Ignatz Mouse
VanMardigan said:It's no sillier than folks spending money to get portable dvd players or watching their dvd's on their laptop. If you own HD DVD movies, why wouldn't you want your next laptop to be able to play them (in addition to your SD DVD's)?
And about Bill Hunt, I don't see the point of his article. "HAY GUYS, I PICK BLU RAY" months after people who read his site already knew that. A revelation that really wasn't.
The silly part isn't wanting to watch your HD-DVDs on the go-- that makes perfect sense. it's the inclusion of a drive in every laptop with that as a the justification. It's just not that big a market at all, as many pro-HD-DVD people keep reminding us.
As far as Bill Hunt-- a perfectly level-headed summary of a position in reaction to a very very silly AICN article, and here, the HD-DVD crowd puts down the reasonable response. Typical. Somehow, having an opinion on the format wars invalidates your opinion on the format wars-- that's what I'm hearing. Oh, that makes perfet sense.