Lets just take a look at this shit:
Fuck You TV. And you too WB. Double for you in fact. You murdered a good show cause stupid execs who dont even have time to watch tv sez so. Bastards: every one of you.
AHH. Wtf! Its Cowboys in FUCKING SPACE! You motherFUCKS. Joss' best shit and fucking TV poos all over it so it can give unholy birth to more reality programming. FUCK!
So lemme see, umm I dont fucking get it. Even star trek FANS hate it. I suspect the only thing that keeps the ratings somewhat poor but not unbelievably awful is that star trek fans watch it to pick it apart and compare it to BETTER STAR TREK SHOWS!
I was going to make a flow chart but here's the run down:
Hot Chicks: Check
Fighting: Check
People Shooting Angel Not Knowing He's a Vampire Then he Shows Them and They Freak: Check
Epic: Check
The show was at its peak, it was getting better than BETTER and the fans were there but you FUCKISJDHDHDHDKLHFKSDHFKLJSADF Plus Wesley rocked and they ended up killing him anyway but SPOILERS PETER PARKER IS SPIDERMAN F U!
Hot Chicks: Check, all of them. Except River, who was only hot when she did that shoot with her eyes closed thing which was fucking anime badass. WOOOO!
Fighting: Check
Badass Captain That Breaks Rules: Check
Hot Whore on Board: Check
The only consolation is that a movie is being made, its a real crying shame in any event cause the awesome cast, story, setting, acting, holy shit this show had more potential than buffy and angel combined fucking whores jesus!
Hot Chicks: 1, but less hot every episode since she gets naked all the time it loses its appeal.
Fighting: Only When Archer isn't playing with his dog or talking a lot or the doctor saying something thats funny cause he's an alien and is DIFFERENT CAUSE WE MUST MOCK THOSE THAT ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE NORM
Every Plot revolving around wormholes and cockrings: Check
Idiot Cast I hate Forever: Check
Who would win in a fight?: Angel vs Firefly vs Enterprise
Angel would win cause he's a FREAKING VAMPIRE but firefly could toast enterprise with a cool special move fireball thing like that shit from Street Fighter.
That's why I hate TV.

Fuck You TV. And you too WB. Double for you in fact. You murdered a good show cause stupid execs who dont even have time to watch tv sez so. Bastards: every one of you.

AHH. Wtf! Its Cowboys in FUCKING SPACE! You motherFUCKS. Joss' best shit and fucking TV poos all over it so it can give unholy birth to more reality programming. FUCK!

So lemme see, umm I dont fucking get it. Even star trek FANS hate it. I suspect the only thing that keeps the ratings somewhat poor but not unbelievably awful is that star trek fans watch it to pick it apart and compare it to BETTER STAR TREK SHOWS!
I was going to make a flow chart but here's the run down:
Hot Chicks: Check
Fighting: Check
People Shooting Angel Not Knowing He's a Vampire Then he Shows Them and They Freak: Check
Epic: Check
The show was at its peak, it was getting better than BETTER and the fans were there but you FUCKISJDHDHDHDKLHFKSDHFKLJSADF Plus Wesley rocked and they ended up killing him anyway but SPOILERS PETER PARKER IS SPIDERMAN F U!
Hot Chicks: Check, all of them. Except River, who was only hot when she did that shoot with her eyes closed thing which was fucking anime badass. WOOOO!
Fighting: Check
Badass Captain That Breaks Rules: Check
Hot Whore on Board: Check
The only consolation is that a movie is being made, its a real crying shame in any event cause the awesome cast, story, setting, acting, holy shit this show had more potential than buffy and angel combined fucking whores jesus!
Hot Chicks: 1, but less hot every episode since she gets naked all the time it loses its appeal.
Fighting: Only When Archer isn't playing with his dog or talking a lot or the doctor saying something thats funny cause he's an alien and is DIFFERENT CAUSE WE MUST MOCK THOSE THAT ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE NORM
Every Plot revolving around wormholes and cockrings: Check
Idiot Cast I hate Forever: Check
Who would win in a fight?: Angel vs Firefly vs Enterprise
Angel would win cause he's a FREAKING VAMPIRE but firefly could toast enterprise with a cool special move fireball thing like that shit from Street Fighter.
That's why I hate TV.