I am building dumb and don't really have the time to learn how to put everything together, so I want to buy a prebuilt desktop. I'd like to be able to play stuff like Skyrim on decent settings, but nothing ridiculous.
Maximum budget is around $800 (but would of course prefer to be below that) and must come from Amazon. Would prefer if it was something with a monitor, but would be willing to deal. And I'd of course want to be able to upgrade in the future if I ever figure out how to do such a thing.
Sorry, I tried reading the thread but specs make my brain shut off. I am not good with computer.
Just checked all the desktops on Amazon, and it's just not going to happen at that budget. If you can up it a bit more, check out the X51. But really, it's easier than a moderate Lego set to build. The 'time' to learn is a weekend building it and getting everything configured.
There are gaming PC's in your budget on Amazon, but they all have absolutely terrible processors and graphics cards that would get you 40-50% of the performance of even the 'Standard' $540 build in the OP. Any chance you are Pacific NW local?
Scratch my last question. Got it figured out. Now, do I fold these tabs on this aluminum port guard to get them out of the way, or what?
Hate those fuckers. I seriously don't even consider buying a motherboard that still uses those. Only the foam pads for me. Bend them out of the way if you need to, but you theoretically shouldn't have to. Never works out that way. Just make sure they don't short anything by touching powered stuff.
Hello Gafers I am ready to build my first PC and would like your opinions and thoughts on this build. I would really like quality and energy efficient build so went with the parts that I hope will meet those requirements.
Will this set up be ok with the temperature? Will not run games on ultra or all that crazy stuff just care for stable frame-rate. but please let me know if I should get arctic 5 paste for the processor and extra fans because honestly idk
Looks good. The paste that comes with the 212 is good. Swap the PSU for one in the OP. 7950>660Ti, and well worth the purchase. More VRAM, more memory bandwidth, insane overclocking headroom (you just move sliders). If you're absolutely set on the 660Ti, get the ASUS DCII, Gigabyte Windforce, or MSI Twin Frozr version. The R4 should be cheaper than that.
Don't worry about waiting for Cyber Monday/Black Friday sales. It's sucked the past two years. I was all set to spend well over $1k both times, and I think I've only made out with a Seasonic X750 for $95, and Sennheiser PC-350's for $50. It's almost all prebuilts/laptops or stuff that already goes on sale for the price a number of times throughout the months.
Also, you should really think about snagging a 120GB SSD when they pop up on sale for $70-90 (Crucial M4, Samsung 830, Corsair Force GT).
Outside of some crazy high settings on Witcher 2, should play it well over 60 fps. Can't say for certain on Company of Heroes 2 though.