I hate it so much i wish things would just go back to normal

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It’s going to get so much worse. I’d recommend reading about the communist revolutions in Russia and Spain in the early 20th century. The parallels are endless. This is not a new phenomenon. Most people don’t realize this. The rhetoric, the means, the type of people they recruit; it’s all identical. If we can better understand the history of it, the better we can counter it.


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Like I am sorry, but getting triggered by an option, seems like I am reliving nightmares from 2014, just from the other side. Weak men, bad times or something.

And yes I also am not too fond of this non-binary shit, preferred pronouns from entitled kids, however as an options, why this is even an issue.


Gold Member
Oh it's real. My wife became an SEN (Special educational needs) coordinator in one of the local schools. She deals mostly with kids that have autism. You'd be not really amazed at how many autistic kids suddenly have gender 'problems'

It's a gigantic insidious rabbit hole of nasty shit being pushed and propagated on kids these days

The reason?

Who knows. Money? Evilness? Aliens took over?

All I know is none of this is normal. By any degree. And people love it.
Yep, that’s the problem. Instead of dealing with mental health issues, stress, etc.. medical and school authorities can just sweep that away with transgender nod.

The issue isn’t truly transgender folks but more that this is now being used in lieu of modicum thought and education. Throw in medical transition drugs for teens and it becomes much worse.

Then you have the in your face push for trans to be the normal. In reality very small percentage of folks are truly trans but somehow it’s being pushed as almost default. It’s kind of nuts.

Not to mention that schools now won’t even tell parents that their kids decided to use different pronouns.

And what this does further is get bunch of people upset at trans folks in general when they just mind their own lives and want to be left alone.


people like you are part of the problem so fuck you

this isnt about me its about everybody's lives , how would you like if your 10 year old girl would come home one day and say "daddy from now on im a boy and you have to use boy pronouns " and you cant do anything about it because the state might take your kid away if you do
Seems like you are using the game as an excuse to vent about shit that isnt really game related

Not trying to be cheeky, but you should seek therapy, OP, for your own good. Its not great living with hate. Wont solve a thing.

As others have already said, use your wallet to protest. And dont let it get into you.


Gold Member
My autistic cousin (high school age) also thought she was transgender for a while. Then she sat with it, thought it through, and now knows she isn't. She also thought she might be a lesbian for a while, too - are we going to remove LGB education from schools as well?

Teenagers figure things out. As above, it's really not all that different from when schools introduced more and more LGB education and suddenly classes were full of kids figuring out their sexuality. I went to high school in the 2000s with lots of people who spent time wondering if they were gay and lo and behold, most are straight, some aren't. Not long before my time, schools teaching kids about gay people was seen as insidious and evil.

We should be teaching kids about real world issues and that other people unlike themselves exist. Do certain institutions take things too far, and make headlines that rile people up? Absolutely. But school isn't just about teaching kids algebra and making them read Of Mice & Men. It's about broadening their horizons to a world they're unfamiliar with.
The issue comes in when schools encourage kids “to become” trans instead of looking at mental problems or don’t tell parents about that.

And also medical intervention before 18 is just insane for most people. Teens don’t really know what they are, what they want for the most part and making irreversible medical changes is not a good thing.


Non-binary isn't even a mental illness,it's just a stupid trendy fashion choice......back in my day girls would be Goths,it's the same thing......it will pass,how many middled aged Goths do see around,lol.
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as long as its almost in every media out there is very real , you would have to go live off the grid to not get in contact with it

That fucking swimmer retard stole all the medals from the women athletes , its as real it gets , fortunately they took the medals away after many protests and give it to the woman that came after him
I meant coming in to contact with a trans person IRL.


i just saw a video of Exodus game and they already have Non Binary as an option in the character creation/sexual preference

Oh, so it’s an option? Nobody’s forcing you to pick that?

people like you are part of the problem so fuck you

this isnt about me its about everybody's lives , how would you like if your 10 year old girl would come home one day and say "daddy from now on im a boy and you have to use boy pronouns " and you cant do anything about it because the state might take your kid away if you do

Should this really be in gaming side?
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