Patron Warrior had to be changed, I think most can agree on that. If Warsong Commander also had to be destroyed
completely is another matter, but whatever. I agree that this is probably the most aggressive I've ever seen the meta. Though there's still Dragon Priests, Control Warriors and I see more Handlocks than Zoolocks. Lots of Hunters though now, both face and mid-range. And an unhealthy amount of Paladins, some mid-range, a few more aggro, but by far most of them are Secret Paladin. Oh there's plenty of Tempo Mages as well. And finally there's of course Druid and both the aggro and mid-range version run double combo these days. Barely any Shamans or Rogues. Not sure if I forgot any popular class/decks.
So from my experience that's at least 3/4 aggro decks that I encountered over the past few days. It makes sense though, Patron Warrior is gone (for now), so the aggro decks show up to take advantage of that. And they already were very popular. Which also makes sense unfortunately. Ladder is a grind, so people are naturally attracted to the faster decks.
I'm not sure if this is the worst state the game has ever been in though. At least it doesn't feel like a single deck completely dominates the meta which has happened before as well. Also, Grim Patron was only
just nerfed and the meta is continuously shifting.
So perhaps in a few weeks it will slow down a bit again. Hopefully.
Maybe Mysterious Challenger needs to be nerfed first.
Also I agree that Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo is a little too much. With Bloodlust Shaman for example you have to really fight for board control and find the right moment to play that Bloodlust. Which then also leaves for a pretty satisfying win. With Druid you only need the one minion, sometimes two, often nothing, to survive. Then you can just play the combo and easily get 20+ damage straight from hand. More if you have a 2nd Savage Roar with an Innervate or if you played Emperor before that. That is clearly too much. For the same reason Grim Patron Warrior just got nerfed.
Looks like we're already back to non-stop complaining about meta decks.
Honestly, you're on a forum about a competitive game. Of course we're going to discuss
the meta in here.