Gold Member
Brand new build. My system includes:
i5 3570K
8gig Corsair Ram (big heat spreaders)
Asus Sabertooth z77 mobo
750 Corsair TXM PSU
Corsair R300 Case
Samsung DVD Player
Seagate 3TB USB 3.0 external drive
Quite similar to my new build. Something definitely wasn't right with those temperatures and the graphical issues you mentioned, difficult to pinpoint what the problem was without doing some troubleshooting. Did you try any benchmarks like Unigine Heaven and 3D Mark to check everything was functioning as it should and that you were getting scores in the right ballpark? That should always be the 1st port of call when you get a new system up and running, before you even try to run any games or anything, run a selection of benchmarks and check everything is functioning as it should in terms of performance, noise and temperatures and then go from there.
Thats the thing with SLI though, on certain system configurations it will run fine, on others you will run into problems for no obvious reason. Did you try doing a quick Google against your motherboards and SLI problems? Based on what you've said, I'd say its either the GPU themselves or the motherboard causing the problems. It will be interesting to see how your new card gets on in terms of temperatures. Even if its fine I'd be tempted to borrow another 670 from somewhere to check that it was the 660's causing the problem and that you don't have a motherboard that doesn't function correctly in SLI.
What temps are you getting on your i5?