its like you took those pictures in fog
My cell phone camera is scratched like crazy.
its like you took those pictures in fog
Okay, so my old "CORSAIR Gaming Series GS600 600W" has started failing on me sporadically, I think its time to get a new PSU. Am I safe to grab any from the recommended builds at 600W+, or is there any other factors I need to be aware of?
I have never built a PC before, can you guys help me with any tips or advice?
This is what i'm building:
Am I missing anything, or can make some things better, etc?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is my first jump into custom gaming PC. Thank you.
Also, if you are not looking to build and buying it built like I did from Cyberpower, there are discount codes online you can look for. I got a $75 discount off of $125 rush shipping and $85 dollars off the rig itself.
Got this one put together today
Found out that the Asus Strix 970 I was planning on putting in it (once I got my 1080 for my main computer) doesn't fit in it since it's too tall :c
The heatpipe sticks out just a bit, apparently you can cut the plexiglass with the back of an xacto knife but I don't realllly want to do that but it's probably better than buying a new gpu..
Love this case though, looks so nice and it's so so so easy to work with
I see these case alot now, whats so good about them? better cooling? I thought people liked them for size but it looks like it takes more space than a traditional case.
Are there many options for getting custom built in Canada outside of NCIX? Pretty sure they do free shipping at that price point anyway. Not sure about coupons for them either.
I see these case alot now, whats so good about them? better cooling? I thought people liked them for size but it looks like it takes more space than a traditional case.
I don't think they deliver to Canada. I looked at NCIX and they don't have a big selection either. If you've got some contacts you trust, I'd order from a US store through them.
Hey Nvidia Gaf, is it good to have gsync on every game? or do certain games not utilize it well? Forgive my hardware ignorance.
I can't imagine it not being a benefit in whatever you play nor have I noticed it negatively affecting anything.
Cool! So gsync needs to be manually turned on right? I'va had my 970/first build for almost a year now and have never fiddled with gsync.
You do have a Gsync monitor right? It's sounding a bit like you might not.
Nope, Gsync requires a Gsync enabled monitor, they're a quite a bit more expensive than normal monitors. It's a huge upgrade though imo. I haven't seen screen tearing in so long, and the significantly reduced/eliminated stuttering is just so good.
yeah realised soon after i posted. removed the extra, thanks![]()
Would a this PSU be enough for a GTX 1080?
I don't plan on overclocking or using an SLI configuration.
Would a this PSU be enough for a GTX 1080?
I don't plan on overclocking or using an SLI configuration.
Hey Nvidia Gaf, is it good to have gsync on every game? or do certain games not utilize it well? Forgive my hardware ignorance.
I think Diablo 3 doesn't work correctly with Gsync. Not sure if it's fixed or not.
Well, the 1080 recommends a 500w PSU, so... probably. But if you're still shopping for a PSU I'd probably go for a 550 or 600 to be safe.
That's actually the PSU I have in my system right now, willing to get a new PSU but wanted to save cash if I could. A 1080 would be replacing my 970.
Odds are strongly that you'll be fine with a 500w.
Diablo 3 seems to work fine with gsync.
That's actually the PSU I have in my system right now, willing to get a new PSU but wanted to save cash if I could. A 1080 would be replacing my 970.
You don't get stuttering especially in Act 5 town where the chest area is going up the stairs? I have to lock the game to 60 to play it smoothly.
Question, I think I know what the answer will be but figured i'd ask.
I currently have 2 x 4GB Hyperx DDR4 sticks. I ordered 2 x 8GB exactly the same with the intention of selling the 4GB sticks. Would it be possible to use them all at once. I think messing ram sticks isn't good, but seeing as they're exactly the same model MHz etc.
Nope not for SLI. Personally I'd go for a 650 minimum for single 1080 with overclocking, and perhaps near an 800 to 1000 for SLI.
PC GAF, is this dangerous, flipping the HHD over and having the circuit board so close to the black plastic?
The pcb board will be facing down, pretty close to the plastic. The frame right at the edge of the pcb board is... idk... 1/32 of an inch higher, and provides some buffer space i guess.
I see these case alot now, whats so good about them? better cooling? I thought people liked them for size but it looks like it takes more space than a traditional case.
Pretty crazy when it uses about 180W...
The things barely overclock either, maybe add 20W. You could SLI on a 650W.
Nope, it'll be fine.
Yes I can mix them or yes I am correct in not doing it?
It uses 364W in SLI, what's the other 400W used for then?
An i7 6700k is 90W. As I guessed easily could be run on a 650W if you know what you are buying/doing.
Only reason 750W is recommended is because most people don't know what they are doing when buying a PSU.
If that PSU has 650W on the 12V rail it'll be perfectly fine. Mid range and low end ones will not, but a 750W mid range or low end PSU will, hence that recommendation.
It uses 364W in SLI, what's the other 400W used for then?
An i7 6700k is 90W. As I guessed easily could be run on a 650W if you know what you are buying/doing.
Only reason 750W is recommended is because most people don't know what they are doing when buying a PSU.
If that PSU has 650W on the 12V rail it'll be perfectly fine. Mid range and low end ones will not, but a 750W mid range or low end PSU will, hence that recommendation.
i'm looking for a new GPU to hold me off until i build a new PC. not sure when but probably not for at least another year or 2. i'm only playing at 1080p 60fps. sometimes i like to downscale games from 1440p if i can. right now i have an R9 290 but it has been struggling to manage 1080p 60fps without turning settings way down in games like the witcher 3/doom/division. plus it uses a lot of power and can hit 95C at times.
i was looking at the GTX 1070 but that just seems extremely overkill for 1080p gaming so i started looking at the 980 ti which is now within my budget. i only have an i5-4590 CPU so i am worried that it won't be able to keep up with the 980 ti or should it really not matter if i'm only playing at 1080p 60hz? the other option for me would be to wait and see what the RX 480 offers. i've seen a lot of people mention it might be about the same level of performance as an 980 and it should be about £100-150 cheaper than the 980 Ti.
Could someone be kind enough to explain why my power cable to my 6tb RED drive spontaneously started to ignite for the second time? All I did was insert it back into my PC, plugged everything in again and turned on the computer. I turn around and my cables are on fire