okay, SORRY for clickbait title, but I want to write this story that is happening to me, in a way you can live the same chains of events as I did. Spoiling the title wouldn't be good.
So, I'm doing paperwork for my grand parents they are old. I'm french. For some administrations for their new home I need their birth certificates. I'm heading to townhall but they will only delivers me copies I need originals... I'm swearing a bit because it's been like 80 years, how will I find originals...
So I investigate their papers and with them. I find my gran mother papers in her native town hall. Then come my gran dad. I find the village he was born. Mind you : tiniest village in France. The town hall is like a doll house converted into a musuem, its lovely but so old and tiny. I ask for the paper, the original from this copy I have of his brith certificate.
And after looking into the archive, the very old lady comes back with a puzzled face. She shows me a certificate :
- same city template one as my copy
- same registration number
- same date of birth
- same eye colors
- different name.
I'm confused. Is it a mistake ? Why is the copy having a different name ? A different person was born the same day here ? She's as puzzled as me... Could it be a mistake ? They don't have any other. Did my granpa changed name ? I never knew it. I call him. He says he never changed his name...
I'm so confused. The old lady at the desk is searching the archive again and again... then, she says to me, that the lady who worked with her is still alive and she's leaving right across the street, she might know something... I'm very confused but why not... Maybe the former employee had a different way of organizing...
So I walk across the street, and ring the bell. A very old voice asks " who's this "
And I'm like " uh... hello ? I'm looking for my granpa birth certificate and the townhall have this original not matching my copy... The lady told me you used to work there... maybe you could help ? " and as I say this, I realize how stupid that sound, that I'm bothering a very old lady... she can't possibly help
" come in young man "
This is so awkward; I sit, she offers tea, I offer to help, I ask her again, she listen, she is smiling, she's so old a bit trembling like a leaf. She looks at me and she ask " what's his name ? " (my granpa) and I answer. She gets up and she says " my mother always talked about the war, how she tried to help them, I think I have the paper somewhere "
I'm so confused. The war ? Help them ? She comes back with a file and she gives it to me. " Open up, maybe it's in here " she says... So I open the dusty file and some OLD official paper are protected in plastic inside... Birth certificates, familly books, wedding certificates...
And I found it. I found the same matching brith certificate for my granpa but with his real name. It was inside her file. I still didn't get it. Why is there two with a different name ?
She answered : " my mom told me about this boy. His parents were jew. They were fleeing but they were scared for their boy so they had my mom forge a new birth certificate and identity and they gave him to a local farm to be raised as a local "
Jesus fuck.
My granpa was jew and his parents saved him.
" did his parents ever came back ? "
" No "
" But I never knew this, he never told us ! Do you know when this happened ? "
" I don't know for sure, but my mom spoke of him as a baby "
Holy Crap.
I called my mom (my granpa's daughter) she didn't knew. She freaked out. She's sure he doesn't know.
I'm 12% jew by blood ?
It means the original stayed in the townhall and the fake was out. Did they exchange after the war and put the original back in ?
Shit is crazy. I feel I uncovered some huge secret. I feel like trying to track his original parents... But if they never came back ? Were they victim of holocaust ? Did they survive but decided to not take their boy from his new home ? They can't be alive they should be over 100 years old now... But I'm curious about their history and legacy.
Holy crap.
What to do. This been so shocking for me.
EDIT : tiny update: going to look for his parents soon. Not telling him for the moment.
So, I'm doing paperwork for my grand parents they are old. I'm french. For some administrations for their new home I need their birth certificates. I'm heading to townhall but they will only delivers me copies I need originals... I'm swearing a bit because it's been like 80 years, how will I find originals...
So I investigate their papers and with them. I find my gran mother papers in her native town hall. Then come my gran dad. I find the village he was born. Mind you : tiniest village in France. The town hall is like a doll house converted into a musuem, its lovely but so old and tiny. I ask for the paper, the original from this copy I have of his brith certificate.
And after looking into the archive, the very old lady comes back with a puzzled face. She shows me a certificate :
- same city template one as my copy
- same registration number
- same date of birth
- same eye colors
- different name.
I'm confused. Is it a mistake ? Why is the copy having a different name ? A different person was born the same day here ? She's as puzzled as me... Could it be a mistake ? They don't have any other. Did my granpa changed name ? I never knew it. I call him. He says he never changed his name...
I'm so confused. The old lady at the desk is searching the archive again and again... then, she says to me, that the lady who worked with her is still alive and she's leaving right across the street, she might know something... I'm very confused but why not... Maybe the former employee had a different way of organizing...
So I walk across the street, and ring the bell. A very old voice asks " who's this "
And I'm like " uh... hello ? I'm looking for my granpa birth certificate and the townhall have this original not matching my copy... The lady told me you used to work there... maybe you could help ? " and as I say this, I realize how stupid that sound, that I'm bothering a very old lady... she can't possibly help
" come in young man "
This is so awkward; I sit, she offers tea, I offer to help, I ask her again, she listen, she is smiling, she's so old a bit trembling like a leaf. She looks at me and she ask " what's his name ? " (my granpa) and I answer. She gets up and she says " my mother always talked about the war, how she tried to help them, I think I have the paper somewhere "
I'm so confused. The war ? Help them ? She comes back with a file and she gives it to me. " Open up, maybe it's in here " she says... So I open the dusty file and some OLD official paper are protected in plastic inside... Birth certificates, familly books, wedding certificates...
And I found it. I found the same matching brith certificate for my granpa but with his real name. It was inside her file. I still didn't get it. Why is there two with a different name ?
She answered : " my mom told me about this boy. His parents were jew. They were fleeing but they were scared for their boy so they had my mom forge a new birth certificate and identity and they gave him to a local farm to be raised as a local "
Jesus fuck.
My granpa was jew and his parents saved him.
" did his parents ever came back ? "
" No "
" But I never knew this, he never told us ! Do you know when this happened ? "
" I don't know for sure, but my mom spoke of him as a baby "
Holy Crap.
I called my mom (my granpa's daughter) she didn't knew. She freaked out. She's sure he doesn't know.
I'm 12% jew by blood ?
It means the original stayed in the townhall and the fake was out. Did they exchange after the war and put the original back in ?
Shit is crazy. I feel I uncovered some huge secret. I feel like trying to track his original parents... But if they never came back ? Were they victim of holocaust ? Did they survive but decided to not take their boy from his new home ? They can't be alive they should be over 100 years old now... But I'm curious about their history and legacy.
Holy crap.
What to do. This been so shocking for me.
EDIT : tiny update: going to look for his parents soon. Not telling him for the moment.