The game is just like magic and that's why i like it. MTGO is a mess and i'm not interested in giving them money when they will not improve their game
There's a lot that Magic does very well, but I feel like Magic, as essentially the first game of its kind, made some mistakes that newer games should learn from. The biggest one in my mind is the resource system.
Mana screw happens. Mana flood happens. Color screw happens. You can tweak your deck to minimize these things, but they're still going to happen. RNG is a fact of life in TCGs, but after playing games where resources are automatically increased (eg Hearthstone) or games that allow you to use any card as a resource (eg Duel Masters, WoW TCG), I don't see a good reason to stick with the more restrictive system used in Magic (and Hex).
Especially since Magic now relies so heavily on $20 fancy lands, which just seems ridiculous to me. At least it looks like for now Hex's dual lands are uncommon?
But yeah, some of the toughest choices I've made in card games were "which of these cards do I discard for a resource?" I love that system so much.
I agree that resource in hex is pretty much RNG because you can be flooded or screwed like in Magic. Lucky for us, in HEX has a little difference in resource (the threshold system that mitigate the mana flood/screw).
I'm pretty sure they decide to play it safe and using a system well know for resource.
i remember seeing this Kickstarter, but i was in grad school at the time and low on funds.
gonna register and give it a whirl.
i'd love an online TCG with a little depth, Hearthstone was way too shallow for me.
any tips on how to get free stuff to bolster my decks outright?
There's a lot that Magic does very well, but I feel like Magic, as essentially the first game of its kind, made some mistakes that newer games should learn from. The biggest one in my mind is the resource system.
Mana screw happens. Mana flood happens. Color screw happens. You can tweak your deck to minimize these things, but they're still going to happen. RNG is a fact of life in TCGs, but after playing games where resources are automatically increased (eg Hearthstone) or games that allow you to use any card as a resource (eg Duel Masters, WoW TCG), I don't see a good reason to stick with the more restrictive system used in Magic (and Hex).
Especially since Magic now relies so heavily on $20 fancy lands, which just seems ridiculous to me. At least it looks like for now Hex's dual lands are uncommon?
But yeah, some of the toughest choices I've made in card games were "which of these cards do I discard for a resource?" I love that system so much.
Overall, the threshold system does help with mana screw quite a bit. It also opened up some interesting design possibilities whereby they can give other cards in the game the ability to add a threshold without adding the resource that comes along with it. That means that thresholds are fundamentally 'cheaper' (not in terms of actual $ cost, but in terms of game mechanics) in Hex than resources in MTG. Have a look at the cards "Royal Herald" or "Hex Geode" to see what I mean...they can make fixing easier with cards like this, and by so doing avoid some of the frustration from mana screw.
If you go with a system like Hearthstone, you end up losing some fairly crucial aspects of gameplay because dispersing with the limited-resource system altogether has profound ripple effects. For example, because you can count on your resources always being there, you can also count on always being able to play the 10 mana bomb, so long as the game goes long enough to do so. This means that designers have to limit the power of those 10 mana bombs so that they do not have so profound an effect on the game. Without such severe effects attached to bombs, control decks tend to do worse because they don't have sure-fire ways to close out games. That is just one of many examples.
Hey Hex-Gaf, you guys having any problem so far?
I nupdated during my lunch and opened a few chests and bought pack (both from the store and the auction house) but i ran into two problems:
a)I got a couple of mercenaries from my chests, but they're unselectable as my champions
b)the packs i bought from the auction house were not delivered to me, but my platinum was spent.
Anybody had any similar problems? im worried mostly about the packs.
Did you look at your messages? You have to receive them in there
Auction House closed while they try to figure out whats wrong
Mac version patcher still busted
feels bad
im at work right now, so i can't check, were refunds issued?
They just reopened it according to forums so I would assume they resolved all transactions before doing so
Glad to see that Hex is still running. Never did check how that lawsuit with Wizards was going.
Gold is useful even for those with platinum? Can anyone give me a heads up as to what they did? I probably read about it a year ago and forgot.
With gold you can trade it for platinum with other player or buy cards for the auction house using gold instead of platinum.
If i rememeber correctly the current change for player trade is 1 plat = 100 gold
I mean, what does a player who already as platinum want with gold? What things can you buy with only it?
I might just go back and make an account anyhow. Even if I know I won't play much, I wouldn't mind being ready for when more PvE content comes out.
Did they finish putting out Guilds?
You use gold to spin chests. If you're unaware you get a chest with each booster pack. The cost to spin depends on the chest rarity with higher rarities costing more. Rewards for spinning include regular cards, specific AA cards, booster packs, etc.
You can also spend gold to buy exclusive AA commons (which just rotated out of the store with the new set launch).
And if you don't get it, just email support, they're good. Whenever there's an issue you get your stuff back and a free draft ticket, usually.![]()
Thanks, I remember reading about an article about chests a year ago, but because when they were first released you couldn't open them yet, I must have forgotten about the gold cost issue. I like Cryptozoic for this.
Extended art so nice(clicking the box on the top right or simply zooming into the card during gameplay shows the original card. So no worries about playing against an EA'd card and not knowing what it does)
and mac patcher has been fixed it seems
Looking at this, I kind of wish this was the default look for cards. It looks so nice.
Going to play for the first time in forever (not counting test server) tonight! Probably some drafting and sealed. Both formats are pure Set 3 now right?
Still playing this now and then, hopefully I'll start playing it more now. Thing is my launcher seems to have just stalled applying this patch. Not sure why.
Here's a thread on their forums about patching issues.
I'm running Windows 7 and had an issue where it got stuck at 99% and had to turn UAC back on to fix it. Hopefully the link helps you fix your issue.
Yancy & Murdertron BFFs
So pissed right now. I was 4-0 with a really good sealed deck. Played someone and lost a close one. Waited 5 minutes, rejoied queue....played the same person and lost.
Then I play someone else, mulligan to 6, never draw a resource past my opening 2....and I've got 18 in my deck.
At least I can sell the 2 Indigo Dreamwalkers for some good platinum.
plz give. Seriously though, how much?
Edit: If there are any singles you need, I'd be willing to pay more in those than pure plat.
Did they make changes to how you can get cards?
I couldn't make any decks for shit because everything I need was extremely expensive or could be bought with that real money currency.
Anyone get a Convocation 2013/2014 pack yet? I've done like 4 20-0 arena runs and I've gotten 1 2015 pack. Not sure if Dungeon Crawler rolls can land on Convocation packs, but this is pretty crappy.