden hero is... Cmon now.
What's everyones favorite golden portrait?
Never seen it because no one fucking plays 500 matches and wins as a paladinBro. We both know what the best Golden hero is... Cmon now.
Never seen it because no one fucking plays 500 matches and wins as a paladin![]()
If you had played any other class, you'd have 3 golden portaits by now.I'm 200 wins off. Imma get it.
If you had played any other class, you'd have 3 golden portaits by now.
edit: well, maybe not druid.
Great game just now in Arena. Mage and I are both top decking and his last card is a Sea Giant, but I had just enough health and 1/1s to fatigue him down.
To be fair, if you allow yourself to be decked in MTG, you deserve to lose.
Considering I don't play at all, that really is no achievementYes I play more than yoshi but don't rage =D
I don't play at all
I consider myself a "Hearthstone Player" and I play maybe 3 hours a week.19 hours today
The age old decision, play decks I don't have the cards for that are fun and lose ranks, or climb the ladder super fast but be bored playing zoo.....
Climb the ladder to get matched up with better opponents then play fun decks !
Well, that's exactly what has happened. Except now miracle with arcane golem and 1 prep is auto loss. And ramp Druid with no rag/black knight/ cebarius/ big game hunters is terrible. I have even less cards for the other classes.
So my options are get wreked, or play zoo. Or spend money on cards, or stop playing![]()
Play midrange hunter or aggro mage. Both are on par with zoo in cost and can get you at least rank 5 easily. Hunter can get you to legend.
Concur on hunter. Just ran it to rank 10 undefeated.. weird playing without traps/bow again.
to above: no bows required, highmanes, definitely, but it's only 200 dust
To be fair, if you allow yourself to be decked in MTG, you deserve to lose.
Can u link your deck?
The age old decision, play decks I don't have the cards for that are fun and lose ranks, or climb the ladder super fast but be bored playing zoo.....
What's everyones favorite golden portrait?
What's everyones favorite golden portrait?
Druid even though I hate the class.
Fatigue is one of hearthstone's design decisions that blows mtg out of the water.
I think he's talking about the DoT that ticks every turn (and gets stronger and stronger).How so?
Its very common in card games to loose when you run out of cards.
I think he's talking about the DoT that ticks every turn (and gets stronger and stronger).
The lack of Shaman discussion disappoints me. Not only is it damn fun to play with the new naxx cards, but you also see tons of people trying it in the game. Yet here everyone is still stuck on old meta decks. I've been playing a value Shaman deck (Cairne, Sylvanas, Faceless and the Ancestral Spirit/Reincarnate combo) and a tempo Priest with Dancing Swords and Spectral Knight (being able to heal Spectral Knight with AOE heal is pretty sick).
So much to try. Yet the only thing I read here is Ramp Druids and Zoos.
You guys disappoint me.
What's the deal with this new all demons all the time deck?
Lost to it as Miracle, but it seemed kinda shitty. Series of extremely fortunate draws on his part (e.g. Power Overwhelming + Shadowflamed my concealed auctioneer, Jaraxxus when in kill range) and unfortunate ones on my part (Leeroy in the bottom 4 cards).
Meta is still better than your decks.The lack of Shaman discussion disappoints me. Not only is it damn fun to play with the new naxx cards, but you also see tons of people trying it in the game. Yet here everyone is still stuck on old meta decks. I've been playing a value Shaman deck (Cairne, Sylvanas, Faceless and the Ancestral Spirit/Reincarnate combo) and a tempo Priest with Dancing Swords and Spectral Knight (being able to heal Spectral Knight with AOE heal is pretty sick).
So much to try. Yet the only thing I read here is Ramp Druids and Zoos.
You guys disappoint me.