the salt on this convocation event is crazy
TCGs bring out the worst in people
How so? I don't read the forums, what's happening lol
Anyone get a Convocation 2013/2014 pack yet? I've done like 4 20-0 arena runs and I've gotten 1 2015 pack. Not sure if Dungeon Crawler rolls can land on Convocation packs, but this is pretty crappy.
I thought arena was only 2015 packs. I got a 2013/2014 from a 5 win gauntlet. Not sure if I should open or sell.
dungeon crawler definitely affects the packs
edit: it affects Uruunaz drops too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
People are currently super salty about Stormcoat. Keep it up ryuukan
Please someone explain me what is a power shift? Playing like 5 games now and there doesn't seem to be a good internet resource to explain this mechanics. The best I got was from the hex keywords:"Shift is a keyword that power that cards can have. It means: BASIC 1-SHOT → This loses the following power and target troop you control gets this power."
The game lacks newbie training. Like the Martyr card. WTF does it mean? "Transform target troop into a Monument of the Martyr" Am I supposed to know what this is?
Also it seems that I made a huge mistake taking a swamp deck. I should have went with forest equivalent to have superior creatures and win every tutorial game by placing defensive shit.
Shift is new to the most recent set. It allows you to move whatever keyword or power is after it. So if something has Shift 1: Flight, you pay one resource to give Flight to another troop and the original troop loses Flight.
Most cards that transform or create another card allow you to click on the name in their text box to bring up the referenced card.
I'll agree that Hex isn't terribly newbie friendly. Having experience with other TCGs helps greatly in making the transition though I'm sure people in this thread will be happy to answer your questions.
Ok, that helps. So when I shift power from one troop to another, is it only for one turn? Can the original troop still attack?
I played MTG a lot, mostly in Kamigawa and Ravnica which was like 9-8 years ago.
Are there any archetypes like Land destruction? Something like island's control countering? Swamp's re-animator?
I got the card backs at GenCon and a few other things. Really wasn't too happy with how they were doing stuff, but also not super salty about it either.
So I am 30+ games in, beat the first Frost Arena tier without a single defeat and didn't get any new cards. Should I expect to get new cards any time soon (Without buying them from the auction)? If yes, will I ever get cards that aren't MTG trash-draft tier?
I thought this game wasn't supposed to be pay to win? Even EA's Battleforge was capable of giving players common cards that were comparable against charged rares.
The short answer is no.
Then there's the fact that Cryptozoic decided that PvP cards (which comprise the majority of your deck since there's a much smaller pool of PvE cards) shouldn't be obtainable from the game itself for gold so that player's collections maintain their value. This is more in line with a MTG, but it's different from how most F2P card games work so it's going to be off-putting for a lot of people.
Thank you for your information.
The block on common pvp cards tricking down to players that don't spend money is ridiculous. Fuck you, Cryptozoid, with your value. Every MTG player accumulates boxes of commons and duplicates that have no value. I had a 8KG box of cards, useless, gave a lot away to new players in the MTG club.
I was hopping for the game that has something like a free to play model, rather than adopting 20 year old MTG mode with a discount. They were funded by community and developed a pay to win model where player who invest 100$ will beat freeloaders.
My hopes were that this is a semi-fair business model where commons and uncommons were obtained without paying $. Dailies and progressions that reward players for playing X games with usable cards/boosters. Rares, legendaries, promo, foil, full art, boosters, drafts should have been items that generated income.
Was I wrong to expect a business model that is in like with today's games? Was this advertised as a "Paid deck or brick wall" during the kickstarter?
Thank you for your information.
The block on common pvp cards tricking down to players that don't spend money is ridiculous. Fuck you, Cryptozoid, with your value. Every MTG player accumulates boxes of commons and duplicates that have no value. I had a 8KG box of cards, useless, gave a lot away to new players in the MTG club.
I was hopping for the game that has something like a free to play model, rather than adopting 20 year old MTG mode with a discount. They were funded by community and developed a pay to win model where player who invest 100$ will beat freeloaders.
My hopes were that this is a semi-fair business model where commons and uncommons were obtained without paying $. Dailies and progressions that reward players for playing X games with usable cards/boosters. Rares, legendaries, promo, foil, full art, boosters, drafts should have been items that generated income.
Was I wrong to expect a business model that is in like with today's games? Was this advertised as a "Paid deck or brick wall" during the kickstarter?
too crowded?
Thank you for your information.
The block on common pvp cards tricking down to players that don't spend money is ridiculous. Fuck you, Cryptozoid, with your value. Every MTG player accumulates boxes of commons and duplicates that have no value. I had a 8KG box of cards, useless, gave a lot away to new players in the MTG club.
I was hopping for the game that has something like a free to play model, rather than adopting 20 year old MTG mode with a discount. They were funded by community and developed a pay to win model where player who invest 100$ will beat freeloaders.
My hopes were that this is a semi-fair business model where commons and uncommons were obtained without paying $. Dailies and progressions that reward players for playing X games with usable cards/boosters. Rares, legendaries, promo, foil, full art, boosters, drafts should have been items that generated income.
Was I wrong to expect a business model that is in like with today's games? Was this advertised as a "Paid deck or brick wall" during the kickstarter?
second convocation event coming soon due to loot bugs
second convocation event coming soon due to loot bugs
Did the bug affect arena? I didn't hear what it was but I know personally the first day or 2 I got a lot of convocation packs from bonus loot chests and then never again after that. Not even when I flawlessed it so I quit doing it.
This is retarded. I couldn't fucking log onto my account for half of it so I spent plat to pick up the rest of the stuff I couldn't farm on my other account. Now there's a second fucking event. They say they need to make good with the people who missed out, but fuck the people that spent money to get these cards. Time to spam tickets until they refund me plat.
Decision has been reversed
bonus loot rolls awarded, no second event
Decision has been reversed
bonus loot rolls awarded, no second event
Did the bug affect arena? I didn't hear what it was but I know personally the first day or 2 I got a lot of convocation packs from bonus loot chests and then never again after that. Not even when I flawlessed it so I quit doing it.
started playing this today, its a blast! but its a little hard to wrap my head around how to get new cards and build decks. i guess the only way to really play is to buy some platinum. i really wanna draft, but unfortunately there is no free option.![]()
There never will be because it's the most popular format and they let you keep the cards you draft win or lose. If they did a draft where you could draft for free but no cards, that would eat way too much into their revenue as so many people just want to draft.
yeah that definitely makes sense. right now im just grinding out the arena for gold and items. im gonna try and use the gold from there to hit the AH and get new cards.
So... Campaign delayed to early 2016... Who did not see that coming.
Is there anyone left who still plays/looks forward to this game? The goodwill of backers seems to be running out and HE aren't delivering on their promises.
I almost wish that another developer would clone this concept and delivered... The 2vs2, 3vs3, Emperors and Hunts would do wonders for this type of game. HE doesn't even talk about MULTIPLAYER modes in an MMO game, all they jap about is their pro-scene, community and streamers...
i didn't kickstart the game, so i'm not as frustrated as the people who expected a MMO to be complete by now
but I still play for the PVP. it basically replaced Hearthstone for me
What do you mean "by now"? Their proposed delivery date was the end of 2013 and according to their own statements on the Kickstarter had already been in development for 2 years. The game is slowly coming together but it feels like it's going to reach Duke Nukem Forever territory before it ships.
i'm really not the best person to ask about their development schedule/process
i actually don't even know what a MMOTCG is. it just sounded like something I might like playing, so I signed up in the middle of set 1 and the MTG-like PVP has found a place in my gaming