Damn, you and Hazaro are beasts, that's awesome.Just got back from PAX. Some things.
1) Hazaro and myself (with three others) took first place in the Firefall tourney. Free Blackwidow Ultimates and Death Adders.
2) Haz took second, I took third, in the ASUS Speedbuilding competition. So close to dat Maximus Formula.
3) CM Storm Scout II (if priced appropriately) is going to completely dominate the competition. AMAZING CASE.
4) Razer is going to start selling tenkeyless keyboards.
5) Gigabyte ITX board is famazing. I wish I was doing my ITX build next month instead of tomorrow/this week, would definitely held off for it.
This one is most important. Went to the NVIDIA panel, they showed off the UE4 engine. Engineer from EPIC was there showing it off. I was able to ask him a very very important question that should help clear up a *ton* of questions about 'future proofing'.
6) UE4 is n-threaded and optimized for current and future PC procs. This means you don't need super high frequencies in order to have a slamming system. There is now a reason to buy 3820/3930K/3770Ks if you can spare it. Those extra threads/cores will actually be used by what will almost certainly be the most popular engine over the next 5+ years.
Also, the CM Storm Recon was a really really impressive mouse. Definitely going to replace my Spawn with it. Still, not as good as the Sensei if you don't have small hands.
Also, through the end of 09.03, get 30% off all Steelseries Products. So, go buy the Sensei or Sensei Raw RIGHT NOW. Seriously. PAXW2012 is the code.
And that Sensei Raw mouse looks pretty nice. Been thinking about G500, but now I don't know.