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I owe neoGAF an explanation since you guys helped me out

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I now find myself wondering how many gaffer donations came from people who weren't aware Ami is a long-term recreational drug user.
That is seriously awful about your mom.

It is also awful you just blew 400 dollars on drugs of all things and act as if this is in any way normal, and that you're still a responsible human being. I only know some of the history on this now, but I can already say I'm inclined to feel bad for your mom and yet would not touch an "Ami relief fund" with a bomb-squad robot arm.
Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?

Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?


Can't wait till the Intervention episode on you. Has A&E contacted you yet? If not they should because you have a serious drug problem. Trying to justify a 400 dollar drug binge on pre election week stress is the dumbest thing on GAF right now surpassing the Halo 4 review thread on gaming. Get yourself some help and get off the dam Internet.


Honestly, there's no need for you to explain yourself and nor is any explanation going to be good enough for some people. Probably best to say as little as possible rather than answer every criticism and tie yourself in knots.

I didn't donate in order to own a small piece of you in perpetuity, what you do with your money is on you.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?

Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?
Right but why did he make a thread telling everyone that he spent the money. Weird move. Why overshare? He has the right to spend his personal money how he sees fit. Why is he telling neoGAF off-topic that he dropped 400 dollars on drugs? Why is that relevant at all?

ami are you high right now?


No need for the drug comment, and as such it comes off as you making excuses for yourself, in which case, you know there's something wrong about that.

Hope your mom is well Ami

Edit: oh and I don't doubt that all of gaf's money went to the right place


Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?

Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?

No it wouldn't be any different IMO, blowing money on drugs is just not cool. I realize it is his own money, though I really feel he should have used it another way, but seeing as I am not in his shoes, I really cannot judge.

to be fair, oxycontin feels really really good

Not when you are in rehab and withdrawing from it, then it becomes the worst. Seen it many times and would not want to be in that persons position at all.
It's not like you're using $350 worth of bill money to buy the console... right?

well no, but that $350 could surely go to better things around the house

of course now I'm feeling super guilty. I hadn't thought about that before. bleh.

I'm glad the hardest thing I do is drinking a craft beer once in a while.
Right but why did he make a thread telling everyone that he spent the money. Weird move. Why overshare? He has the right to spend his personal money how he sees fit. Why is he telling neoGAF off-topic that he dropped 400 dollars on drugs?

He's never been one to be shy about sharing these types of endeavors with gaf.


I now find myself wondering how many gaffer donations came from people who weren't aware Ami is a long-term recreational drug user.

$400 of Oxy isn't something I'd say a 'recreational user' would do, just sayin.

People saying Amirox shouldn't have said anything about it are right. This really doesn't help.
Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?

Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?

That's how I feel. The donations were for his mom and if they all went to his mom then that's fine; he already went through his own savings for her. He can do what he wants some the money he saved on the side.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Bruv some real life shit you gotta keep private from the internet.

I mean, $400 on oxy actually isn't that much, but the average person doesn't understand the going street prices of those pills. I bet some are thinking that's like a whole bottle.

But on the real, oxy's are bad news man. That kick has wrecked the lives of strong men. There is no control.


are you running for office or something? that's the only way it would make sense for you to need drugs to make it through election week


I am just so confused. Obviously, my drug use is controversial to people. It's not going to be approved by some people. And, frankly, I'm not asking for people's approval of my habits, or any of the recreational activities I participate in.

My thing is this... [to those who feel slighted] is that you guys knew you were donating to My Mom, and it said in the Opening Post that I had dipped into my savings to keep her above water and was almost out of money and that my Dad was working three jobs to pay for things. The trajectory was me being out of money, and my family going bankrupt... even if I never spent one more dime on a game or any illegal substances again. That was where we were headed (When we were in this position, I had already stopped almost all my recreational drug use). I got desperate because of this and came to neoGAF for help. And part of it was to help my Mom get a far more beneficial form of dialysis treatment, which her health insurance was refusing to pay for. All of this was in the OP.

So, you guys succeeded in your mission. We're all less financially strapped (not completely: I'm still giving her money, just less than I used to have to), and my Mom is starting to take the classes for the new form of dialysis @ home treatment.

It may well be I "have a problem", and that's a separate discussion. My question is if it was an iPad, or a game console, or new rims for my car, or ANYTHING... why is it you think that this fundraiser meant you had a say in what I did recreational forever into the future? It's -completely- unrelated, it's been SIX MONTHS.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I don't care what Ami spends his money on. Could have bought 400 dollars worth of donuts for all I care. Why the hell would you embed that in a thread about your sick mom though. It is a sure way to ruffle some feathers.

I am just so confused. Obviously, my drug use is controversial to people. It's not going to be approved by some people. And, frankly, I'm not asking for people's approval of my habits, or any of the recreational activities I participate in.

My thing is this... [to those who feel slighted] is that you guys knew you were donating to My Mom, and it said in the Opening Post that I had dipped into my savings to keep her above water and was almost out of money and that my Dad was working three jobs to pay for things. The trajectory was me being out of money, and my family going bankrupt... even if I never spent one more dime on a game or any illegal substances again. That was where we were headed. I got desperate because of this and came to neoGAF for help. And part of it was to help my Mom get a far more beneficial form of dialysis treatment, which her health insurance was refusing to pay for. All of this was in the OP.

So, you guys succeeded in your mission. We're all less financially strapped (not completely: I'm still giving her money, just less than I used to have to).

It may well be I "have a problem", and that's a separate discussion. My question is if it was an iPad, or a game console, or new rims for my car, or ANYTHING... why is it you think that this fundraiser meant you had a say in what I did recreational forever into the future? It's -completely- unrelated, it's been SIX MONTHS.
Exactly. Why put it in an unrelated thread?
Should have put that 400 in savings so you won't have to be in a position to ask GAF for cash in case something like this happens again.

Said what I couldn't in less words.

Hell put 350 away and treat yourself to a fun night at the pub with delicious wings for 50 bucks max. That's called being responsible.

Van Owen

It's not like oxy is addicting or anything. I'm sure he kicked it until he was sure all money donated went directly to his mother and nothing else.

Jesus, some of you deserve to get conned.
Would it be any different if he had posted about buying $400 worth of games in the pick up thread?

Seriously, if all the donations went to his mother, and she's getting all of the treatments that she needs, what does it matter what he does with his own money?

There is a point where someone who accepted donations for a crisis can start spending money the way he likes again, and I'd say amir0x has reached that point.

That being said, $400 on drugs in one week is insane. You are probably not a responsible and well adjusted human if you do stuff like this.
Or am I understanding this wrong and the drugs are not for use in one week, but are a stash for a longer time period??

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
You're doing what you can and asking for help with your mom... no apologies required as long as she is getting the help she needs.

You are allowed to enjoy your life in any way you like. If someone was willing to help another human being fight a devastating disease and then changed their minds because of the life you choose to live and what you choose to do with YOUR body ... fuck em.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
i remember being a vicodin addict a few years ago and id be so fucking itchy i had to get completely naked and just rub steel wool all over my body

it felt so good but then like id be so bloody
well ok...
Should have put that 400 in savings so you won't have to be in a position to ask GAF for cash in case something like this happens again.

That's a terrible argument. Guess we shouldn't have helped that GAFer who was about to get kicked out of his home and live on the street, after all his post history showed lots of expensive video game buys and I bet he probably even wasted money on partying before, if only he had saved those money...
Gaf can I have money for my mom who is sick?


sweet now I can use my money to get high.

this is what most people are going to get out this.
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