Not gonna lie if WB rebooted Harry Potter as a big budget HBO Max series using the Hogwarts and everything from the game, I'd be so down.
Everything is definitely more accurate to the books and the castle itself is freaking amazing!
If HBO made a HP series now, Hermione would be black, Sirius would be gay, and one of the characters would turn out to have been trans all along (maybe Draco lol). Oh, and there would definitely be flashbacks showing Grindelwald and Dumbledore making out with each other, TLoU style. Thankfully, since JKR is persona non grata now, neither HBO nor anyone else in Hollywood will touch the Harry Potter IP for the foreseeable future, thus keeping our childhood memories safe.
Not a story spoiler, just a big ass image.
Imagine if the game allowed you to date your hot teacher, like in Persona 5? Oh, what could’ve been…