Lets just say I dont think its fitting to say that about oneself. I noticed quite a few people who are/were thankful for my (or your for that matter) activity on this forum and I definitely love that people appreciate my "work" on here (I mean, lets be honest. It does take a lot of time to create and maintain these community or game threads), but I would never put myself above any others, particularly in the context of this thread. Hofmann, Wok, OneFoulNote,Moobabe, you, Twinduct, Cheesecake and all the ones I couldnt name now are all a very important part of this thread, all of which coming together just makes these threads possible because of everyone putting in a lot of freetime to play games and discuss them with all of us. Pylon_Trooper and CzarTim arent as much in here as I'd love to, but they too have a fantastic taste and track record of recommendations that people love and appreciate on here. That plus the million Indie threads that people put up but eventually end up failing because of the general mentality to disregard certain threads/games just because no one is giving them any attention.
I am not "objecting" if people like my efforts, because it in turn helps me spreading the word about more Indies via my Indie-Cred/Toma seal of approval, but I would never put myself above any other member of this community. I know you didnt quite mean it that way and you are very enthusiastic about the success of your blog and the games you find (as you should be), but its similar to the IndieStatik thing a while ago. Credit where credit is due, and everything that happens on GAF wouldnt be possible without the guys keeping up these threads, filling them, talking to us and everyone else and of course also the ones that try to make threads about unknown Indies, even if these threads fail.
Which reminds me, if ANYONE posts a thread on gaf about an unknown indie, post it in these monthly indie threads as well! That ensures the game you went out of the way to talk about wont be immediately forgotten once the thread is swallowed by page 2. If you guys see a thread like that, feel free to remind the OP or to post it yourself in here. I try to avoid doing that myself to finally get people to understand they need to crosspost that stuff.