Which brands should I be looking for?
Samsung, Crucial, Corsair.
So, time to clean out my computer room a bit. These are all free. I might ask for shipping costs on the DeathAdder unless you don't mind me removing it from the box.
Razer DeathAdder NIB TAKEN
Razer Imperator, lightly used, perfect condition TAKEN
Razer Carcharias, well used, but no flaws/defects/issues. I don't even think there's a scuff on them. Dog and Cat hair will be removed prior to shipping. TAKEN
NZXT Sentry Mesh Fan Controller - controls by adjusting voltage. I've moved on to a few different fans that I always run at 100%. Allows for a cleaner install, and less of a management thing since I just never worry about them. If you want to quiet down some fans though, this is a good one. Perfect condition.TAKEN
2xCorsair 200mm fans - these come with the 600T. They'd be decently quiet with a fan controller, but I won't lie, they're not superstars when it comes to noise:CFM.
1xBitfenix Spectre 120mm TAKEN
1xBitfenix Spectre Pro White LED 120mm TAKEN
3xCorsair Radiator/Heatsink 120mm (these are the fans that come with H60/80/100 - really fucking loud at full voltage, but great pressure ratings if you spin them down). TAKEN
If you are Pacific NW local, I also have a modified 600T thats a bit rough around the edges and a Lian Li big ass full tower in good condition. Also a Lian Li ITX spider test bench chassis w/ OCZ Fatality 550W Modular PSU- as pictured below:
Don't want to really deal with shipping these out, so if you don't live too far from Oly, WA, they are up for grabs.
Now, for some comparison shots of the Prodigy for folks interested in size. The handles on the case really increase the overall profile of it. If you compared box:box, it's a lot smaller than it first looks.
This is next to a Fractal Define R4, which is about as standard as you can get with a mid tower case (maybe a bit wide).
This is next to a Lian Li V700, which is technically an ATX mid-tower, but is pretty dang small for being one.