I'm in love with this game. I can't wait to come home from work today and just chill all weekend playing it.
The map, or at least what I've seen of it so far, is amazing and gorgeous. I've been reading these books since 1997. For a few years until the movies came out all I had was my imagination of what Hogwarts, the grounds, hogsmeade, etc look like. The movies done a great job of showing what everything looked like and made me see the world differently when I read the books.
While I also loved the movies they felt a bit disjointed and inconsistent in regards to the look and placement of everything. The first two movies are kinda their own thing but with the 3rd movie a lot changes and Hogwarts get a redesign. The grounds change significantly. We get to see Hogsmeade but not a lot of time is spent there and it doesn't really show you how the students get there. You don't really have a good sense of how far or close it is from the castle.
When I walked outside the castle to go to Hogsmeade the environment blew my mind. It's so well put together and feels so accurate, believable and alive. You can tell Avalanche paid close attention to the books and they've, in my opinion, made the best adaption of Hogwarts yet. Far better than the movies. Again I'm only talking about the map here and I know I'm still at the start of the game.
Walking through Hogwarts is like a dream come true. It's all well designed and put together. When reading the books and to some extent watching the movies Hogwarts feels like a basic castle that happens to a school. Playing the game you are seeing magical stuff everywhere. So many things catch your attention. Paintings moving, statues moving or talking, plants changing shapes, books flying around. It's breath taking. The castle is so well designed that you can tell this is an ancient school with lots of history and we are always told how Hogwarts is the greatest magical school in the world and I can really believe it.
I never expected the game to be this good. As a HP fan I'm seriously impressed how well they've brought Hogwarts alive.