
Graphics by Kindekuma! Big thanks!

Developed by: Arzest
Published by: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Release Dates: July 13, 2017 (JP) | July 28, 2017 (NA/PAL)
Genre: 2D Dual-Screen Exploration Puzzler aka Pikmin Pocket Murder Sim
Stereoscopic 3D: No
amiibo: Yes
New Nintendo 3DS enhanced: no? (game runs a little better)
Multiplayer: No
Demo: Yes (EU) | (NA) |
eShop download file size in blocks: ????? blocks
Game Download/Official Site: Europe | North America | Japan
Game manual PDF: English | Japanese
Reviews: Here

Guess what! Olimar got shipwrecked again! No way, you say? Yes way! And he meets Pikmin on this curiously unexplored planet! And he has to collect random trash from the world to repair his ship! 30k Sparklium Seeds are needed to fix up his trash can of a ship. Wowza. Are you up for this? Ready to get the death wails of the cute little carrot creatures stuck in your ears again as you flail them at blobby bugs and whatever environmental hazards you might come across? Then buckle up!

Okay, get this. It's basically Pikmin in 2D but without the crazy multitasking and oh my stars, the sun is setting! It's a sidescrolling, two-screen-spanning, touch-controlled, linear level-based exploration puzzle game with some mild platforming thrown in for good measure. Bite-sized levels, lots of stuff to collect, wildlife to avoid, you know the drill.
You play this on the bottom-screen, by the way. With the touch-screen. Yup, like a DS game. Stuff happens spanning both screens, hence no 3D!

This is your squad.
Red Pikmin, likes it hot, fights dirty.
Yellow Pikmin, likes to get high, digs the electric bogaloo.
Blue Pikmin, never gets sad, loves to bathe in your salty tears.
Rock Pikmin, smash.
Flying Pikmin, they so fly.
Olimar whistles when he wants his little moneymakers to come back and hand over their profits.
Any of them you bring home after a hard day's work will hang out in your Pikmin Park and literally dig for more scraps. They love it.

You can tap amiibo from the Super Mario Collection, Splatoon Collection and Animal Crossing Collection on the world map to unlock statues to collect during bonus levels. You'll receive 200 Sparklium Seeds for each statue you collect!

Lift-Off Trailer
Introduction Trailer
Launch Trailer (NA)
Launch Trailer (EU)
Helper Trailer
Item Log Description Compilation Project