On the flip side, I've unfollowed and blocked anywhere that is not covering this game without a good reason to, for example simply not interested in HP?, thats fine its not for everyone, I'm not keen on LotR so don't really play those games, but not playing cause of JK Rowling, well then I want nothing to do with your view either as you've just told me I should be dictated to what media I can or cannot consumeI feel it's a real shame a large swath of games media aren't even willing to give this game a shot. It's a really well made game so far and I think there would be interesting conversations to have about how it handled it's IP compared to games like Star Wars Battlefront and Gotham Knights (bad examples but you get the idea). Is Digital Foundry skipping coverage too?
DF are not immune, if they do not cover this at all, I'll find some other channel covering analysis instead