Quick question. I just bought a bunch of parts based on recommendations in the OP to build a new desktop. This is the first time I'm putting together my own desktop from scratch (usually had a friend do the CPU and stuff).
Anyways, my issue is: I dropped the CPU in just fine. It only goes in one way, so that's easy.
Now I'm trying to slide the plate and arm back into place to lock it, but I seem to be encountering a fair amount of resistance, and it seems to be from these little tabs on the inside of the open area (if that makes sense?)
e: It looks like I can take out the torx screw that the CPU arm enclosure locks to and then put the cover down, and then screw back over. But I don't ever remember seeing that done in the past, and it doesn't say anything like that in the instruction manual.
This is a Biostar TZ77B mobo, and an Intel i5 3470 processor.