I have Record of Lodoss purchased but haven't played it yet. Though, from what I understand, it's not a Metroidvania since the game is stage-based? That just makes it a CV clone.
In terms of Metroid clones, I just finished Aeterna Noctis. Fun game and HUGE (maybe bigger than Hollow Knight) and it has some of nastiest platforming in the genre. Enjoyed it overall though it's a bit buggy.
Currently playing another Metroid clone in Souldiers and that one's pretty darn good. As you may have figured out, I love indie Metroid clones. Can recommend more if needed.
Overall I HAVE to recommend Crosscode. It's a few years old and it's a top-down Zelda clone and it's fantastic. Great mix of exploring, fighting and the dungeons are loaded with puzzles. It's loaded with content as well. Can't recommend it enough.
FYI, these are all steam links but all these are also available on Playstation. Always prefer a console version vs struggling with a PC copy.