Welcome to the Discussion section of Space Engineers. To promote a positive atmosphere and keep this community “clean” and constructive we must insist that you conduct yourself in a civilized manner at all times when participating in any facet of the community.
Apart from the standard Steam Community Discussion Rules, which are in effect in this community as well and we strongly recommend you to read before making any post, we have added a few more guidelines which you should take in consideration as well.
Discussion Rules
Posts must be made in English, any threads or posts that are posted in a language other than English will be removed.
Piracy! All messages that include linking, mentioning or promoting piracy will be deleted immediately!
Spamming and Advertising are not permitted. Posts that include links with the purpose of promoting other products or selling items (gold) will be immediately deleted!
Any kind of violence, abuse, vulgarity, bad language, calling names or pornography is not accepted and messages will be deleted immediately.
You should not at any time openly argue with the forum moderators or administrators about imposing rules.
You may not at any time attack Keen Software House or insult any Keen Software House employee.
You may not at any time impersonate any Keen Software House employee or staff on this forum.
Respect other user's opinions. Don’t criticize or deride what other members believe about the game.
Try to keep all messages in a constructive and polite manner. Posts that don’t include any arguments neither provide any suggestion on how the game can be improved will be considered as spam and will be deleted. For more information of what is Feedback and Constructive Criticism, please read below.
Feedback and Constructive Criticism
We invite you to post your feedback, either negative or positive. Without this we won’t be able to improve the game and resolve any problems/bugs. Try to be as more constructive as possible by providing reasons why you like or don’t like something in the game and what can be done to make it better.
If you have any suggestions/ideas please share them here:
http://forums.keenswh.com/?forum=313735 or here:
If you experience any technical difficulties please visit our Troubleshooting page for further advice or send us an email at
[email protected].