Blanc website - some new screenshots.
Is Sega Hard Girls A) officially subtitled B) any good? I bought the nendo saturn (but not the bigger figure yet) and have never seen the show.
A - Funimation and Crunchyroll had it.
A - Funimation and Crunchyroll had it.
B - Not really, it was a bit of fluff that mostly existed to showcase a few specific Sega games. It started with beloved older titles and then quickly devolved into stealth marketing with a focus on Border Break, PSO2 and such.
amiami exclusive LED base/paperweight. [...] I hope it's cool, they don't have a picture of it.
first run copies have a code that unlocks her and I assume she'll be paid dlc laterPlayable? Or just a summon ala Valkyrie Profile?
Playable? Or just a summon ala Valkyrie Profile?
Did some googling and seems we'll get something like this. I'm personally not too keen on the base.
yo gust is playable in yoru no nai kuni, christ how can this game get any better
Just finished the Conquest End in Re;Birth 2. That was...interesting.
It was not at all what I was expecting. I knew it would be dark, but for some reason I had it in my head that it was going to be a "bad end" where the villains won or something like that. That was a seriously depressing story. The craziest part, I think, was when Nepgear murdered Underling. I just had to stare at the screen for a moment when that happened. The rest I saw coming pretty easily, but that? Plus the "I should have done that long ago" one-liner? Dang.
Anyway, I enjoyed it in its own way. I think just one more playthrough for me, to get the true end, then I'll have to be done with Neptunia for a while. The games are fun, but I started Re;Birth 2 immediately after Re;Birth 1, and I'm a bit burned out on these games at the moment. I definitely will play Re;Birth 3, but I'll probably wait until I've cleared another couple games from my backlog first. In the meantime, I guess it's on to grinding Lily Ranks.
Ending spoilers of course:I mean, it really is a bad end where the villians basically win if you pay attention to Arfoire's words, it's just even grimmer than most. I thought the Underling thing was pretty perfect actually. "I should have done that a long time ago" for real. I think it's quite well written though I really wish fans wouldn't constantly latch on to it and stuff. The fan art and stuff is really gross. But I think it's really the best they've ever done at integrating any kind of serious or relevant message into story stuff, I wouldn't mind storylines going more closely to real life stuff like how the conquest ending tackles a potential "one console future" as opposed to the standard vague allusions to piracy and the enemies are otherwise just random assholes. Though game 3 does some alright'll see eventually.
Nothing wrong with taking a break, the games aren't going anywhere (the limited editions are though). I'm going to try and finish some other stuff before finishing up Rebirth 3 and platinuming Victory 2 myself. And even then I have Noire to go back to and Neptunia 1 if I ever run out of games and feel brave.
Everything is terrible.Wing Purple Heart revealed at Wonderfest (unpainted proto only). Don't get TOO excited, Wing royally fucked up the face on their LAST purple heart figure. It's kind of ridiculous if we're getting ANOTHER purple heart, from the SAME manufacturer, before Vert and Blanc, unless they have them too.
Everything is glorious. I'd probably rather have Blanc in her regular outfit, but her school look's good too.Tappy i have good news
Wing Purple Heart revealed at Wonderfest (unpainted proto only). Don't get TOO excited, Wing royally fucked up the face on their LAST purple heart figure. It's kind of ridiculous if we're getting ANOTHER purple heart, from the SAME manufacturer, before Vert and Blanc, unless they have them too.
Sculpt looks awful, this is going to be on par with Uni/Nepgear. I still have hopes that Broccoli's casual clothing Neptune figure will be good.Wing Purple Heart revealed at Wonderfest (unpainted proto only). Don't get TOO excited, Wing royally fucked up the face on their LAST purple heart figure. It's kind of ridiculous if we're getting ANOTHER purple heart, from the SAME manufacturer, before Vert and Blanc, unless they have them too.
Tappy i have good news
Tappy i have good news
They should just make the other characters into Nendos/Figmas. I love my Nep Nendo and want all the others!
Sculpt looks awful, this is going to be on par with Uni/Nepgear. I still have hopes that Broccoli's casual clothing Neptune figure will be good.
Even better news, Plum is a fairly decent manufacturer so this has a chance of being good.
So many goddamn nendos at wonderfest, they really need to at least finish the main goddesses as nendos
We need the regular goddesses and then we NEED the CPU forms, too! If the idol games get ALL the characters, then surely Neptune can too!(So many idol characters... so so many...)
Hey quick question with Neptunia U: when starting a new game it asks if I wanted to pick the CPU or Candidate path and that I could "pick the other later". I started with the CPUs and then the sisters' portion came right after and I got a "new game" trophy for both. Are they really different story modes or was it just who you wanted to play with first?
Either way, having fun with it as something differentEspecially since it's a fairly quick game with one ending (I believe?).
It's just which tutorial chapter you start with basically, and yeah one ending.
It's just which tutorial chapter you start with basically, and yeah one ending.
Blanc website updated with Plutia and Peashy, as well as some info about the OP theme:
Uh, if I'm reading this page right, it would appear Neptunia VII is getting DLC characters completely separate from the collaborations. They appear to beUmio(Seaman/fish) and the Nepugya Chirper character?
Uh, if I'm reading this page right, it would appear Neptunia VII is getting DLC characters completely separate from the collaborations. They appear to beUmio(Seaman/fish) and the Nepugya Chirper character?
On second reading I apparently made a mistake.
Apparently the character I thought of has a different name in Japan (Nepugima), which coincidentally is localized as Nepugia.
So this one might just be...uh...a robot? Or that weird face Nepgear makes when she's surprised? Basically lower your expectations to palette swap levels.
For those that dont know, HyperDimension Neptunia rebirth 1 is on this weeks humble bundle japan addition if you pay 10$ or more. Im playing it on vita with a lent copy atm, or else I would of bought.
How are the PC ports compared to the Vita ones?
On second reading I apparently made a mistake.
Apparently the character I thought of has a different name in Japan (Nepugima), which coincidentally is localized as Nepugia.
So this one might just be...uh...a robot? Or that weird face Nepgear makes when she's surprised? Basically lower your expectations to palette swap levels.
Not sure if this is the proper place to post this and apologies if it has been asked but I don't want to delve too deep in the topic for fear of spoilers. Despite grabbing these games on release I have yet to actually play one.
I recently heard of an issue of defective copies of Neptunia Rebirth 3 for Vita. Mine of course has been sitting sealed since launch like the others in the series. I ripped it open and sure enough I got a defective copy. Is there some sort of official exchange program going on? Not looking forward to trying to luck out and recieve a working copy from Best Buy. Any advice or thoughts are appreciated!
The ones in the Limited Editions were confirmed to be alright, right? I didn't open my copy since I have it digital