So I swallowed the pill and decided to upgrade my old z77/i5 3570k combo and bought an i7 6700k, the asus z170-a motherboard and 16gb of ddr4 3000 ram (should arrive tomorrow, hopefully).
In general what can I expect overclocking wise without having to increase core voltage? And what are reasonable temperatures ?
Motherboard recommendations for a 6700K? I can do full ATX, but microATX is always preferable in case I ever change cases.
Also, I'm looking at a new cooler to get the most out of my Overclocked. My current case can accommodate a 240mm rad I believe.
Is the 4GB 960 worth it over te 2GB version? I read some of people saying it wasn't becasue that VGA couldn't use the 4GB.
I picked up the Gigabyte Gaming 5 Z170 but now I'm considering exchanging it for something else. The NewEgg reviews are pretty terrible. Lots of RMA's.
What are essential programs to install after completing your PC build?
Also, best way to clean it and keep it dust free?What are essential programs to install after completing your PC build?
Any reason I should avoid buying components through flubit? If something goes wrong I still have the manufacturers warranty right?
Also, best way to clean it and keep it dust free?
Edit: thanks Noivern![]()
I went ahead with the Asus Maximus VIII Gene. I figured I'll try a high end board for once. We'll see how it goes.
I can always use splitters for my fans.
I am not familiar with that retailer, but I've not had great luck with PC component RMA's. The last time I had an Asus board break, they wore me out and I just recycled it and bought a new one. Had a Sandisk 960GB Extreme Pro go sideways and they basically did the same thing to me. Unless you have extra components laying around and are willing to work for it, you can be down a month or something if things don't go well. Obviously some manufacturers will be better than others, and everyone won't have the shit experience I did, but the potential is there.
Yeah I figured. But like I said, I would have done the same given the discount. lol.
Okay, so in anticipation for new GPUs, I think I'm going to go ahead and upgrade from my 2500K. 6700K seems like the solid choice. Good idea? Or no? Also looking to upgrade from my 240GB OCZ Vertex 3. Maybe a 1TB SSD. What are some good candidates?
Check this case.
Really I just finished my purchasesI picked up the Gigabyte Gaming 5 Z170 but now I'm considering exchanging it for something else. The NewEgg reviews are pretty terrible. Lots of RMA's.
They already posted my mobo with prevision to delivery on Monday... I will test it.Newegg reviews are only full of RMAs, so its not of any use.
All parts have some %age that are DOA.
Ive yet to read any sort of user review on boards and never had anything DOA.
Sry dude, somehow missed this.
Watch these 2 videos on overclocking the CPU.
For the GPU, it's much easier.
Download MSI Afterburner, see this vid.
Sry can't really talk in details, at work, post more questions if you still need help.
They already posted my mobo with prevision to delivery on Monday... I will test it.
I checked NewEgg... 3 RMAs vs 9 good reviews... mine is the ATX version (Z170X).
New PC build finally finished... all parts purchased... starting to mount next week.
PCPartPicker part list
CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor (Purchased For R$688.00)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (Purchased For R$1020.00)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (Purchased For R$567.00)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (Purchased For R$519.43)
Case: Corsair SPEC-02 ATX Mid Tower Case (Purchased For R$439.90)
Power Supply: Corsair RMx 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (Purchased For R$719.90)
Total: R$3954.23
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-04-29 14:37 EDT-0400
Your motherboard is probably setting the voltage automatically, not fixing it to stock voltage.
Think if you want to leave it on auto, set a fixed voltage, or use adaptive/offset voltages. If possible, use adaptive voltages - it'll only apply raised voltages when your CPU is running beyond stock speeds.
Make sure your CPU doesn't hit over 85C on any core when your CPU fans are at full tilt (100%) - that's where I'd consider the CPU to be at a "Stupid High" temperature - something where stability is no longer guaranteed. Even though there's still some room before throttling occurs, I've seen CPUs that were running at stock speeds fail testing at such high temps.
Well It is my first time mounting a PC so I guessed it will be easy with more space and I really liked the case.Any reason you didn't go ITX or mATX? Most of that case will be empty space.
Thanks for this. I'll start tinkering this evening.
I wish Intel and NVIDIA would hurry the hell up with these new processors
I'm still torn as to building or having someone else build it. I want a hard line loop and don't really want to do it myself, but at the same time I don't want to pay a 50% mark up.
If I do buy a pre-built? So far I've looked at Falcon, Origin, and Digital Storm. Any other boutiques I should look at?
390, and yeah, it should look good if you're thinking of doing it now. Though it is a bad time to buy a new high-end video card in general if the rumours are worth anything, though.
You can always leave out the video card and wing it with Intel integrated for the time being. Even though the HD 530 is a lot weaker than a high-end video card, it should work well within the Windows desktop, and most popular online video games (think DOTA2, CS:GO, most MMOs, Rocket League, that kinda thing.) I believe you can even stretch the integrated graphics to play current-gen games, though at potato settings.
Make sure that you like the case's looks first. If you don't like it, do advise.
Also, no SSD, since seeking parity with offered rig (2TB HDD). Do you think you want an SSD instead?
Ugh, motherboard is back and working great and then the power supply bit the dust. Just waiting for the next RMA.
DDC and my case has no sound dampening at all. It's a bit whiny because I have to run it at full speed (molex and h67 motherboard didn't push enough juice on the fan header)
Are there any high performance 140mm LED fans? Or should I just go for Noctua or Corsair? I'm looking to replace my intake fan from the stock 200mm LED to something with better performance.
Ah. Yeah, DDC pumps have that certain higher pitch that is more audible. D5's have a lower sort of hum that I think blends in better with background/fan noises.
Cougar makes nice LED fans in a bunch of colors.
Maybe I should look at the cube setups, like the Fractal Design Node 804. Any pros/cons to these?