The Last One
How good was the performance in FF XV?
Nice the combat really does sound amazing.Think I'll throw my own impressions on Horizon in here too given, like OP, I was (and still am) at EGX as well. Important to note this is coming from a guy who was going into this with doubt/skepticism and not really a fan of the Killzone series. I'll try and keep it brief, but pro's and con's as follows.
- There's no tutorialspeak and/or blatant telling the player what to do in-game, thank God. I know the devs promised they wouldn't, but I refused to accept their word until I saw it for myself. And I'm pleased to see Aloy stays silent for MOST of the time. Still makes ocassional "oh no, I'm out of arrows"/"oh no, they spotted me" comments even though you can clearly see it on-screen, but it's not on the level of "I should probably scan these enemies/I should properly craft this item/I should probably find a mount". Still, complete silence aside from cutscenes would be nice.
- The World does indeed look good. We only played in a brief and fairly small area (imagine that middle-part of the E3 demo they showed) but the variety in flora, structure and all-round level design is neat. I'll save comment until I see the entirety of the game World, but it's good to see Guerilla treating it with a decent amount of respect.
- Combat is layered and tactical, which I like. People who decide to just spam the fire button will die fairly easily; enemies do indeed have strengths/weaknesses and, like the ShellWalkers, have to be attacked at different points and regions that aren't indicated by the yellow-glowing spots. Figuring out which weapons works will make a difference between causing 2 damage and 62 damage. And yes, numbers do fly out of the enemies on contact, but thankfully not The Division levels of number-spewing.
- Lighting, even on the standard PS4 model, looks really nice - especially with the way it reflects off water and comes through tree branches and the like. Colour tone at points is nice and varied and I hope this continues with differing environments and environmental conditions.
- Generally speaking, I really like the way you have to actually plan your moves when, for example, hacking/mounting a robot and making your way out of Watcher presence. There's something nice about readying yourself, striking with the RopeCaster and then just sprinting forward to get the job done. Nice shake-up of pace and tension.
- There was some ocassional frame-rate drops at points and moments of half-second stuttering. Nothing major but definitely noticeable.
- Dismounting near trees can cause you to clip into them. Some of the movement, especially on the more sloped and angled of grounds can cause some odd creature animation too.
- The item/weapon wheel can be frustrating to control and doesn't automatically snap to certain objects meaning you sometimes have to wrestle with the stick to get it to point to a desired item.
- Though some enemies will constantly move and attack/defend/counter-attack you, Watchers for example at points will just stay static and invite critical shots to be fired.
Overall though, I liked what I saw/played. Not going to boast "OMG, BEST GAME EVAH YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS!!1!shift1!" but I do want to play more of it, put it that way.
I encountered 2 frame drops but they were so brief it isn't really worth mentioning. Other than that the game was smooth, even during combat. I was dreading it when I was fighting and everything was going down but it held up really good. There was a few stutters though and it seemed to be when the level was loading in fully after a cutscene has ended. So this also wasn't really a problem as it didn't last long. Yeah I was pretty impressed with the performance tbh.How good was the performance in FF XV?
Praise be to Tabata and co!!I encountered 2 frame drops but they were so brief it isn't really worth mentioning. Other than that the game was smooth, even during combat. I was dreading it when I was fighting and everything was going down but it held up really good. There was a few stutters though and it seemed to be when the level was loading in fully after a cutscene has ended. So this also wasn't really a problem as it didn't last long. Yeah I was pretty impressed with the performance tbh.
I encountered 2 frame drops but they were so brief it isn't really worth mentioning. Other than that the game was smooth, even during combat. I was dreading it when I was fighting and everything was going down but it held up really good. There was a few stutters though and it seemed to be when the level was loading in fully after a cutscene has ended. So this also wasn't really a problem as it didn't last long. Yeah I was pretty impressed with the performance tbh.
The guy next to me also had the PS4 version and that version was so much cleaner IQ wise, less ailiasing, better LOD systems, more foliage etc. I mean the Xbox One version did look good. It's definitely a next gen game but the PS4 version just trumps it.
Yep, they were playing on a booth Xbone, it's the same ones the FFXV booths were using with the Devs serial sticker still on. This video (I watched it before) doesn't really bring out the problems like playing it first hand. Kind of like my pics on the last page. Like I said, the game is graphically good but there are glaring problems that as far as we know are being addressed. Didn't Tabata say the graphics problems were due to bugs?That is so strange... Usually multi platform titles look/perform basically the same on PS4 and Xbox One, just that the Xbox One goes for a lower resolution like 900p. But the resolution of FFXV on Xbox (750-900p) is already lower than the PS version (900p-1080p), why is there additionally such a big gap in graphics, such as LOD and foliage.
Are there less people working on the Xbox version, is it a different team or have they outsourced it?
It's so disappointing the Xbox One version looks so rough.I just showed this video to a friend and told him he doesn't have to worry, the Xbox One version has improved considerably:
It is also the EGX version.
Yep, they were playing on a booth Xbone, it's the same ones the FFXV booths were using with the Devs serial sticker still on. This video (I watched it before) doesn't really bring out the problems like playing it first hand. Kind of like my pics on the last page. Like I said, the game is graphically good but there are glaring problems that as far as we know are being addressed. Didn't Tabata say the graphics problems were due to bugs?
Anyway my pic or this video hide the problems funnily enough, everyone who's played it first hand will tell you how bad the issues are. I'm confident it'll be sorted though and if they don't then oh well, the game runs fantastic and we will just have to deal with it. It's weird. You have to actually be stood Infront of the TV to see the problems. It's the reverse of the usual low YouTube IQ argument lmao.
That is so strange... Usually multi platform titles look/perform basically the same on PS4 and Xbox One, just that the Xbox One goes for a lower resolution, like 900p. But the resolution of FFXV on Xbox (750-900p) is already lower than the PS version (900p-1080p), why is there additionally such a big gap in graphics, such as LOD and foliage?
Are there less people working on the Xbox version, is it a different team or have they outsourced it?
It's so disappointing that the Xbox One version looks so rough.I just showed this video to a friend and told him he doesn't have to worry, the Xbox One version (which he is getting) would have improved considerably:
It is also the EGX build.
Marketing parity.
I see.
Is that a legal thing?
An MSFT/Sony/SE agreement thing?
A SE policy thing?
I don't remember it being a big gap, visually at least. Performance wise on the other hand. Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong.FF13 also had a big gap between 360 and PS3. Seems par the course for SE
It seens we will have another FF XIII situation in the DF thread but this time with FF XV.
Overall though, I liked what I saw/played. Not going to boast "OMG, BEST GAME EVAH YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS!!1!shift1!" but I do want to play more of it, put it that way.
I don't remember it being a big gap, visually at least. Performance wise on the other hand. Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong.
Also, they keep on saying these versions are the "master version" that was supposed to be released next week. Doesn't this mean it is without the day 1 patch they possibly had? Seeing as the reason for the delay is that they didn't just want to have a huge day 1 patch. Haven't they showed the master version of PS4 and it was also pretty similar to the X1 version (or am I also remembering that wrong)? Is there ever any clarification on this? Of course, that still doesn't explain if they have a newer build running on X1 yet.
I don't remember it being a big gap, visually at least. Performance wise on the other hand. Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong.
Glad to hear that FFXV feels so good. I'd be a lot more worried about it feeling and playing badly at this stage than having graphical problems. Also, selfishly, I don't care that it looks kinda poor on XBO because I'm going to be playing it on a PS4 Pro, where I'm sure it will look fantastic.
So I've accepted that it likely doesn't control as fluidly as a AAA, combat-driven action game like Devil May Cry or something. Is that the case? Can you give any comparisons as to what it feels like?
1024x576 vs 1280x720 doesn't seem that big of a difference to me at resolutions that low and looking at comparison vids/screens. It's at least not as big a gap as this master version vs the latest builds we've seen, as XIII's problems were mostly resolution related. The FMV compression I do remember now. But 3 discs is absolutely the excuse and a valid one. 360 was 18.3GB vs PS3's 39.4GB. That had to go somewhere unless they wanted a total of 6 discs (which I would have been fine with).FF13 ran at 1000x500 something(which cause huge problems with the dithering of the hair) while PS3 ran at native 720p(with the UI natively rendering at 1080p). FF13 360 also had some FPS issues(minor though) and the FMV cutscenes(which were like 90% of the game) were all crushed and macroblocked to hell, which completely destroyed the presentation of the game. No excuse considering they had 3 disks to work with, even without bluray.
i hope the pro version fairs significantly better than these two so far. Ive found that in recent years the performance across both systems has been pretty even for multiplats, weird that this is so unoptomized.
.Yes, a lot less floaty. There is still a hint of it there but it's much improved. It almost feels like the platinum demo should be disregarded.