kaching said:C'mon, with all the titles Universal just unleashed on HD-DVD this week? How could this be true?
kaching said:C'mon, with all the titles Universal just unleashed on HD-DVD this week? How could this be true?
M3Freak said:I have the first PotC movie on DVD. I think the second one, as well. I'll be buying the third one, if it's as excellent as the first two, on BD.
I say again: I refuse to re-buy any of our DVD movies on BD. No WAY I'm wasting my money on stupid shit like that.
bbyybb said:*if* it is true, then it is great news for the blu-ray camp.
We all know how some rumours can get out of control, remember the hd-dvd walmart rumour....
alterego said:I've been away - what was the final story with that?
DarkJediKnight said:This is massive news, and if true would end the format war RIGHT NOW!
Translated from German.
2Qr. said:lol,so Pioneer announces that Universal is going Neutral :lol
OMG lool German pioneer:lolThe Main Event said:No no no. You got it all wrong.
German Pioneer representatives confirm Universal is going neutral :lol
DarkJediKnight said:Reading from AVS, apparently Universal had a performance clause for 1 year in their contract with Toshiba from the launch - that just passed. We can only assume bad sales and incompatible HDI stuff (Children of Men etc...) would play a part.
Second said:There's no need for HD-DVD when Universal goes neutral.![]()
distantmantra said:Tell that to the Weinstein Company and Bandai Visual.
Something isnt' right when BV is releasing their upcoming titles on Blu Ray and HD-DVD in Japan, but only HD-DVD in North America...
distantmantra said:Tell that to the Weinstein Company and Bandai Visual.
Something isnt' right when BV is releasing their upcoming titles on Blu Ray and HD-DVD in Japan, but only HD-DVD in North America...
Suikoguy said:You keep telling yourself that, those two (actually one) are not enough to allow HD-DVD to survive and you know it.
teiresias said:Some films have different distributers in different countries, hence the HD-DVD / Blu-Ray releases being sometimes different across regions.
distantmantra said:I'm not an HD-DVD supporter, I was being sarcastic.
Suikoguy said:Sarcasm failed![]()
M3Freak said:I have the first PotC movie on DVD. I think the second one, as well. I'll be buying the third one, if it's as excellent as the first two, on BD.
I say again: I refuse to re-buy any of our DVD movies on BD. No WAY I'm wasting my money on stupid shit like that.
Kolgar said:Well this whole thing is a laugh riot and a rollercoaster ride. But let's throttle back a bit and wait for confirmation, yes? I'd love an end to the format war too, but I haven't seen anything we can hang our hats on just yet.
I love the smell of FUD in the morning, hehehe.
VanMardigan said:We'll see what happens. If true, though, I don't see me keeping the 360 add-on for much longer. I love HD DvD, but with no exclusive studios, I'd probably be better off with Blu Ray. Which means I'd need to buy a Ps3.![]()
Ignatz Mouse said:That's a GOOD thing!
I'm not saying this is true or not, but it always makes sense to sell titles for a format that is outperforming the format you are currently supporting. What doesn't make sense is Universal's decision to continue support for a format that they expect to be outperformed for at least the rest of the year.Alcibiades said:Universal may eventually decide to release titles on Blu-ray, but it wouldn't make sense to do it this year. Ken Graffeo has already said that they expect Blu-ray to continue to outsell HD DVD yet will remain in the HD DVD camp.
distantmantra said:Tell that to the Weinstein Company and Bandai Visual.
Something isnt' right when BV is releasing their upcoming titles on Blu Ray and HD-DVD in Japan, but only HD-DVD in North America...
Kintaro said:Right now, BV isn't right at all in the eyes of the fans. Period. After the two PatLabor movies and GunBuster, their DVD price points for GunBuster 2, Wings of Rean, Enma, and Galaxy Angel Rune are just disgustingly high. Freedom will be on HD-DVD/DVD dual format only, which is also going to kill them. These releases will crash and burn, despite their quality (which is, admittedly very, very high quality).
Studios are going to look at their marketshare relative to the whole HD market, not whether a particular format is outselling another format. Even if Blu-ray software was outselling HD DVD software 10-1, Universal would probably be concerned about their marketshare relative to Sony, Warner, etc... (and this is years down the road, not this or next year when volumes are so low it doesn't make much difference overall). Bigger hits and more software on Blu-ray might help it sell more software, but it's not gonna help Universal substantially just by default neutral support. If Universal's theatrical releases are blowing while Fox, Sony, and Disney are doing great and in turn helping Blu-ray, it's not really gonna help Universal all that much to release on Blu-ray, since their movies aren't as popular anyway (at least the past year or so).Chemo said:I'm not saying this is true or not, but it always makes sense to sell titles for a format that is outperforming the format you are currently supporting. What doesn't make sense is Universal's decision to continue support for a format that they expect to be outperformed for at least the rest of the year.
That's a lot of spin, man. Software sales should be a motivator for Universal... if there are more people buying Blu-ray discs, then they're more than likely willing to add Universal releases into their purchasing habits if and when they become available. Businesses don't make money by settling on what they have, they make money by expanding and going after larger audiences. To use your own example somewhat, Universal going neutral and making Blu-ray discs would be like Capcom making Devil May Cry 4 multiplatform -- a really damn good move to avoid missing out on a huge piece of the market.Alcibiades said:Studios are going to look at their marketshare relative to the whole HD market, not whether a particular format is outselling another format. Even if Blu-ray software was outselling HD DVD software 10-1, Universal would probably be concerned about their marketshare relative to Sony, Warner, etc... (and this is years down the road, not this or next year when volumes are so low it doesn't make much difference overall). Bigger hits and more software on Blu-ray might help it sell more software, but it's not gonna help Universal substantially just by default neutral support. If Universal's theatrical releases are blowing while Fox, Sony, and Disney are doing great and in turn helping Blu-ray, it's not really gonna help Universal all that much to release on Blu-ray, since their movies aren't as popular anyway (at least the past year or so).
Since many early adopters own both formats, and since the hardware market is moving towards dual-format devices (and moreso once players and PC drives become cheaper), it's quite possible that Universal might be able to reach a wide audience without ever releasing on Blu-ray.
Think of it this way, suppose RE5 was exclusive to 360 and Capcom expected to sell 1 million copies. Would Capcom care that they could sell 500,000 of RE5 on 360 and 500,000 on PS3 if overall software sales were 10-1 in favor of PS3? That's an extreme madeup example, and obviously their are many HD DVD and Blu-ray owners that only own one format right now, but I just wanted to point out that software sales wouldn't necessarily be a motivator for Universal is their titles still performed strongly on HD DVD.
Suikoguy said:The bigger question, if this happens, will Alcibiades still be alive to post?