Ouch straight to the heart huh D:.
got eeeeeem
Ouch straight to the heart huh D:.
Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!
Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)
Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.
You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM
Yeah, I didn't know what was up w/ UT:A's crew when I picked a winner, I picked UCI since they were Cali and Cali teams do well w/ these sorts of things.Yeah it's an unfortunate side effect of pro level players sneaking into some of these teams. The only really good one was the first one I think. Last years was good for the story, but this one has the same story.
SFV did 200K on TBS.
Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!
Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)
Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.
You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM
I know, and it makes me sad. Such a trash talent, it heals for so little. Tracer is a dive burst assassin, take the offensive talents always for her IMO.
I feel like so many people try to play her like a sustain damage auto attacker, when in reality good Tracers are diving in to instantly kill squishies with Ult+W+parting gift combo. Here's the build I've been going lately, love the chase potential of Spatial Echo.
Looks like we've played 122 games together, Kio. 48.6% winrate with my main, 100% winrate with one alt, and 66.2% winrate with another alt.
8 seconds on an already long CD so you can't play ballsy more often sucks, especially late game, IMO.
Also Ricochet is nice because if there is a stealth in the middle of whatever it's bouncing to, it'll reveal them.
it was a stupid talent, they might have went overboard with the nerf but TTK doesn't translate well between OW and HotS. Her HP would have to be even more paper thin if it was baked in and then you'd just die to aoe stragglers constantly.That kind of really sucks since recalling when your low health before you die is such a huge part of the hero in OW.
Okay so, someone break down what I need to know for 2.0 as far as the hero levels converting and stuff.
Basically, avoid leveling anyone that isnt already level 8 or something like that? Anything other than that?
I think this is the first free week where i own all the heroes