Holy shit. How much free time do you actually have to play those? If you have a full time job, I'd think that a lot of those would get pushed way back into a backlog anyway.
I just spent $2700 on a new TV + stand combination, so I'm a bit low on funds because of that, and I planned on getting:
1. PS4K/Neo (had a PS4, but needed the upscaling and UHD of the Neo so I sold it to a friend)
2. The Last Guardian
3. FFXV (potentially, as below, if it's not a trainwreck)
4. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
5. Dishonored 2 (*maybe, since the first game got boring fast)
6. South Park
Where most of my spending will be taking place is Q1 of next year. Not only with games, but with the Smyth Realiser A16 (supposed to be $1,500).
Dumbest thing I have heard today, what's wrong with you?
Wasting money buying game knowing you wont have time to play it? Just for collection purpose? By the time you will retire all those game will cost 100$ combine.
I can't understand this either, but I have a friend who has this giant master list of games that he wants to play (he's really crazy too in that he wants to play the games in their chronological order, not their release dates; which throws everything the fuck off if a "prequel" type game releases before he's finished with a series.). The list is of over a hundred games, and he still buys new games in the meantime, despite the fact that he only really actually plays anything maybe six hours a week at best.