The number of people who AA Varian when the talented parry's up is too damn high. Then they complain on reddit about how OP it is.It's still OP
holy fuck that .gif
What is it from?
So after more time playing Cassia, I gotta say Fend is a really weird ability.
It seems like you can cancel it, but some of it still goes out. So maybe there are 9 hits and it comes out in groups of 3. If you catch it early you'll only be in for a little bit but she'll still commit to 3 hits, and if you're a bit late she'll finish another 3 before the cancel takes effect.
The cancel is useful because the move is target-based so it can be easy to have it come out at the wrong angle if you weren't careful enough tracking your own positioning vs anticipating target movement, yet the way that it locks you into a position, even though it is technically only for 3 hits, makes it feel like it ought to be unstoppable, which it isn't.
That incongruity between the true nature of its mutability and its feeling means that not only can you get stunned out of it, but even a displacement bump will end it. In one sense, that feels wrong to me. The way it locks you into the position makes it seem like the vulnerability of the move should be the fact you're committing to a locked position, therefore a bump shouldn't cancel it, but move it to the side, and only a stun should outright stop it. Yet on the other hand, you can cancel after 1/3 of it and I wouldn't want to give that up, so maybe bump-outs do make sense.
I can't think of many other moves in the game that have this weird partial cancellation, but maybe I just haven't run into the situations that would make me notice them.
I've said this a few times in this thread, but revisiting heroes you haven't touched in months is so rewarding. I'm back on the Protoss hype train, Alarak and Artanis fucking destroy! My life for Aiur
Also just turned on HOTSlogs pre-game MMR feature and holy shit how did I live without this? Neato.
Yeah I've been rocking Sonya recently. She still got it.
Jaina is prob hard to get a good hotslogs score with unless all you're doing is clearing waves and stealing kills, i wouldnt read into that stat too much, jaina the type of hero that is impactful but doesn't put out tremendous #s
Question. Really new to hots, but thought I'd check it out after seeing a video of the hots 2.0 changes. I wanted to ask, should I just save my gold right now for the changes or spend it on a new character now (I could go either way here, I'm not really dying to get a new character but if I got one I wouldn't mind). I got muradin from the tutorial and tracer (from somewhere).
I would recommend waiting for a couple of reasons.
1) There's a chance you'll get some new heroes in your initial lootboxes you get when you first log in to 2.0. If you're fairly new to the game, you won't get too many, but there's still a chance. Not a huge reason to wait, but it's something.
2) The bigger reason is that we're getting a new Nexus Challenge to go with 2.0. In the first Nexus Challenge, you could earn 6 specific new heroes just for playing games with a friend, but if you already had those heroes, that specific reward didn't give you anything new. So I would wait at the very least until we know the details of the Nexus Challenge 2.0 so you can avoid buying any heroes that you might earn for free very shortly.
At the same time tho iirc the timing for the 2.0 patch drop is unknown and if you are starting out youll still get a high chest drop rate when trying out heroes so i feel limiting yourself might be a bit unnecesary. Maybe spend for some cheaper heroes?
Tho i suppose if you are starting out the free rotation is there, i just dont think you need to worry about currency or whatever if you find a hero you enjoy playing
We should be hearing about Genji soon right? I can already tell you I'm gonna hate Genji mains.
At the same time tho iirc the timing for the 2.0 patch drop is unknown
We should be hearing about Genji soon right? I can already tell you I'm gonna hate Genji mains.
Ketch's Top 5 best heroes for a new player:
Versatile, Big impact, easy to play with high skill ceiling so lots of room to learn and get better.
Ketch's Top 5 best heroes for a new player:
Versatile, Big impact, easy to play with high skill ceiling so lots of room to learn and get better.
Valla, Malfurion and Muradin are good cheap picks right now to start.
Dependz on what you like to play, the strongest heroes imo atm are zarya, arthas, valla, tass, and malf. Malf and arthas are pretty good beginner heroes. Wouldnt worry about tiers too much tho, the existing lists assume good knowledge of the game. Valla is cheap and good but ppl might struggle with her if they dont have prior moba exp
Thank you for the suggestions. My experience with mobas is very limited. Like 3 matches in lol and I couldn't even make it passes the tutorial in dota 2Have you played MOBAs before? If not I'd suggest sticking to ranged heroes, heroes with survivability and heroes with mobility/escape abilities.
Warriors: Muradin, Anub'arak; maybe: ETC, Leoric, Tyrael
Assassins: Valla, Nazeebo, Raynor, Falstad; maybe: Tychus, Li Ming, Sgt Hammer
Specialists: Sylvanas, Murky
Or anyone that looks fun to you. Experiment in try mode and with heroes on the free, weekly rotation.
It is? I'm pretty sure we've known it's the 25th since the announcement unless it were to get moved up for some reason.
I can't wait to see what they do with the Overwatch map, myself.
Uther is horrible for solo-queue play. Worst healing through-put in the game.The best heroes for new players who have never played a MOBA are Raynor, Muradin, and Uther IMO.
Raynor will teach you how to do damage effectively, Muradin to learn how to tank for a team and just be a melee hero in general, and Uther to support because he's got simple point and click heals, has CC, and a really impactful ultimate.
Top 5 for new players imo:
Li ming
Greymane (top tier too)
wouldn't recommend sylv. She's difficult to play to the highest potential.
For someone who has literally never played a MOBA, and the competition he will be facing, Uther is totally fine.Uther is horrible for solo-queue play. Worst healing through-put in the game.
He's not tho. Just play Malf and Q up people and take Tranq. That AoE healing capability is really important.For someone who has literally never played a MOBA, and the competition he will be facing, Uther is totally fine.
u srs? The amount of feeding I see on even the semi-competent Greymane's I encounter is p large. And you'd recommend a hero that requires that much knowledge of timing/engagements/disengagements to a new player? I thought you were pessimistic about the player base's skill level mate, not optimistic lol
I understand where you're coming from, but at his skill level it simply doesn't matter that uther isn't a top tier hero, and he's every bit as useful at that level as malf would be.He's not tho. Just play Malf and Q up people and take Tranq. That AoE healing capability is really important.