The Lamonster
Here is an image of the inside of my HTPC. This is a mirrored motherboard. The PCIE slot is on the very top of the board so that it is physically impossible to put a card in that took up two faceplates. Because of this the best thing I could stick in was a radeon 7000 series card since even though it takes up two slots inside the case, it only has a single slot faceplate. You'll want to check this on your machine as the 7850's take up two faceplate slots. Dell specifically did this with my machine to prevent people from put in dual slot cards. You can also see the spiky heatsink above the card. I had to look for the thinnest 7750 in order for the fan and shroud to infringe as little as possible on the heatsink. I still have to mess with the heatsink to get it to fit.
Looks just like the inside of mine. Damn. So how do I "cut back heatsinks?" Is it possible to just remove one of the plates or something?