Baron Aloha
A Shining Example
... release a new version of their arcade game, The Grid, for the PC, PS2, or Xbox and make it online. Any else get a chance to play this? It's basically a very arcadey death match game that's viewed in a third person perspective instead of a first person perspective. It had a lot of goofy characters, some unique weapons, tons of secrects (DA BOMB!!!!), etc. The premise of the game is that your character has entered a twisted gameshow where the ultimate prize is "What you get!".
We had this at my college and we used to play it for hours. I think this would make a great fun little online game. At one point they were planning to port it to the Dreamcast so it could be online but then Sega went third party so it was scrapped. They didn't bring it to the PS2 or Xbox because neither of them were online at the time. It sucks. This was actually one of their better games, IMO. Easily their best arcade game since MK3.
Some screens to jog some memories. The graphics obviously don't hold up very well for a console release but they are okay for the arcades.
We had this at my college and we used to play it for hours. I think this would make a great fun little online game. At one point they were planning to port it to the Dreamcast so it could be online but then Sega went third party so it was scrapped. They didn't bring it to the PS2 or Xbox because neither of them were online at the time. It sucks. This was actually one of their better games, IMO. Easily their best arcade game since MK3.
Some screens to jog some memories. The graphics obviously don't hold up very well for a console release but they are okay for the arcades.