Somehow, I didn't get to play Full Bore, yet. I don't know how this happened.
Please feel thoroughly being stared at -> o.o
Somehow, I didn't get to play Full Bore, yet. I don't know how this happened.
Please feel thoroughly being stared at -> o.o
Only a demo for PC? Unfortunate, since I don't ever plan on buying an iPad. Looks gorgeous though, and I like the idea behind it.
Heh, I was prepared for your scolding, but not, like, immediately after posting.![]()
I was putting it off, what can I say. I'm probably a boarophobe.
So I decided to give Impulse a whirl. It's deceptively simple for the first 10 or so levels, but then it begins to introduce more varied challenges and tweaks to the gameplay. It's ever so slowly escalating the difficulty, which I like.
However, level 20 is an absolute bastard!
Edit - Scratch what I just said. I blazed through and beat it right after posting about it. lol
Hehe, yeah. Most levels just need a certain approach to work decently. The first one that had me stumped for about 40 minutes was 52. Look forward to it
And I looove the level variety and how they made these levels feel completely different through small variations of the gameplay rules. some require you to hit a perfect angle, others require to hold the ship steady, others require you to be fast, and others again to be veeeeeeeeeeeeery slow on landings.
Edit: What was so problematic about 20 though?
My issue with 20 was that I was going too slow while trying to avoid hitting walls. I quickly realized that I needed to embrace my inner Sonic so I succeeded by going fast.
I haven't been stumped by levels for too long yet. Just made it to level 30.
You're not aloneIts a really small and stupid thing, but I really like looking at the particle effects. I felt really stupid that level 31 took me a few moments to realize..and I am sure your inner sonic will love level 32!
So will Cloudbuilt be getting an Early Access release?
Well at least you guys have that weight of your shoulders. Can't wait to play whenever it comes outThanks to everyone who voted on us! Finally the excitement have calmed down a bit.
I really wish I could say but for now its more of a "I have no clue".
And now I'm gonna take a break from Impulse for a bit. The small amount of fuel and the short time limit of level 41 is crazy.
I'm really enjoying this.
Consider me intrigued....Hahaaa, I've got an idea for the next thread. Just you wait, IndieGaf. Just you wait.
Welp, in preparation for the Kickstarter, I put my game on Greenlight.
There you go!
Voted and finally the first time I was ever first in comments anywhereWelp, in preparation for the Kickstarter, I put my game on Greenlight.
There you go!
100 titles greenlit today!
and many more.
- Risk of Rain
- The Yawhg
- Ballpoint Universe
- Cornerstone
- Eryi's Action
- Finding Teddy
Welp, in preparation for the Kickstarter, I put my game on Greenlight.
There you go!
Please report if you have any issues...Voted and best of luck matey.
Just grabbed swapper too, couldn't resist it any further.
Is there a way to force a game to start windowed? When I got The Swapper to work, I did the IsFullScreen True.>False trick, then set it to full screen in the settings. But I had to close the game and now every time I try to play, it crashes again and I can't get it to start windowed. That seems to be the problem, because the game runs smoothly with no issues so it's not a performance issue
Please report if you have any issues...
And if anyone can help, here's my problem:
I have. Tried switching it to false and starting again, but the game always opens full screen nowAre you trying to start the game in full screen? Try changing the file again to windowed and lauching the game.
I have. Tried switching it to false and starting again, but the game always opens full screen now
Ok, already done. Do I add -w before or after the quotations?Create a shortcut of the game -> right click -> properties -> target. Then add -w after ".../theswapper.exe" if -w don't work try with -windowed or -window. If nothing of it works I'm out of ideas sorry.![]()
Ok, already done. Do I add -w before or after the quotations?
Please report if you have any issues...
And if anyone can help, here's my problem:
Nothing, ugh. And the worse part is that I got it work and I was playing before....
I sent an email to the devs, hopefully they get back to me
Anyway, I started playing Creeper World 3. I forgot who posted it here, but thanks, because damn, it's an awesome hidden gem. I had never even heard of the series before but it's really good. It's not just your standard TD; sure there's the standard TD defense, but you must go on the offensive and be aggressive on the frontline while also defending yourself. It reminds me of Infested Plant in that way. The maps are big and you have to consider power usage, topography, and a bunch of other variables. I'm quite impressed for a game I've literally never seen any coverage anywhere or never heard of before.
The program can't start because d3dx9_42.dll is missing from your computer
Thanks got RWR to work, but damn it, I'd hopes that maybe it would fix my Swapper issues.You probably need to install the latest directx redist from Microsoft.
Thanks got RWR to work, but damn it, I'd hopes that maybe it would fix my Swapper issues.
Am I literally the only one experiencing this? Swapper and Antichamber were the last two games on my must-have list and now I have Swapper, but can't even play it...
I have no idea what this means, lolIf you have a dual adaptor laptop, it might be defaulting to the on-board intel adaptor for those games. That's a common problem for indie games.
Are there any musical experts in the thread? I'm talking like sheet music reading, dynamic understanding, straight up musical geniuses.
Klinkcow is a musician
Back in the day I could read sheet music but stopped praticing and I'm probably going to have a hard time reading it.
I can't really vote because I haven't played much this month, but if I could I'd have Volgarr at the top and Super Hot right below it.
- Ethan: Meteor Hunter: A nice concept, but I cannot say how good the level design is after the end of the demo.
- Full Bore: I don't like the controls at all, but the game design is charming and I find the puzzles hard.
- SUPERHOT: the concept is great, too bad the game is so short.
- TRI: a very polished game, with a nice concept and a long development (still in alpha 0.3).
Thanks man - I'm writing another "proper" article and as I'm planning out where I'm going and what I'm doing I find a massive gap in my knowledge when it comes to discussing music which, in this game, is more than pivotal.
I'm curious about the game you're writing.
I've been a musician for decades but I got lazy recently and stopped practicing. I read sheet music but I can also play by ear. I don't get paid for it, so it's a neat, but completely useless talent for me at the moment.Are there any musical experts in the thread? I'm talking like sheet music reading, dynamic understanding, straight up musical geniuses.