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I don't understand how people can anticipate or cheer on studio acquisitions


World’s Biggest Weeb
Guess it all depends. Making a modern game takes a shitload of money and is very risky. Seeing a mid-tier developer get a big source of funding can be a good thing.

also at least in Microsoft’s case, any game they publish will be on PC day 1 so I consider that a win for me.


Xbox acquisitions are great, and I'll cheer on any of them that fill in their portfolio of 1st party games to include Japanese stuff that it lacks. Specifically JRPGs.

If acquisitions don't happen, they should at least be making it rain bags of money so Itagaki, Tabata, Matsuno, and Igarashi can make new games for them.


I would agree if the market wasn't wild. I much rather see good acquisitions and a certain company steping up their game, rather than see one dominant making tons of exclusivity deals alone. I don't exactly cheer in neither of the cases though, but if that's how it goes then be it.
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As an XSX owner and subscriber to Game Pass, for me personally I like it when Microsoft acquires a developer because it means more Game Pass content. But yeah, I don't like it when Sony does it because those games don't come to Game Pass.
Idk. Microsoft might have saved Xbox with that shopping spree they went into. I can see why Xbox gamers would be happy. This allows for Xbox platform to exist. But I can see how Playstations owners can be upset.

Insomniac purchase by Sony was a huge positive for Playstation owners. And I guess a negative for … oculus owners?


Neo Member
Acquisitions are not inherently a bad thing. Its just depends who buys who and with what target in mind.

Im not much of a nintendo player but I was certain they would grow their studios when they were swimming in wii money so that they can plug the (huge) holes in their game portfolio.
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why would you suddenly want a game that everyone used to be able to play to suddenly be limited to one ecosystem?
Exactly! Someone who understands what a slap in the face it is to take future Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom, Quake, Rage, Wolfenstein, Evil Within, Dishonoured, and Prey games away from possibly two-thirds of the people who supported them!

For example, after seeing the anticipation for Elden ring from all areas of the community, do people really want FromSoftware to suddenly be tied down to making games for one console alone?


Simple, because nearly everyone will at least have some Microsoft stock in their retirement portfolio. Crypto will probably change that because it allows a lot of smaller game developers to create a coin quickly and let people to invest in their project.
Also I can tell you that most Americans generally love their big corps as long as media and democrats aren’t talking about taxes. That’s the only time people’s emotion got directed to hating on these mega corps. Once those short term rage bait is over, people will be back hyping up the next plan from the big corps rather than caring about politicians.


Gold Member
Only time to cheer is if the acquired company so happens to make a favourite game for your platform, so you lucked out. And when I say cheer, I mean for personal gaming and not about locking other people out for warrior laughs.

I like COD shooters, but if another platform got locked out that would be stupid. In fact I welcome more platforms because the online base is bigger as a giant pool of gamers. I dont go razzing Nintendo gamers who seem to get hardly any COD games the past 15 years. I'm sure there's Nintendo gamers who want to play COD but they cant unless they play on a different system.

Or in situations where you hear a studio is on the brink of collapsing and a big publisher swoops in to save them. When THQ went belly up it seemed some mid tier publishers came in and bought the assets to continue their franchises. If not, THQ and all their games would be dead for everyone.
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im n
I'm not sure if you understand this thread? This is about acquiring these third party devs, and not about already established studios these companies already have.

It might be better for the majority of the gamers, but it may not be better for the quality of games in the future. Looking at the reactions, Xbox fans don't care about quality as long as games are on Gamepass and don't care if others can't play those games anymore.

Like i said, at this point Sony nor their fans shouldn't give a shit if Xbox gamers missing out some big games in the future, based on some of the reaction, people act as if MS is the only good company right now but gladly ignore Nintendo and Sony.

MS acquiring everything is only a bad thing for the industry and why should i care if you can't play your games for "free" anymore?
I'm note sure that you understand how Sony work with their studios.....if From Soft (a third party dev) unfortunately get acquired by Sony all the lovers of their games (and among them there is absolutely not me) who are not on the PlayStation platform might say goodbye to the idea of being able to play them on other platforms. If instead is Microsoft to acquire them we would certainly see them at least on PC and console and cloud. I'm not talking about studios already owned by the two ... I'm talking about possible future acquisitions.


When Microsoft does it: It's great for competition at the platform level, and they've been funding and turning these studios into multi-project studios and they make every available on gamepass. So as a consumer it's cheaper and it helps keeps the compeittion strong so PlayStation has to balance more consumer benefit to stay compeitive.

When Sony does it: Studios have historically gotten better under sony ownership aas they do a good job of making their studios work together to make better games.

When any platform owner does it: The game have better cost structures so that less money is needed to break even, risk is slightly mitigated

When third party does it: Cost structure is also better but not as good as being a platform owner and risk is also mitigated. Consolidation in general makes things cheaper.
I wouldn’t say I cheer it on. But I like to look at it in a sense of if it had to happen, at least said studios probably won’t have to worry about money for their projects. Also theoretically development should be easier since there are less platforms to worry about optimizing for.

Don’t get me wrong, more people being able to get access to more games is always preferable, but at least there are some positive trade offs.
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I don't believe that it suits better for game companies to only be under the MS umbrella. Sony has proven how good they are for their studios they working with. At this point, PS users shouldn't care if Xbox players can't play some third party games because well, you guys don't care that games are getting away from PS platforms.

The "it comes to PC" is only a excuse and nothing more.

@Brofist Why should Sony care? you guys also don't care so i'm ok with that if the green side is showing their cards, that PS can acquire what they want. Let MS first show they can not make a mess with a flag ship game like Halo.

The "These companies fits better with MS" is bullshit.

Well buy a PS5 then...

You know you can keep repeating this as many times as you want but it doesnt make it true. PC gamers outnumber Xbox and Playstation gamers combined, of course it matters if Xbox are bringing their games to PC.

Your posts in this thread all come down to you being salty that Xbox isnt as hated anymore.


im n

I'm note sure that you understand how Sony work with their studios.....if From Soft (a third party dev) unfortunately get acquired by Sony all the lovers of their games (and among them there is absolutely not me) who are not on the PlayStation platform might say goodbye to the idea of being able to play them on other platforms. If instead is Microsoft to acquire them we would certainly see them at least on PC and console and cloud. I'm not talking about studios already owned by the two ... I'm talking about possible future acquisitions.

Your not telling me anything new lol. But this thread is kinda clear.

MS good, PS bad and the excuse is games come to pc. People would’ve talked different if GP was still xbox console exclusive. You can’t say nothing is exclusive anymore because they still want you in their ecosystem. All resent acquisitions were full third party, these games would’ve been on Xbox anyway.

The only reason is GP, and that’s why people cheer. All other is being used as an excuse to justify that MS acquisitions are good and PS is bad for the industry. Well it looks like PS is partnering and helping these new studios more then MS.

Stuart360 Stuart360 it’s not about hate, it’s just facts. People don’t care but want games for free. The “it comes to pc” is being used by xfans a an excuse to justify these acquisitions over Sony, because Sony is not following with day one. Xfans always want PS to follow with everything Xbox does, as if it’s making them less insecure or something. I’ve been a PC and console gamer since ages but that doesn’t mean pc games give me always the same experience as console games. Both Nintendo and PS are still capable doing what they’ve always did. It’s xbox that needed a big change to survive.

I feel better still buying the games i want. Same as buying some of the movies i really want sometimes.
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Gold Member
Your not telling me anything new lol. But this thread is kinda clear.

MS good, PS bad and the excuse is games come to pc. People would’ve talked different if GP was still xbox console exclusive. You can’t say nothing is exclusive anymore because they still want you in their ecosystem. All resent acquisitions were full third party, these games would’ve been on Xbox anyway.

The only reason is GP, and that’s why people cheer. All other is being used as an excuse to justify that MS acquisitions are good and PS is bad for the industry. Well it looks like PS is partnering and helping these new studios more then MS.
For ecosystem warriors, at least MS exclusives can go PC and cloud. The options are there. Even some old 360 games within Gears, Fable and Halo came out to PC 15 years ago. Now, MS games seem completely on PC as an option.

PS games (aside from a handful of PS4 games porting to PC lately) are locked in a PS ecosystem where who knows when or if they ever get a PC port. If there is a port it might be in 2026. Or never.

Now some people will say "Well, third party studios partnering with Sony only made Sony games anyway so it makes no difference". Insomniac made games on 360, PC and even PC VR. Unless Sony opens up Insomniac, chances are all their games going forward are PS only.


Your not telling me anything new lol. But this thread is kinda clear.

MS good, PS bad and the excuse is games come to pc. People would’ve talked different if GP was still xbox console exclusive. You can’t say nothing is exclusive anymore because they still want you in their ecosystem. All resent acquisitions were full third party, these games would’ve been on Xbox anyway.

The only reason is GP, and that’s why people cheer. All other is being used as an excuse to justify that MS acquisitions are good and PS is bad for the industry. Well it looks like PS is partnering and helping these new studios more then MS.
You (as we) have zero idea on how the things could have gone .... we seeing Sony moneyhatting left and right to exclude other platforms from third party games. Crazily it just happened with two games from Ms now first party. They also tried with Starfield and we know what they doing with Final Fantasy and who know what more. If Microsoft didn't launched day and date on multiple platform, we wouldn't be here talking and Ms would be bad as Sony is. But luckily (for pc gamers Mac gamers and android gamers ) they are taking another approach that is objectively more pro consumer than the competition (at least at the moment) and all this is independent from Gamepass in fact if you want you can go ahead and buy Forza 5 on steam.
Let me add also this , people cheers for gamepass (service that has nothing to do with releasing games on different platforms) because of its value not because Phil Spencer puts hallucinogenic drugs in our water that makes us love that service. How many new released AAA game with MC rate 90+ could you play on the PS5 for 1 euro? Ill tell you ... zero, нуль nada ninguém. I understood that you necessarily want to defend the indefensible but seriously there is little discussion about it.
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Your not telling me anything new lol. But this thread is kinda clear.

MS good, PS bad and the excuse is games come to pc. People would’ve talked different if GP was still xbox console exclusive. You can’t say nothing is exclusive anymore because they still want you in their ecosystem. All resent acquisitions were full third party, these games would’ve been on Xbox anyway.

The only reason is GP, and that’s why people cheer. All other is being used as an excuse to justify that MS acquisitions are good and PS is bad for the industry. Well it looks like PS is partnering and helping these new studios more then MS.

Stuart360 Stuart360 it’s not about hate, it’s just facts. People don’t care but want games for free. The “it comes to pc” is being used by xfans a an excuse to justify these acquisitions over Sony, because Sony is not following with day one. Xfans always want PS to follow with everything Xbox does, as if it’s making them less insecure or something. I’ve been a PC and console gamer since ages but that doesn’t mean pc games give me always the same experience as console games. Both Nintendo and PS are still capable doing what they’ve always did. It’s xbox that needed a big change to survive.

I feel better still buying the games i want. Same as buying some of the movies i really want sometimes.
First off stop lumping everyone who diesnt hate Xbox as 'Xbox fanboys'. If Microsoft were buying up these studios and NOT bringing the games to PC then i'd be pissed, especialy with Bethesda, but they are.
I even said i dont mind Sony buying up strudios because it keeps studios out of the hands of Google, Amazoon, Tencent, and what other mega corps want to get involved with gaming over the coming years.

Again, and you even basically say it in this post, you just sound upset that Xbox isnt as hated as it used to be, and not every single gamer on the planet is up Sony and Nintendo's arehole anymore.
Which in istelf shows that Microsoft are def on the right path.
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Gold Member
Let me add also this , people cheer for gamepass (service that has nothing to do with releasing games on different platforms) service that has nothing to do with releasing games on different platforms) because of its value not because Phil Spencer puts hallucinogenic drugs in our water that makes us love that service. How many new released AAA game with MC rate 90+ could you play on the PS5 for 1 euro? Ill tell you ... zero, нуль nada ninguém. I understood that you necessarily want to defend the indefensible but seriously there is little discussion about it.

Game Pass could had been the idea from the head office janitor. Who cares. It's awesome value. Cheap service, day one games, and it's even home sharing allowed. People just dont like seeing other side get good deals.

Its console warrior material.

If two people bought different cars where one got good discounts from the maker, the other guy would be happy he scored a good deal and saved a couple thousand bucks. You wouldnt get them arguing and trolling one side got a good price and the other didnt.
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First off stop lumping everyone who diesnt hate Xbox as 'Xbox fanboys'. If Microsoft were buying up these studios and NOT bringing the games to PC then i'd be pissed, especialy with Bethesda, but they are.
I even said i dont mind Sony buying up strudios because it keeps studios out of the hands of Google, Amazoon, Tencent, and what other mega corps want to get involved with gaming over the coming years.

Again, and you even basically say it in this post, you just sound upset that Xbox isnt as hated as it used to be, and not every single gamer on the planet is up Sony and Nintendo's arehole anymore.
Which in istelf shows that Microsoft are def on the right path.

Your throwing a lot of words in my mouth right here, maybe stop with that first? Looks like it hurts you or something? Xbox fans is now by default fanboys? Good to know, not going to continue…
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Your throwing a lot of words in my mouth right here, maybe stop with that first? Looks like it hurts you or something?

'sigh' lets just leave it there shall we.
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Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
When Sony and Nintendo purchases studios it's good business to increase their exclusives. When Microsoft purchases studios, that gets people to worry... LOL.

In reality, it should be the other way around. At least Microsoft bring their exclusives to PC on day 1. People should worry when Sony and Nintendo purchase 3rd party studios.

Not just bringing to PC. They have xCloud as well. Folks who do not want/have a xbox or PC can also play Xbox games this way.

under Microsoft, the studios’ games are much more accessible and affordable thanks to PC release, Game Pass, XCloud etc, but under Sony, games are limited to just Playstation (and PC few years down the road if we are lucky) and more pricey ($70 games). I mean console players are all about cheap and affordable gaming, so they should cheer for MS aquisition

You can use a cheap controller, pay a bit of money for Xcloud, and start streaming AAA games on mobile phone/tablet/PC. You can also use those mobile phone/tablet (and bunch of other devices like raspberry pi/nvidia shield TV) and mirror to a tv. Most of their catalogue are on PC Steam too so you can buy them on Steam if you don’t want to join the Xbox ecosystem.

But you need to pay several hundred of dollars for a PS5 (which is not readily available, so you most probably need to pay much more to a scalper) and additional $70 for just 1 new Playstation game.
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Gold Member
When Sony and Nintendo purchases studios it's good business to increase their exclusives. When Microsoft purchases studios, that gets people to worry... LOL.

In reality, it should be the other way around. At least Microsoft bring their exclusives to PC on day 1. People should worry when Sony and Nintendo purchase 3rd party studios.

The fear comes because they dont want Xbox consoles, PC and mobile cloud to do well. Sony has historically swallowed up studios and done big partnership deals going back to the 90s when they bought out third party maker Psygnosis and messed around with Eidos regarding Tomb Raider sequels only on PS.

So if one gaming brand can do it for decades, it's only fair any gaming brand can do it back.
Depends on the situation - who's doing the buying, who's getting got, and why.

But really, what's happened is pretty simple: Microsoft upped the ante of what the word "megaton" means. The Bethesda acquisition wasn't a megaton - it was a fucking supernova. And when the interstellar dust settled, Xbox fan bois were still giddy with console war joy. Over on team blue, suddenly Sony - who's been doing great work in games for decades without dropping billions on a publisher - needed an acquisition of that scale to "keep up". "Xbox has no exclusives" had been the battle cry of the blue bois for nearly a decade, and in one swift move Microsoft shut that down. So, they're still scrambling for some kind of "counter attack", as if suddenly Sony's current first party roster isn't up to the task of delivering quality games for the PS5.

So, because Microsoft have changed the definition of "big announcement", and green and blue bois are hungry for another supernova event to fuel the console war, every wanna be social media insider is going after easy clicks, propping up piss weak rumours as some kind of "big announcement". The fan bois get wind, and deduce: "the last big announcement was the Bethesda purchase, so this big announcement must be as big as that" and they're off to the races. Suddenly, Microsoft is buying SEGA, Steam, and EA. Sony are purchasing Square Enix, Konami and Activision Blizzard. Hundreds of billions in purchases and flying around - and not for sensible contributions to platform goals or business targets, but for "gotcha" moments. "Haha!" the fan bois cry. "If Sony buy Square Enix, you'll ever get Final Fantasy!". "Oh yeah!? If Microsoft buy Steam, they'll OWN PC Gaming!".

And meanwhile, the big announcements are "Dune skins in Fortnight next week" and "Blinx the Time Sweeper got FPS boosted".

Buckle up: we've got eight years until the end of the generation, and I suspect this bullshit will echo right till the very end.

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