I've now 100% completed the game on both
PS5 (my original character) and
Xbox Series X (the character my wife designed). The mere fact that I finished the game to completion and then immediately wanted to replay it already puts it in the top 5% of my games. The only games in the last 10 or so years where I've done the same has been the Mass Effect trilogy and Horizon Zero Dawn.
If I had to levy any complaints about the game, it's that using the Unforgivables doesn't amount to much. I didn't want a full blown morality system but the fact that there's no consequence to using them
whatsoever kinda kills the whole mood of them being "unforgiveable" -- especially in light of Sebastian's character arc. The most you'll get when using them around companions is single lines of disapproval. Professor Fig, for example, just simply says "Let's not travel down
that path, shall we?" or Natty Osai says "I do not like it when you do that". Since using them has no impact on the course of events of the game so you might as well just use them in your normal spell rotation. Especially Crucio, which is probably the second best crowd control spell in the game behind transfiguration -- but you get Crucio
much earlier than transfig.
Another, but far more nit-picky, complaint is the way all collection chests are randomized. On my PS5 character, I didn't see the Christmas Tree or Jack O Lanterns until damn near the end of the game. On my Xbox Series X character, I got the Christmas Tree in the third chest I opened, and the Jack O Lanterns about a dozen chests after that. Some randomness is okay but I wish there had been some that weren't random and easily repeatable, especially given the seasons within the game.
Ravenclaw fellow is going to end up dating Poppy Sweeting. I can just tell.
Late edit:
I forgot to mention that I love how the first major milestone mission is affected by your house. I've only seen Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff so I don't know what Slytherin and Gryffindor have. Ravenclaw's was kinda meh -- a rather predictable mission involving puzzles. But Hufflepuff's was fantastic. Anyone sleeping on Hufflepuff is missing an amazing mission.