Voting! Any games I've listed only, I've probably talked about them before and are known quantities by now.
Super Trench Attack - Where has this isometric goofy WW 1, Metal Slug-tinged, oh-so-British levels of hilarity of a game been my whole life?! Immediately bought and have put 2 hours into it. Not only headshots, but there are footshots and barenaked monkeys. When you melee an enemy, they drop their pants. If you knife a big dude, he's also wearing a bra. How much more of a silly anti-macho parody do you need?
Even dying is funny
Last Knight - A 3D on-rails knight-on-horse riding game with awesome ragdoll physics, whuuuuuut. Well worth buying, and despite its charming presentation, can be quite devious especially when trying to go for a coin run. Might look like it belongs on a Wii or Kinect, but it's quite precise in the controls that you can't just waffle around in all directions. Like the GIF below shows, you can play as a ghost version too. Really enjoyable, and deserves more recognition.
That's the ghost version of the normal me, yeah this game is weirdly hilarious
MirrorMoon EP - My god, it's full of planets! Much like Outer Wilds, a true space exploration game but here the locations and mechanics constantly switch on you. There's just surprise after surprise lurking around each dark side of the moon. I was sold after the KRZ cameo, there's so much visual wonder. One of the most dizzyingly brilliant FPSs I've ever played. I need to get back into it and make more GIFs.
One Finger Death Punch - Remember those old internet stick fight animation videos that you loved in high school? Yeah, they're playable now in an on-rails fighter that has enough visual pizazz to make you feel like a badass every time. This is one of those games that everyone should play and recommend to others. Also, really surprised there aren't any GIFs of this game, especially this game. So let me oblige:
Ball Of Doom
Tri - Any game where I can make my own platforms and experiment around while chasing a fox is cool with me.
Naya's Quest - Indie Echochrome is about right, this has some real head-spinning puzzles and it can be quite challenging if you make just the wrong direction press.
Valdis Story
SUPER HOT - Matrix bullet time puzzle FPS. Enough said.
Full Bore - Intelligent Boar Digging Puzzler. Possibly one of the cutest animals in videogame history.
Volgarr the Viking - The 1-permanent-save-per-world design can be quite harsh, but in here lies one of the purest 2D action platformers around. If you're itching for a game that requires block-by-block precision, this game scratches it. Also, easily the best Viking game yet.
Honourable mentions:
Boson X
Goscurry - Another fun on-rails endless runner type game. Reminds me of Tron's right angle turns. It's a hard game indeed, requiring hairpin turns and split-second decisions. At some points, I actually prefer the fixed camera mode. Also,
Fran Bow name drop!
Ascend: AoN - While the on-foot traversal can be quite clunky much like climbing up the mountain in an Elder Scrolls game, this grapple FPS shows promise and I'd like to see if this becomes more than a collectible quest. Does remind me of Borderland 2's first few levels
Particulars - While the base particles mechanics are quite solid, I got more interested in the story of this distraught physics student. What more psychological insight about her will we find out?