That brawl was the greatest thing I have ever seen.
Amaz allowed rdu to draw into the brawl. He didn't put any pressure out the whole match, really boring play.
Eh Amaz playing it slow as fuck lost him the game, not the brawl.
Amaz allowed rdu to draw into the brawl. He didn't put any pressure out the whole match, really boring play.
I mean, it was all based on the timing. If he had brawl the whole time, Amaz's play would have been super strong, coming back hard with cards like the fire elemental after it was played. If it was drawn 1 or 2 turns later Amaz's play would have won the game, with the fire ele able to attack 1 or 2 times.
Pure RNG imo.
Except there was no reason to brawl before amaz dropped some big minions anyways. Its not like rdu was losing a lot of health.
Wait, there is a Sylvanas card? how do I get one ?
Either you luck out with a pack or you craft it with 1600 dust.
If you get a crappy golden legendary, you can disenchant it for 1600. That's how I got my Leeroy, disenchanted golden Greenskin.
I hope we get to see more of his Warlock tomorrow. It looks quite interesting.
Everyone bring out your miracle rogues on ladder tomorrow, it's time to be hunting paladins.
Any good builds for mages? iam a bit outdated of how much this game have changed and I am getting destroyed in Naxxramas wing 1
Miracle Rogue isn't that good against the Tauntadin deck. It has the tools to put some board presence early vs Rogue and the sustain to let it survive the limited damage in the deck.
I hope we get to see more of his Warlock tomorrow. It looks quite interesting.
Miracle always had the advantage of being able to ignore the board state, which is what half the Paladin is built to overcome, although Belcher/Tirion makes things awkward.
And Yolotheb.
Any good builds for mages? iam a bit outdated of how much this game have changed and I am getting destroyed in Naxxramas wing 1
Just wrecked this 2 seconds ago. It seems crap compared to zoo or normal handlock, at least as a a miracle rogue player.
Is there any move that's more of a dick move than making a Venture Co Merc follow the rules?
Eh just because it's good in one tournament doesn't mean it's good on the ladder. Is everyone gonna put Harrison jones in their decks now because of this tournament? God I hope so lol.
Edit: beaten![]()
Is there any move that's more of a dick move than making a Venture Co Merc follow the rules?
Is there any move that's more of a dick move than making a Venture Co Merc follow the rules?
Attacking around it and leaving it alive as long as possible perhaps? Lol, probably not more of a dick move, but it haaaaaas to be pretty close.
Summoning a taunt totem every single turn can also be pretty cruel.Is there any move that's more of a dick move than making a Venture Co Merc follow the rules?
Naxxramas is a bit different from the rest of the game since the bosses have OP cards and hero powers. It's more of a "what kind of deck will beat this specific scenario" and rolling for a good start... well in heroics anyway. A half competent deck should clear normals easily as TB has been clearing them with joke decks.
Anyway, I usually check hearthpwn deck lists for ideas.
This token mage is what I have been playing on ladder. It beat most of the Naxxramas normal opponents, heroic Anub'Rekhan and heroic Razuvious with maybe 2-3 attempts per boss.
For most heroic bosses you have to make a deck that is at least somewhat custom.
On the subject of Miracle Rogue:
Was trying a tempo Shaman deck:
Turn 2 Egg
Turn 3 Deathlord
Turn 4 Dark Iron Dwarf and traded against a Gnomish Inventor (Board State is now 4/4, 2/6, 4/4)
Turn 5 Loatheb
> In this turn the Rogue finally killed the Deathlord and it summoned a Gadgetzan, no spells could be casted. Free trade for my 4/1 Dark Iron Dwarf
Turn 6 Spectral Knight
The Rogue was so wrecked it wasn't even funny.
Sealed the deal with Rockbiter Doomhammer.
I've watched people, even realz, ladder with paladin. I've played people pretty high up in the ladder as well playing paladin. It is definitely ladder viable.
People won't copy the deck card for card. They'll play a version for ladder but it will be largely the same.
I'd personally be really happy to see Paladin back on the ladder. More variety is always good.
Realz ladders with weird stuff all the time though. He was trying some Mage decks yesterday. Not long ago he tried Crusher and a spell power Shaman similar to the one StrifeCro brought to IEM Shenzhen. Then some Taunt Druid. That's what makes his stream so interesting to me. He's always trying unusual things.
Though he can afford to since he qualified for Blizzcon a long time ago. While someone like Trump is still trying to get in so he can't really do crazy experimental decks.
Trump down to 84 by the way.
Trump should have stopped playing when he was at 2
Nah. Make room for interesting people.