Does anyone here use one of those deck or win rate trackers that they could suggest?
I like Hearthstone Deck Tracker
Does anyone here use one of those deck or win rate trackers that they could suggest?
Never.I've been thinking of throwing an Eye for an Eye in there.. worth or nah?
I like Hearthstone Deck Tracker
This is great, thanks!
anyone got idea why this card is a epic..
trying to make a enraged deck and seeing this card makes me question what the hell was blizz thinking.
Anyone recommends a list of priest decks?
Free pack from spectator quest yielded Archmage Antonidas, is it worth putting together a mech mage deck? I don't have flamewaker for tempo mage
Sad part is that MC would still get used as a 4/4.
Antonidas isn't even that great in tempo mage. It is great in mech mage due to all the spare parts you earn up, but merely average in tempo mage because by the time you can play him, your deck wants to be finishing the match, not building up to a win condition. This means usually turn 9 or possibly even later, to often just get a single fireball. I built rag into my tempo mage and it was ez legend from there.
Got a golden Bolf Ramshield. Worth dusting if I need a Tirion Fordring?
Shit tier legendary vs probably the best class legendary?
Got a golden Bolf Ramshield. Worth dusting if I need a Tirion Fordring?
Kripp goes fucking ham on Blizzard nerfs.
Sad part is that MC would still get used as a 4/4.
What. Antonidas is great at turning your lategame dead draws to fireballs.
What. Antonidas is great at turning your lategame dead draws to fireballs.
Antonidas is often a dead draw himself. I'd rather run ragnaros which is a threat in itself and often hits the board earlier.
Bolf is beyond garbage, I'm keeping my golden one because there's nothing else I need but if you're still lacking high tier legendaries like Tirion even I'll say dust that clown.Got a golden Bolf Ramshield. Worth dusting if I need a Tirion Fordring?
Kripp goes fucking ham on Blizzard nerfs.
Sad part is that MC would still get used as a 4/4.
Kripp goes fucking ham on Blizzard nerfs.
Sad part is that MC would still get used as a 4/4.
I actually like the Icehowl treatment for Force of Nature the most to be honest. Let it only attack minions. Might be too confusing for new players though.
Should I dust a golden dreadscale in favor of another nuetral legendary? Relatively new to the game and only other legendaries I have are the naxxramas ones.
If so, any suggestions? Thinking Dr Boom since Im seeing it constantly.
Nah Paladin is sucking the fun out of Constructed and Arena.Druid is like the cancer class now, sucking all the fun from everything in this game, not just brawl. Paladin is actually fine...
I don't find Paladin winning the game off of MC being played on turn 6 to be fun.sucking the fun out of.....
what's fun? what is it that you want to be doing that you can't and why do you think it is reasonable that you be allowed to do it?
I don't find Paladin winning the game off of MC being played on turn 6 to be fun.
I don't find taking 20+ damage with no board presence to be fun.
I would like to hear what I can do about taking 20+ damage with no board and MC played on turn 6. Especially MC that doesn't involve Hunter Flare + Highmane to kill is this less fun than any one of a million other unfavorable scenarios, it's not like there's nothing you can do about either situation.
I would like to hear what I can do about taking 20+ damage with no board and MC played on turn 6.
I realize all of this but for this to happen you have to be far ahead on board.everything you did before the turns where they were played impacted the outcome of the game and the usefulness of those specific turns. you have to play around shit, you can't just brokeback your way through fucking games and expect to win.
So basically your answer is to out aggro an aggro Secret Paladin to win or don't even bother playing the game online. Not all that surprising because that's pretty much what everyone else is trying to do anyway.specifically protecting your health total to stay out of combo range. IF your games are typically shortish then seeing double combo is incredibly rare so you should usually plan to stay out of range of say single druid combo for 14 damage, if your games go very long because you run a fatigue style deck you need to be aware of the fact that they are going to be able to burst you down a great deal from hand. if your deck can't handle it then your deck isn't designed to win the matchup.
With mysterious challenger the best strategy is to hold the board early. If you can't do that at all then in the current meta you're probably losing to all sorts of decks and you shouldn't even bother.