great website
has walkthroughs (with full color maps), strategy guides, quests, equipment, the whole business
tips for
Kangaxx the Demi Lich
The Twisted Rune
the 4 or 5 dragons that you will encounter
Cromwell's Forge
Cespenar's Forge
and anything else you would want to know
and the forums on GameBanshee are really great, used to be incredibly active when the game was first released and when TOB was released, i used to post there frequently, im not sure if the forums are still pretty active, but might also be worth checking out
people used to solo through the entire game, speed runs, try to create best parties and all kinds of crap, there is a lot to do in the game, u should really enjoy it
i prolly played through BG2 like 7 or 8 times, and finished the expansion once
it's easily one of my favorite games ever, you should really enjoy it, the game is very open ended in Act 2, since there are so many side quests and other adventures to do.
i went through the game solo twice, once with a Monk and once with a Kensai/Mage
it's also really cool to play through the game once with an Evil Party, and once with a Good Party, lot of variety, try different classes, experiment with spell combinations, there is so much to do in the game
Best Evil NPC Party would be
Elven Swashbuckler (so u have your thief for traps and what not)
Korgan (dwarven beserker - equip him with 2 axes and set him loose, best tank NPC)
Viconia - (cleric, once you equip her with the flail of ages and crom faeyer she can tank decently as well)
Edwin (the mage, has some aweseome lines)
then u can add Sarevok in the Expansion - give him a 2 handed sword and set him loose
you have more freedom if playing with a good group, since there are so many combinations
i like Minsc - his lines are great and he's got Boo
Keldorn - the paladin, get him some strength gloves and Casomyr