Ignatz Mouse
Captive, give it up. He already explained that he sold the PS3 at a slight profit, and that the movie playback wasn't worth the price he paid/got.
Read the thread.
Read the thread.
I never contradicted myself once in this thread.captive said:news flash. YOU ALREADY OWNED IT.
Thats like me selling my brand new polk floorstanding and bookshelf speakers that im going to use for 7.1 because i want 7.1 surround sound and then coming in here and saying HAY GUYS, I WANT 7.1 BUT I JUST SOLD THE 6 SPEAKERS I JUST BOUGHT AND THAT I WAS GOING TO USE FOR 7.1. Yea there would be quite a few people calling me an idiot too.
How do you not see why people are having a problem with you?
YOU ALREADY PAID FOR A HIGH DEF PLAYER, and to top it off, you come into the "blu-ray/HD DVD: blu-ray takeover watch ask which format is selling better then when people tell you, you call them sony trolls in the "blu-ray takeover watch thread" AND THEN, as if you hadnt proved your self lacking in the intelligence department enough as it is, you then state that you want an HD DVD player, and couple that statement that you dont want to spend money on a format that has a good chance to fail.
Contradict yourself less, maybe people will take you seriously. Maybe you should keep drinking, at least you didnt contradict yourself in your last sentence, although i have no idea where you plan on picking up a 90 dollar hd dvd drive to addon to a 360, but whatever.
SanjuroTsubaki said:I never contradicted myself once in this thread.
I also didn't buy a BluRay player I purchased a Playstation 3 game console.
I also never asked which one was in the lead, I asked for numbers after hearing HD was picking up a little speed (which it has) in the following few months but it is still not very
Also your analogy makes no sense. We are talking about two different formats sporting several different exclusive titles on each others format.
Also you are a sad Sony trolll. This thread is here for HD video discussion and on the war. I came in here not flaming or saying anything bad about either format. Maybe you should read my steamy erotic encounter with both formats a page or two back.
At least some people are rationalizing what I'm saying. If 360 had a BluRay addon and the PS3 had HDDVD I would have my situation reversed. I think both formats are fantastic and that its a shame this war is going to go on for some time.Ignatz Mouse said:Captive, give it up. He already explained that he sold the PS3 at a slight profit, and that the movie playback wasn't worth the price he paid/got.
Read the thread.
SanjuroTsubaki said:My only true knock against Sony's BluRay is that its Sony. I'm not a big fan of buying porn movies, but I don't like the idea of Sony controlling the medium with what they think should and shouldn't be on it. If sometime down the road people bootleg it (ala Nintendo. Bible Adventures/Tengen) will be intresting to see.
Ok. Last I heard it had somthing to do with the patent that nobody else could duplicate. But I didn't think of evntual coming of mass BluRay burners which anyone could easily eBay a HK version of almost anything.Ryu1999 said:They don't, too much FUD out there. The whole porn thing needs to be aired out (again: Sony only had a say in preventing porn from being pressed at their fabricators. obviously it hasn't stopped Vivid from putting out the Blu-ray version of Debbie Does Dallas or whatever
SanjuroTsubaki said:My only true knock against Sony's BluRay is that its Sony. I'm not a big fan of buying porn movies, but I don't like the idea of Sony controlling the medium with what they think should and shouldn't be on it. If sometime down the road people bootleg it (ala Nintendo. Bible Adventures/Tengen) will be intresting to see.
SanjuroTsubaki said:I never contradicted myself once in this thread.
I also didn't buy a BluRay player I purchased a Playstation 3 game console.
SanjuroTsubaki said:My only true knock against Sony's BluRay is that its Sony. I'm not a big fan of buying porn movies, but I don't like the idea of Sony controlling the medium with what they think should and shouldn't be on it. If sometime down the road people bootleg it (ala Nintendo. Bible Adventures/Tengen) will be intresting to see.
HAHAHAHA I'm seriously getting a kick out of you fools. This is pretty pathetic defense force right here.Onix said:1) The porn thing isn't even true ... it's FUD.
2) You just admitted you are a troll and wonder why people are telling you to stfu?!?
Oh yeah ... stfu
kaching said:Not quite. A significant difference between the Betamax vs VHS faceoff and this one is that there was no existing market for prerecorded video content then, but there's obviously a huge market for it now. There isn't nearly the same kind of pioneering effort required here, esp. when you can piggyback on market progress thus far via backward compatability and a host of established business models.
SanjuroTsubaki said:My only true knock against Sony's BluRay is that its Sony. I'm not a big fan of buying porn movies, but I don't like the idea of Sony controlling the medium with what they think should and shouldn't be on it. If sometime down the road people bootleg it (ala Nintendo. Bible Adventures/Tengen) will be intresting to see.
SanjuroTsubaki said:Ok. Last I heard it had somthing to do with the patent that nobody else could duplicate. But I didn't think of evntual coming of mass BluRay burners which anyone could easily eBay a HK version of almost anything.
SanjuroTsubaki said:My only true knock against Sony's BluRay is that its Sony.
Knew I should have taken advantage of this yesterday.jjasper said:
fossen said:Knew I should have taken advantage of this yesterday.![]()
Like I said before I'm baffled by this whole demeanor of people.StoOgE said:Captive has this interesting way of trying to invalidate opinions. Its really kinda fun to watch.
SanjuroTsubaki said:Like I said before I'm baffled by this whole demeanor of people.
I never said I hated Sony as well. Nintendo did the same practice during the NES days and when I read about it I felt the same way. I don't think any type of support should be blocked from a mainstream format. Now I know why I have all those ugly black cartridges. =(
My only true knock against Sony's BluRay is that its Sony.
You didn't read the quote you posted first apparently.djkimothy said:Can you explain this?
heavy liquid said:
SanjuroTsubaki said:You didn't read the quote you posted first apparently.
If I disagree with a companies policy on somthing like that who is to blame? It would be....Sony?
I already stated in 2-4 or so posts that I was misinformed and followed up..Crayon Shinchan said:Sure, Sony doesn't replicate porn in Blu-ray. But you may also want to blame yourself for been misinformed; they don't ban any other replicators from pressing porno discs; they as a company simply control what they can within their own boundaries. They don't make unilateral decisions for the rest of the BDA.
Compared to Universal's ploy* to milk the crap out of HD-DVD supporters, before ditching it so they can double dip in a new market, that kinda stuff seems pretty mild IMO.
*of course, you'll never get an official word or confirmation until it happens; but if you assume Universal are rational agents, then this is probably the most reasonable explanation of why they're doing what they're doing.
SanjuroTsubaki said:I already stated in 2-4 or so posts that I was misinformed and followed up..
You didn't read the quote you posted first apparently.
If I disagree with a companies policy on somthing like that who is to blame? It would be....Sony?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolIgnatz Mouse said:Sanjuro, you're officially an ass.
You're miliking the "poor me I was victimized when I asked an innocent question" thing and yet you're just trolling. Fools like you, I have no time for. I'm sorry I ever bothered to explain to the bait-able what you were getting at originally.
Just **** off.
holy shit! :lolCrayon Shinchan said:With this?
So you know you're wrong. You just don't care.
SanjuroTsubaki said:You guys are something else. This is great. It would be more entertaining for me if I actually hated a particular format...but what do I know you all make the decisions.
holy shit! :lol
SanjuroTsubaki said:Seriously look at this?! Incredible. I post information I heard a while ago that doesn't impact my BluRay choice and post a reply stating I was misinformed.
Then i get this...
OMFG!#>? Ppost teh NUB pics! HE thREW AWAyz his PS3 becauzer if the LULZ.Q
I have a FAMILY to support! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolIgnatz Mouse said:Who said you hated a format? You're just a trolling ass. "You guys are wack! I'm just a victim here!"
jjasper said:I have decided that this thread is sucking right now
Hey. I'm THAT guy!The Main Event said:This thread became this just because one guy decided that he wanted to sell his PS3 and get the HD DVD add-on.
The Main Event said:This thread became this just because one guy decided that he wanted to sell his PS3 and get the HD DVD add-on.
The Main Event said:This thread became this just because one guy decided that he wanted to sell his PS3 and get the HD DVD add-on.
The Sony BDP-S300 has been spotted at Tech Depot (Office Depot's Retail Outlet) for $425. Being that a reputable retailer is slashing so much off the MSRP, it bodes well that other retailers will follow suit.
Amazon has the closest competition to this player on the HD DVD side, the Toshiba HD-A20, for $385.
Alright I'm going to try and calm down from all this laughter again...djkimothy said:It's the reasoning that doesn't make sense and has flame bait written all over it. I can use that term here can i?
The Main Event said:This thread became this just because one guy decided that he wanted to sell his PS3 and get the HD DVD add-on.
buy TMNT on HD-DVD, dude, It's up to you, just don't talk about it here, or you'll be killed instantly cause you're buying an HD-DVD movie.SanjuroTsubaki said:Alright I'm going to try and calm down from all this laughter again...
There is nothing wrong with the reasoning. I had a good friend, he wanted a PS3, I had a PS3 that has been barely used, sold it to him, TMNT is coming out on all formats, I want to buy a HD device to watch it, I'll also be able to use HDDVD on my Mac or PC.
**** I might even get a PS3 again. I'm not opposed to it. However there are no games coming out soon that intrest me. 360 has everything I want to play in the next several months. I liked the PS3 and its potential....but it was grey with dust not shiny black anymore so did a friend a favor. Seriously all this flaming I got is simply because I wanted to get TMNT. I'm so sorry.
rubso said:buy TMNT on HD-DVD, dude, It's up to you, just don't talk about it here, or you'll be killed instantly cause you're buying an HD-DVD movie.
methane47 said:I think it's more because the reasoning is just retarded.... It doesn't make any sense.. and the more he tries to explain himself .. the less sense it holds..
In fact I doubt the guy ever had a ps3.... Or maybe he's one of those people that bought a PS3 and bashed it for its inability to play HD-DVD's
Ignatz Mouse said:The flurry isn't because of what Sajuro decided (which asd I see, was rational at one level) but rather his umbrage at the response.
GO figure people with more interest in the format consider that an unwise decision. Live with it, Sanjuro, but give up the innocent puppy act.
djkimothy said:Time to get on track...
I wasn't going to post this as this is more anedoctal and it comes from AVS but the Sony BDP-3000 has been spotted at TechDepot for $425.
wait, I want to watch HD-DVDs, what should i do, Ignatz?Ignatz Mouse said:More "poor me" talk....
Oh, Rubso.... no more PBF gifs about how abused you are? Too many tears to use photoshop?
If HD-DVD's marketing is targeting whiners, I'm surprised they are doing better in the market.
SanjuroTsubaki said:However there are no games coming out soon that intrest me.
I have no idea when it will come out. But you can be guarenteed that I will be purchasing a PS3 with that title. If I purchased a HD-DVD add-on would be sold shortly after or at same time.Crayon Shinchan said:Didn't you buy a PS3 for MGS4? Fair enough you did your friend a favour, but mate; inconsistencies like that is what stirs shit up. You say you bought it for MGS4, then turn around and say, there's nothing coming out that interests you. AFAIK, MGS4 is still scheduled for a 2007 release.
rubso said:wait, I want to watch HD-DVDs, what should i do, Ignatz?