Dusk Golem
A 21st Century Rockefeller
Definitely are able too, I stream project stuff sometimes.
Anyone know if there is a difference between making less larger maps as opposed to more smaller maps? In terms of filesize or anything?
Hm...okay. I don't want a lot of slowdown to occur by having too large of a map.A small difference, but it's very ministerial as in the end the maps are more data, and data takes up very little space. It can effect performance on that map depending on a lot of factors, but it will do very little to file size.
I think that requires scripting. I know I've seen a script for a bleed effect in particular somewhere...Anyone know how to make weapons and stuff apply negative stuff to the user? I.E. a weapon that causes bleed on enemies and the user?
99 Levels to Hell
Abyss The Wraiths of Eden
Adventure Park
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition
Alien Zombie Megadeath
Alpha Protocol
A New Beginning Final Cut
Anna Extended Edition
Anomaly Warzone Earth
Astro Tripper
Aura Fate of the Ages
The Basement Collection
Binary Domain + All DLC
Blood Knight:
Bridge Constructor
Bully Scholarship Edition
The Cat Lady
Chess The Gathering
Clive Barkers Jericho
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Uprising:
Combat Wings Battle of Britain
Condemned Criminal Origins
Croixleur Sigma
CT Special Forces
CT Special Forces Fire for Effect
Dark Fall Lost Souls
Dark Shadows Army of Evil
Day One Garry's Incident
Deadly 30
Dead Space Pack (Dead Space 1+2)
Deathtrap Dungeon
Dementium II HD
Doc Clock Sandwich of Time
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project
Edna & Harvey Harvey's New Eyes
Enslaved Odyssey to the West Premium Edition
Face Noir
Fallout New Vegas
The First Templar
The Forest
Fortix 2
FTL Faster Than Light
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD
Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams
Gray Matter
Guardians of Middle-Earth & Smaug's Treasure DLC
Guilty Gear Isuka
Gun Metal
Gun Monkeys
Half Minute Hero
Hard Reset Extended Edition
Hotel Collector's Edition:
How to Survive
Huntsman The Orphanage
Infinite Space III Sea of Stars
Inquisitor Deluxe Edition
Ion Assault
Jack Lumber
Jet Set Radio
Jets'n'Guns Gold
Journey Down Deep
Journey of a Roach
LA Noire Complete
Legend of Dungeon
Little Inferno
Little Racers STREET
The Longest Journey
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Max Payne 3 & Rockstar Season Pass
Metal Planet
Metro 2033, Risen, & Sacred Citadel (One Key)
Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion
Midnight Club II
Not The Robots
Party of Sin
Planets Under Attack
Rescue Everday Heroes US Edition
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil Revelations
Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken
Rock of Ages
Rune Classic
Sanctum 2
Sang-Froid Tales of Werewolves
Serious Sam 3 BFE
Space Trader Merchant Marine
Spec-Ops The Line
Strategic War in Europe
State of Decay
Street Racing Syndicate
Strike Suit Zero
Subject 9
Super Killer Hornet Resurrection
Survivor Squad
Syberia II
Thief Gold
Thief II The Metal Age
Thief Deadly Shadows
Tobe's Vertical Adventure
Tower Wars
Unearthed Trail of Ibn Battuta Episode 1 Gold Edition
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
Velvet Assassin
Wanderlust: Rebirth
Weird Worlds Return to Infinite Space
White Noise Online
Woodle Tree Adventures
Zach Zero
Zeno Clash 2
We'll have to see, but I have a good feeling. I'm interested to see and play people's games, and I know I'll have a small something.I wonder if there will even be thirteen finished entries? If anyone isn't able to finish their game on time, they should probably submit it anyway.
I wonder if there will even be thirteen finished entries? If anyone isn't able to finish their game on time, they should probably submit it anyway.
I wonder if there will even be thirteen finished entries? If anyone isn't able to finish their game on time, they should probably submit it anyway.
I haven't been thinking this way and I feel like my game is going to crush me beneath its ambition. But I'm determined to get it finished, so I'll definitely be there at the finish lineHaving attempted RPG Maker games before and failed, that's something I've been extremely cognizant about right from the beginning.
My game is specifically designed around my very limited time schedule and the fact that if I get too ambitious it won't get finished. That is, every choice I made was weighed with a "Can I actually finish this in the time limit" follow-up question.
But that doesn't mean it will be bad...I'm taking a very...unique approach with my game that I can't wait to share. ;-)
I hope any Junior Member who joined GAF to participate in this competition has done so already, because a Junior Member that joins GAF from now on will no longer be eligible for the $100 grand prize because of the "GAF Members only" clause.
Remember, the deadline to become a regular GAF Member is September 11th at 11:59 PM PST.
I've barely worked on my game, because honestly I don't really have any interesting gameplay mechanics or story. I need something to keep my interest.
Meh. I'm not even sure I care about that anymore since it requires spamming posts since I don't particularly like posting, as I'm a bit of a nobody. But, still good to know for the others.
I worked backwards. It needs to be short, and work within the engine. So, assuming it's an RPG, how does a short RPG work? That figured out the limitations, and then constructing a narrative that enforced those walls on a logical basis fell in place.
...It's three months from now.
You have 172 posts. You need 300 to be a regular member.
All you have to do is make at least two posts a day and you'll be fine. I'm not sure two posts a day is exactly "spamming."![]()
3rd tab. "Character ___ is facing ___." Player, then your direction. Then just make sure your actual opening part of the event is within the conditional branch and not elsewhere.
I've barely worked on my game, because honestly I don't really have any interesting gameplay mechanics or story. I need something to keep my interest.
Working on the cliche forest level now, and it is both the most fun I've had painting a map and the most frustrating. Hope everyone is doing well!
In regards to ideas:
I have one and tried to make it work, realised it was too far beyond my ability, so want back and just casually worked through some tutorials with daft placeholder characters. Strangely, the laid back approach created something I wanted to work with and expand.
I'm not saying that'll work for others, but sometimes when you're dead set on something you're afraid to to take a risk to make it work, as you don't want to spoil any vision you have. Yet, if you just let it all out and go with the flow you sometimes things fall into place.
So I'm still in the writing/planning phase of development (need to get my ass in gear), but I just needed to ask people familiar with RM whether some things are even feasible without heavy coding:
1) Is there a fairly easy way to make a "lost woods" style area where the background music gets louder on one side of the map than the others?
MULTIPLIER = 10 #for every 1 tile away, volume is decreased by MULTIPLIER
BGM_TO_PLAY = 'Field1' #BGM to play
BGM_PITCH = 100 #pitch the BGM plays at
x = ($game_player.x - $game_map.events[event_id].x)**2
y = ($game_player.y - $game_map.events[event_id].y)**2
volume = 100 - (Math.sqrt(x + y) * MULTIPLIER)
volume < 0 ? volume = 0 : volume = volume.round
RPG::BGM.new(BGM_TO_PLAY, volume, BGM_PITCH).play
IN OTHER REGARDS does anyone know how to handle modular arithmetic in this? for variables anyway?
How many people are in the contest so far? Anyone keeping track?
Also, are you all using stock art or making your own?
The stock art is pretty good and you can find a lot of other peoples sprites and tilesets online as well. Just give them credit at the end.How many people are in the contest so far? Anyone keeping track?
Also, are you all using stock art or making your own?
Most are using stock or online (and that's fine, it's a-okay, allowed in this contest, and not all are artists), but I know that at least legacyzero and I are doing original art.
How many people are in the contest so far? Anyone keeping track?
Also, are you all using stock art or making your own?
I'm not sure what this sentence means.To be seen, it'll be interesting to see the games people made and how many get sent, but I'm more interested in games people sent, not how many get sent in the end.
I don't really think it clashes with the artstyle of the tile sets, if that's what you mean.psychedelico said:I'm more used to tinkering with visual novels, so I'm also considering attempting visnovel-style conversation pictures, but I'm not sure if that's a bit too anime or not, haha.
How many people are in the contest so far? Anyone keeping track?
Also, are you all using stock art or making your own?
I might jump in for this contest after all. I've put over 40 hours in in the past couple of weeks, and the thread is a great motivator. Is there any sort of pre-registration, or do I simply need to submit my entry before the August deadline?
I'm still not sure if I'm diligent enough to finish something for this competition, but I've been lurking in the thread and tinkering around, so I figured I might as well speak up to try and motivate myself, haha. It's always really nerve-wracking showing off stuff!
This is my first time using Rpgmaker and I'm not much good at programming or combat design, so I wanted to focus on making something simple and nice to look at. My goal is all custom tilesets and art assets! I guess I'm aiming for a surreal-horror look?
I'm more used to tinkering with visual novels, so I'm also considering attempting visnovel-style conversation pictures, but I'm not sure if that's a bit too anime or not, haha.
I'm not sure what this sentence means.
How many people are in the contest so far? Anyone keeping track?
Also, are you all using stock art or making your own?
I'm still not sure if I'm diligent enough to finish something for this competition, but I've been lurking in the thread and tinkering around, so I figured I might as well speak up to try and motivate myself, haha. It's always really nerve-wracking showing off stuff!