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I owe neoGAF an explanation since you guys helped me out

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This. Do people use that as a recreational drug? I always thought that was the drug you get to when you have spiraled out of control.

I've seen people use everything recreationally, even meth :p These are people who are heavy users of another drug (weed and/or pills) with an interest in doing harder drugs from time to time... such as for special occasions, when it just happens to be around, or whatever.


yeah... there is obviously some real confusion here, and it's my fault perhaps for being so open with neoGAF about my recreational activities. I should know by now that this is dangerous because people can take it out of context, or try to use it against your character simply because they disagree with the idea of recreational drug use (my body, I'll do to it what I want, etc etc).

But to those concerned, every last penny of the fundraising money went directly into my Mom's PayPAL, which then went directly into her bank account. I never once had access to that stuff.
You might well have given every cent of the donations to the cause you said you would, but I think the problem people would have is that it sounds suspiciously like the reason for asking for donations in the first place is that you're an Oxy addict that needed to have a way to support your habit and still help your mom at the same time.

So in a way, yea, whether you're just a 'recreational user' or are more than that is a bit of an issue. Knowing some Oxy addicts personally(very personally), they're really untrustworthy people now. I still get calls from one person saying they need to borrow some money for 'whatever', but I know damn well if I gave them a dime, I'd never see it again. Now fair enough, you never said that you were going to give anything back, but some people might be rightfully skeptical about whether or not there's even a difference between their donated money going to drugs or your mother. The inclusion of the drug talk at all sounds even more like 'addict justification' stuff.

I think maybe, for the people who are going to assume the worst and dont buy that your 'using' didn't really affect any of this could at least take some solace that if they hadn't of given money, perhaps you'd still have bought drugs anyways and your mom would have gotten less from you during that period, so either way, they were helping your mom in a way. Again, thats worst case scenario thinking. Hopefully its not nearly as bleak as that sounds.


I think there's a problem here if you think $400 on drugs in one week is nothing. Especially when a few months ago you got over 10 grand or whatever it was from strangers. I think you'd have to have a heavy drug problem to think that posting about spending that much money on drugs in one week is a good idea after receiving money on the goodwill of strangers. Are we really to believe that you spent nothing before that week? How stupid do you think the members of the community are? Even if you didn't you have to realize that this won't sit well with a lot of people, even people who didn't donate (like myself). Even if this is all unfair and unfounded, you must have realized the questions would come up (especially when you seem to have a so many weird e-stalkers and enemies).

Also, didn't EviLore donate $1000? The amount of the donation doesn't really matter, whether people donated a cent or a grand - it's admirable, but for arguments sake, personally, if I wasn't putting an extra $400 towards a fund for treatment for an ill relative (it's only a few months later) then I would probably say "ok I'm in a better position now, maybe I can pay some people back." I don't know if that's just me. But the generosity was pretty astonishing, and I'm not entirely sure if you're as thankful as you say you are. Again sorry if this is unfair, but it's the internet and it is hard to tell. I'm not saying people are expected to be paid back, or even that you should be thinking about paying people back, I just think the whole thing is lacking a bit of decency. At the very least, if I spent money on narcotic relief for myself (I wouldn't without feeling slightly wrong about it) I wouldn't post about it on the very same forum that I got money from months later. How could you think posting about spending that much on what is really a luxury for yourself was a good idea?

Most people who donated I assume don't really care about how much your wedding and honeymoon will cost, or whether you're very pro-drugs and spend shitloads on the habit. Those are all luxuries that you shouldn't have been thinking about if you were that desperate. That's just my opinion. I just think there's a few points worth raising, reading about this really doesn't sit well with me. It seems like it took someone with a grudge to create the accusation, but what worries me is that if no-one brought it up would you have updated GAF and explained yourself?

What also bothers me is that people seem less concerned about this than when he was going back and editing posts as a mod, or whatever he was doing.


Honestly, there's no need for you to explain yourself and nor is any explanation going to be good enough for some people. Probably best to say as little as possible rather than answer every criticism and tie yourself in knots.

I didn't donate in order to own a small piece of you in perpetuity, what you do with your money is on you.

Smoky Dave really is the best poster on gaf.

Ami, Maybe get some help mang.... not sure how that stuff compares to cocaine, but I had a pretty bad low with coke, and didn't realize I had a problem. Until a friend really called me out on it. He even tried to replace my little supply with baby powder. I snorted the baby powder...

Just be careful, donations don't mean you can never buy anything for yourself. This thread is beyond cringe worthy though, as there are a few issues happening. I hope your mother is ok, and I hope you ease down a little.
I never doubted Amir0x's intent or sincerity in terms of helping his mom, which was a separate issue from what he does with his own money. I don't condone drug use but that's his decision and his money. I gave $20 and am glad I did.
Chris, you and I have always been cool, and my first concern is your Mom.

Most will understand, and some being judgemental tools looking for a scandal will not. You've told your side and will have to just deal with that ratio knowing that some of us still have your mom's back and yours in return.

I do have to say that Oxy is pure shit and such a dark, unforgiving drug and I wish you'd try and drop it. It's not that you're taking drugs, it's that you're taking that drug and I worry for you since it's such a spiral.


yeah... there is obviously some real confusion here, and it's my fault perhaps for being so open with neoGAF about my recreational activities. I should know by now that this is dangerous because people can take it out of context, or try to use it against your character simply because they disagree with the idea of recreational drug use (my body, I'll do to it what I want, etc etc).

But to those concerned, every last penny of the fundraising money went directly into my Mom's PayPAL, which then went directly into her bank account. I never once had access to that stuff.

Ami, dude. I've always respected your honest threads and laughed a little when you were poking the hornets nest of Nintendo fans. I've definitely noticed a change in your posting over the years and your moms health certainly explains some of it. You don't owe an explaination for donations to your mom, that was donations to her, not you. She is innocent and shouldn't be held accountable for your actions. Do not put her through making a video and subject her to that. Regardless if you realize it or not that is using her to try to ease the backlash against you. Just don't do it, people are venting now but no one is going to go after her and demand money back.

On the "recreational drug use" and more importantly to the phrase of "My body, I'll do to it what I want", having dealt with a cousin addicted to prescription drugs who died because of them falling from a 6th floor window and a mother addicted to pain medication this is a BS statement. It's easy for the person doing the drugs to claim they are only affecting themselves because they are not in the shoes of those families and friends around them having to deal with it.

The worst part about pain medicine addiction is its not taken seriously when they are highly addictive and the side effects don't become readily apparent. Not till you are called over by a mother at 3am who ran out of pain pills and is yelling at you threatening herself with a knife that you need to find pain pills right then and there, face all contorted. You don't recognize that person anymore. You are getting married dude, don't try to tell people its your body you do what you want. Your life is shared and affecting others in big ways now. Seriously dude, man up and get some help for yourself, for your family and future wife's sake.


Ehh, the purpose is giving the customer convience, anonymity, and lack of face-to-face interaction with the source. I'd imagine there are lots of DEA stings on there as well, so the price being higher didnt surprise me. Google some screencaps of the site, you'll see the prices.
I did look up a screenshot and all of that is cheap as fuck! Amsterdam quality weed in my country for $12 for 3 grams? 5 grams of MDMA for $40?

brb signing up for bitcoin
This is one of the most disgracefully selfish things I think i've ever read on this forum. The money should be going to your sick mother, or your wedding, or honeymoon, or house, or your dad, or wherever else your family are struggling (i'm sorry I don't know your complete backstory). I don't even care about the donations since I didn't participate, but blowing $400 on getting high is ridiculous when there are about a dozen better uses for it.
You asked for donations when you had no money, the money raised all went to your mom, nothing wrong with that and I hope she gets better. You now have the luxury of saving a little money each month to spend on yourself which again, I don't see the problem. However, spending that luxury money on drugs is not good (considering the amount), you're an addict, you need help.


This is so crazy.

The drugs you listed should have cost you way more than $400.
I doubt you have a credit with a dealer.

How long have you known about your mom's illness? You've made posts frequently over the last year describing your drug use. "How do I unwind? Oxycontin." and similar posts.

It's very unlikely that this was a one-time fee of $400. As somebody else stated, this isn't a "recreational" amount of drugs. This is the haul of an addict.

No possible way to put a number on it, but likely in the thousands of dollars over the last year. If you weren't an addict you probably would not have needed to ask GAF for $15,000 or whatever was leeched.

When normal people unwind in a week they go out to eat and take in a movie. $50, say.
Or in a month? Buy a new video game. $70.]
Personally I rent a movie ($4) and buy some popcorn and raisenettes ($4)

You just spend $500 or more on a single week's worth of drugs.
I could rent a movie and buy snacks every night for 2 months with that kind of money.

You need help, dude. I've known smack addicts and they aren't to be trusted. Sorry if it's hard for me to take you at your word.

Frankly I'm not going to address whether you approve of my lifestyle. THAT seems to be your problem: you don't like the idea I do drugs for recreation instead of going to movies all the time.

I do indeed have some great individuals who give me good deals when I buy bulk. Pills especially, because they're my go-to, I can get dirt cheap. I have a Vietnam War veteran guy who would, if I asked, sell me his entire bottle of 30mg oxy's (60 count) for $150.

But that aside, I have hardly used drugs at all since this whole situation. I drank a little, smoked a very little, and do pills twice a month. The pill cost me hardly anything at all, due to my connections.

This is the first week I spent real money on this recreational activity in like a year.

If you don't trust me, that's fine, I obviously have done a few things over the years to allow this to be something people think of me. But it's the truth.

Van Owen

Hopefully your mom doesn't need more than $11k. I don't think anyone here is going to be that generous to you again.


This. Do people use that as a recreational drug? I always thought that was the drug you get to when you have spiraled out of control.

Me and my roommate were bored as fuck once so we tried it. We're both going to grad school in STEM fields next year, as far as having our shit together. To be honest I thought it was a complete waste of time and money, and I wouldnt recommend it to anyone.

In fact its so boring, predictable and shitty I have trouble seeing how anyone gets addicted to opiates period.


This is one of the most disgracefully selfish things I think i've ever read on this forum. The money should be going to your sick mother, or your wedding, or honeymoon, or house, or your dad, or wherever else your family are struggling (i'm sorry I don't know your complete backstory). I don't even care about the donations since I didn't participate, but blowing $400 on getting high is ridiculous when there are about a dozen better uses for it.
This post is pretty selfish. Who the fuck are you to tell anyone how they should find their peace of mind?
I am ok with you spending money again but its weird how you keep saying I wanted to spend money on something nice when you are talking about narcotics use.

glad your mom is doing better.


How did you come to share this information with Neogaf anyway?

Some alarm bells had to go off in your head before you hit that reply button.


Ami, dude. I've always respected your honest threads and laughed a little when you were poking the hornets nest of Nintendo fans. I've definitely noticed a change in your posting over the years and your moms health certainly explains some of it. You don't own an explaination for donations to your mom, that was donations to her, not you. She is innocent and shouldn't be held accountable for your actions. Do not put her through making a video and subject her to that. Regardless if you realize it or not that is using her to try to ease the backlash against you. Just don't do it, people are venting now but no is going to go after her and demand money back. .

Yes, please don't bother your mother over this. You made a bed, gotta sleep in it. This will all pass by, but I have to say, your level of suckitude will probably remain for years to come on youtube...a bit longer than if you didn't mention it...


I'm glad there are good people at GAF that could help Ami's mom out.

I just hope there doesn't have to be another fundraiser at some point because that $400 could have gone towards what might happen.
Ami I hope you get some real help sooner rather than later.

Real talk. Everyone who taught me new ways to abuse opiates or abused opiates with me is dead. Four people, two of them friends. I would be dead too if my wife wasn't home the day I OD'd.

It's hard to resist the temptation to discuss this even if it does feel off-topic. I am in no position to judge, that's for damn sure, but I'm pretty worried about ya Ami.
I am ok with you spending money again but its weird how you keep saying I wanted to spend money on something nice when you are talking about narcotics use.

glad your mom is doing better.

I know right? What happened to buying yourself a video game or going out to dinner.

Addicts rationalize.

Known too many friends who destroyed themselves down that path. You couldn't trust a word any of them said when talking about their own drug use.
This is so crazy.

The drugs you listed should have cost you way more than $400.
I doubt you have a credit with a dealer.

How long have you known about your mom's illness? You've made posts frequently over the last year describing your drug use. "How do I unwind? Oxycontin." and similar posts.

It's very unlikely that this was a one-time fee of $400. As somebody else stated, this isn't a "recreational" amount of drugs. This is the haul of an addict.

No possible way to put a number on it, but likely in the thousands of dollars over the last year. If you weren't an addict you probably would not have needed to ask GAF for $15,000 or whatever was leeched.

When normal people unwind in a week they go out to eat and take in a movie. $50, say.
Or in a month? Buy a new video game. $70.]
Personally I rent a movie ($4) and buy some popcorn and raisenettes ($4)

You just spend $500 or more on a single week's worth of drugs.
I could rent a movie and buy snacks every night for 2 months with that kind of money.

You need help, dude. I've known smack addicts and they aren't to be trusted. Sorry if it's hard for me to take you at your word.

Aren't you a mod in that forum populated with banned Gaf members, some of them with a sad hard-on with Gaf? You've made some interesting posts about Evilore in there as well.


This is so crazy.

The drugs you listed should have cost you way more than $400.
I doubt you have a credit with a dealer.

How long have you known about your mom's illness? You've made posts frequently over the last year describing your drug use. "How do I unwind? Oxycontin." and similar posts.

It's very unlikely that this was a one-time fee of $400. As somebody else stated, this isn't a "recreational" amount of drugs. This is the haul of an addict.

No possible way to put a number on it, but likely in the thousands of dollars over the last year. If you weren't an addict you probably would not have needed to ask GAF for $15,000 or whatever was leeched.

When normal people unwind in a week they go out to eat and take in a movie. $50, say.
Or in a month? Buy a new video game. $70.]
Personally I rent a movie ($4) and buy some popcorn and raisenettes ($4)

You just spend $500 or more on a single week's worth of drugs.
I could rent a movie and buy snacks every night for 2 months with that kind of money.

You need help, dude. I've known smack addicts and they aren't to be trusted. Sorry if it's hard for me to take you at your word.

And the plot thickens.

Also have you offerred to repay any of the donations now that you're swimming in cash? Seems like it would be a much more proactive approach, as opposed to trying to convince a bunch of kind strangers that you didnt fuck them (or their families) over illegally.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
How did you come to share this information with Neogaf anyway?

Some alarm bells had to go off in your head before you hit that reply button.

Knee-jerk post in Poli-GAF. Salty user creates shit storm. Thread gets lock. Ami faces the community with his own thread.


hide your water-based mammals
This thread really wasn't necessary in that you don't need to offer an explanation to the people here.

But they will hate or throw dirt without knowing the whole deal which is frankly, none of their business nor is he obligated to make that clear.

But he can answer for himself and share what he wants. He's a big boy.


Should have left your mom out of this sorry mess you started here.

I like you Amirox, but you need to sort yourself out first.


I know right? What happened to buying yourself a video game or going out to dinner.

Addicts rationalize.

Known too many friends who destroyed themselves down that path. You couldn't trust a word any of them said when talking about their own drug use.

I like how he compares spending on oxy to going to the movies, as if those are two rationally comparable activities.


Aren't you a mod in that forum populated with banned Gaf members, some of them with a sad hard-on with Gaf? You've made some interesting posts about Evilore in there as well.

hes the guy that made the original thread..


definitely has a hardon..

You can practically hear the frantic fingers at the keyboard with each post.

Christ he even has snapshots of Ami's posts at the ready.
I like how he compares spending on oxy to going to the movies, as if those are two rationally comparable activities.

Don't be an idiot.

I was directly responding to the comment "buy myself something nice".

The point was. When your go-to buy for "something nice" is narcotics you fuckin need a reality check.
Yeah I'd personally like Amirox to explain if he ever took a break from his Oxy habit he's described.

I've discussed your habit with you Amirox, without ever knowing you had begged for $10 grand here six months ago..

You didn't indicate you took any break.

So was your drug use constant throughout this ordeal?


You know , is hard to trust someone that spend money in drugs while his mother is sick.

You need to grow , not for you but for your mother because no matter how much money you can get from donations , the problem is you not your mother.

Do not try to be rude but is the true.
I find the idea that to give to someone charitably they have to remain in the original dilemma pretty weird.
No one gave (as far as I can tell from this thread) to Ami to help him get off his feet of kick his habit, so quite frankly its bullshit to really complain.

If Ami wanted more money I could understand this being brought up as an issue; but hes not.
It is fair to say 'what the fuck you doing spending that kind of money on drugs?!' but then most people would say that whether or not Ami had asked for money to help his mum.

I mean, was he suppose to also never buy a game again for what? 2 years? I mean whats the timeframe on his personal spending here?
This isn't being charitable, its expecting to own someone. As long as the money donated went to the right place - and I've no reason to think it hasn't, any other spending is a non-issue in relation to the funding provided.

On a different note. Give it up man. Its not worth it; that shits going to go bad for you no matter what. Whether its physical/emotional or socially (as your obviously finding just now); there are other ways - not easy ways and certainly theres drugs out there that'll hook someone in need easier but you've just got to make a decision not to spend your money on that shit.


I had no money at all six months ago. I had gone through all my savings. When I made the topic, I had gone from what was almost $18,000 in savings to $150. There was no money left to give, that was the reason I made the topic. I had exhausted all other revenue streams.

I did NOT - I repeat, DID NOT - have this $400 when the fundraiser was made. Because by default the fundraiser allowed me to have to give less to my Mom per month, I have been using the extra funds to save back up for my wedding, honey moon, and house. And I put $50 additional aside for this special occasion, which eventually added up to $400 over many paychecks.

I am so sorry this is a confusion and regret ever making that post, because it clearly caused some real concern and I would never want to do that to people who did something out of kindness.

Ami, the issue of whether it's ok or not to make luxury purchases after 6 months of saving is pretty much resolved. The issue you need to look at is your drug habit.

Amirox said:
My tolerance for oxycodone is at 240~260mg now, and that's even with me only doing it twice a month now.

Amirox said:
I would rather spend forever doing oxy, I just wouldn't want to suffer the come down the second I stopped.

Amirox said:
5mg Oxycodone, 325mg Acetaminophen; 30 tablets; Every 4 Hours. Not enough for me though, I need 10s because there's too much Acetaminophen in the 5s to get up to the 40~50mg dosage I like. And I refuse to do cold water extraction on precious oxycodone, I save that for when I get crappy codeine pills

An oxy habit after recovering from a previous cocaine addiction? And you even mentioned doing meth a few times. Oxy isn't some casual thing you "can quit anytime you want". It's already gone past the point of controlling your life.

I sincerely hope your fiance knows about all this (most probable) as it would be incredibly unfair to marry her with such a huge part of your life (and future) hidden from her.


Frankly I'm not going to address whether you approve of my lifestyle. THAT seems to be your problem: you don't like the idea I do drugs for recreation instead of going to movies all the time.

I do indeed have some great individuals who give me good deals when I buy bulk. Pills especially, because they're my go-to, I can get dirt cheap. I have a Vietnam War veteran guy who would, if I asked, sell me his entire bottle of 30mg oxy's (60 count) for $150.

But that aside, I have hardly used drugs at all since this whole situation. I drank a little, smoked a very little, and do pills twice a month. The pill cost me hardly anything at all, due to my connections.

This is the first week I spent real money on this recreational activity in like a year.

If you don't trust me, that's fine, I obviously have done a few things over the years to allow this to be something people think of me. But it's the truth.

I just wish I had $600 to spend in a week while my father works 3 jobs and my family is drowning in medical debt.

Yours was not the haul of a recreational user. Yours was the haul of a hard drug addict. Highly unlikely you just stopped for several months and started back again with that kind of dosage.

Spend $25 at a bar with some friends to unwind. Don't leech $11k out of the internet so you can spend $500 a week on your habit.

Sorry if this is hard to hear. I have a cousin who does hard drugs and the guy has conned so many people. A new group of friends every month to bum money off of.


Mahzkrief said:
Spend $25 at a bar with some friends to unwind. Don't leech $11k out of the internet so you can spend $500 a week on your habit.

I don't think there's anything more I can explain, since this is not what I did. It's all here, and if you read post by post, most of it is explained. If you're still disatisfied, you're always going to be.

I apologize once again for the drama and concern and I think from now on I will refrain from posting about what I do recreationally. I have learned my lesson. That's all I have to say. Sorry neoGAF.


I'm sorry but I still don't believe you, Ami. First of all, from what I've heard about you, you don't seem like the trustworthy type. And that picture of your mother is hardly evidence. She looks like she got a simple haircut and like she's been forced into taking that photo.

But whatever, if you mother is truly sick and the money went where you said it was going then great. If not, then everyone that donated was a fool and should've asked for more proof up front before they gave an internet stranger money. You guys would've been better off donating the money to that dumb kickstarter for that trip to the Titanic someone was asking for.

This is one of the most disgracefully selfish things I think i've ever read on this forum. The money should be going to your sick mother, or your wedding, or honeymoon, or house, or your dad, or wherever else your family are struggling (i'm sorry I don't know your complete backstory). I don't even care about the donations since I didn't participate, but blowing $400 on getting high is ridiculous when there are about a dozen better uses for it.

Dude shut up. Don't try and shame someone for living their lives the way they want to. Him being a heavy drug user isn't hurting you and until it's confirmed this $400 purchase hurt someone else, he's done nothing worth complaining about.
And the plot thickens.

Also have you offerred to repay any of the donations now that you're swimming in cash? Seems like it would be a much more proactive approach, as opposed to trying to convince a bunch of kind strangers that you didnt fuck them (or their families) over illegally.

Mahzkrieg would be the aforementioned salty OA user who started the original thread
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