I now find myself wondering how many gaffer donations came from people who weren't aware Ami is a long-term recreational drug user.
I now find myself wondering how many gaffer donations came from people who weren't aware Ami is a long-term recreational drug user.
I now find myself wondering how many gaffer donations came from people who weren't aware Ami is a long-term recreational drug user.
I know some Oxy addicts and what they do is hardly what I'd call 'partying out'. But whatever man. Your life.It has been a long time since I partied out like this, but I felt like I deserved it.
I now find myself wondering how many gaffer donations came from people who weren't aware Ami is a long-term recreational drug user.
It never once came up in the donation thread, that's for sure.
Right but why did he make a thread telling everyone that he spent the money. Weird move. Why overshare? He has the right to spend his personal money how he sees fit. Why is he telling neoGAF off-topic that he dropped 400 dollars on drugs? Why is that relevant at all?Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?
Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?
Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?
Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?
to be fair, oxycontin feels really really good
It's not like you're using $350 worth of bill money to buy the console... right?
Yes but too much is itchy and no funto be fair, oxycontin feels really really good
Right but why did he make a thread telling everyone that he spent the money. Weird move. Why overshare? He has the right to spend his personal money how he sees fit. Why is he telling neoGAF off-topic that he dropped 400 dollars on drugs?
well no, but that $350 could surely go to better things around the house
of course now I'm feeling super guilty. I hadn't thought about that before. bleh.
I now find myself wondering how many gaffer donations came from people who weren't aware Ami is a long-term recreational drug user.
Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?
Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?
So we're fueling the drug trade by proxy?
well no, but that $350 could surely go to better things around the house
of course now I'm feeling super guilty. I hadn't thought about that before. bleh.
I'm not sure how this while situation sits with me, but dude, that's not cool.Heroin/Oxy addict cons people out of money to feed habit.
news at 11
Exactly. Why put it in an unrelated thread?I am just so confused. Obviously, my drug use is controversial to people. It's not going to be approved by some people. And, frankly, I'm not asking for people's approval of my habits, or any of the recreational activities I participate in.
My thing is this... [to those who feel slighted] is that you guys knew you were donating to My Mom, and it said in the Opening Post that I had dipped into my savings to keep her above water and was almost out of money and that my Dad was working three jobs to pay for things. The trajectory was me being out of money, and my family going bankrupt... even if I never spent one more dime on a game or any illegal substances again. That was where we were headed. I got desperate because of this and came to neoGAF for help. And part of it was to help my Mom get a far more beneficial form of dialysis treatment, which her health insurance was refusing to pay for. All of this was in the OP.
So, you guys succeeded in your mission. We're all less financially strapped (not completely: I'm still giving her money, just less than I used to have to).
It may well be I "have a problem", and that's a separate discussion. My question is if it was an iPad, or a game console, or new rims for my car, or ANYTHING... why is it you think that this fundraiser meant you had a say in what I did recreational forever into the future? It's -completely- unrelated, it's been SIX MONTHS.
Should have put that 400 in savings so you won't have to be in a position to ask GAF for cash in case something like this happens again.
Yes but too much is itchy and no fun
Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?
Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?
The donations and revelation where like 6 months apart. Read the OP, use your brain.Who the fuck would donate to a guy who spends 400 on drugs in one week? Holy shit GAF, use your brain.
well ok...i remember being a vicodin addict a few years ago and id be so fucking itchy i had to get completely naked and just rub steel wool all over my body
it felt so good but then like id be so bloody
Who the fuck would donate to a guy who spends 400 on drugs in one week? Holy shit GAF, use your brain.
Reading through this thread its apparently nothing new.The donations and revelation where like 6 months apart. Read the OP, use your brain.
Should have put that 400 in savings so you won't have to be in a position to ask GAF for cash in case something like this happens again.