They need to rename this game "I just made a terrible play and I'm winning"

They need to rename this game "I just made a terrible play and I'm winning"
Modern Midrange Hunter is better against zoo than the older ones because they don't play secrets and deadly shots anymore. But still it's a 50/50 matchup at best. You are relying on two cards to save your ass every match and that is never an advantageous matchup.
I'm on a 5 loss streak right now in Casual mode of all fucking things. I cannot play Naxxramas until I win ONE FUCKING MATCH with Warrior or Rogue.
Are you playing some kind of outdated aggro list or what? Been doing fine with Control Warrior the past couple of days.
I'm sorry I don't have mass amounts of real world cash to unload on packs to eventually get lucky and/or get dust for Ragnaros/Sylvannas/etc.
He didn't have bad start... he had a phenomenal start imo. And he even had significant follow ups with nerubian eggs and void terrors. I had to take down 2 void terrors before dealing with doomguards. Dealt with it all, it was easy peasy.
Yeah, I wish there was something like an Arena Mode for easy Gold and Packs...
... oh wait ...
This is me winning vs zoolock without UTH.
drop wolf middle and clear field for free
Lol you're still at it?
Knife juggler hitting your haunted creeper twice was bad luck for him... zoo wants board control, turning a 1/2 into two 1/1's sucks.
Decent start, but not phenomenal.
Well the dude fucked himself over by not clearing out one spider. Also why did he not remove your wolf? One advantage with any deck against zoo is that most zoo players don't have time to waste on thinking and strategy
And yes, Creeper helps a lot against zoo and like I said, the modern hunter isn't as horrible against zoo as it used to be.
Deadly shot is garbage against zoo still.
Yeah the meta has diversified a lot. It's a good thing.
(though I bet the high ranks are filled with druid again...)
I hit rank 10 a few days ago (now back to 14) and it felt like I was playing nothing but druids, hunters, and priests.
That is a phenomenal start... 3 minions by the end of turn 2. I don't see how you can't see that as phenominal. He has 12 stats on the board not counting divine shield.
How is Northshire Cleric not the most game breaking non rare/legendary card? One mana? Seriously? If a Priest plays it on turn one, there isn't much you can do to counter it for the first 2-3 turns. And by that time, it can very often be too late.
You can absolutely answer it with a 3/2. Which are extremely common at 2 mana.
How is Northshire Cleric not the most game breaking non rare/legendary card? One mana? Seriously? If a Priest plays it on turn one, there isn't much you can do to counter it for the first 2-3 turns. And by that time, it can very often be too late.
EDIT: A nice fix to Cleric would be to make it so only friendly minions being healed resulted in a card draw.
How is Northshire Cleric not the most game breaking non rare/legendary card? One mana? Seriously? If a Priest plays it on turn one, there isn't much you can do to counter it for the first 2-3 turns. And by that time, it can very often be too late.
I still remember a time when people used to laugh at Turn 1 Cleric like it was a terrible play. I'm pretty sure references to Dennis were floating around at the time for Turn 1 Clerics.
EDIT: A nice fix to Cleric would be to make it so only friendly minions being healed resulted in a card draw.
Baron: Too fringe, only usable with Shaman Deathrattle thanks to Reincarnate/Ancestral Spirit shenanigans
Deathlord: Too risky in ladder/competitive, lots of decks are running high value creatures these days due to the slower meta
Dancing Sword: Not enough value for being a reverse loot hoarder.
So all of this week's cards are basically throw away? I thought so too upon first examination but I'm no Hearthstone pro, so I am appealing to the NeoGAF democracy for opinion.
Yep, it's almost like playing in reverse. So far I've been keeping innervates in my hand until I need them. No rush in bringing out an early Deathlord or anything. I much much rather save it for an expected early board clear, or having enough mana to bounce back my Coldlight Oracle.That mill-deck is now awesome, but holy hell is it difficult to pilot.
Priests get so confused when you heropower their Cleric turn 2.
So all of this week's cards are basically throw away? I thought so too upon first examination but I'm no Hearthstone pro, so I am appealing to the NeoGAF democracy for opinion.
Yep, it's almost like playing in reverse. So far I've been keeping innervates in my hand until I need them. No rush in bringing out an early Deathlord or anything. I much much rather save it for an expected early board clear, or having enough mana to bounce back my Coldlight Oracle.
Are the Naxx wings really worth the gold? I'm a fairly new player and I feel like just buying roughly a card pack a day is more worthwhile then saving 700 gold and only getting four cards that the meta is probably not going to call for.