It's sad that it's all over. At least for Cole. But honestly, I'm happy that they had the balls to do it. When you think about it, it finished out what Infamous 1 set out to do. It completed the arc. It was really the only logical ending. I mean think about it. If Cole had simply become more powerful and beat the Beast then what next? Would you want them to keep thinking of more villains and in turn come up with cliche plotlines? That's what and Infamous 3 with Cole would have become and that would have been terrible. The only thing I think they should have played up more was that fact that Cole lost his home town, the thing Kessler wanted to prevent in the first place. It was a HUGE failure and it should have gotten more play from a character standpoint. He just seemed to get over it too fast IMO. Granted he had already lost the woman he loved but still he had a job, protect Empire City, and it seemed he was on that path and all gun ho about it but when the town got Beast'd he was just kinda apathetic about it to an extent.
Anyways more about the actual game.
High Points
Graphics. A major upgrade from the first game. THe colors are vibrant and the textures are well done even on low level enemies.
Gameplay. Smoother than inFamous 1. Controls work great. The on the fly switch with powers was incredible and worked very well. Also almost every power was useful. If you noticed, certain enemies had weaknesses to very specific powers from Cole. I like that you actually needed to uses some of the other powers that you would have otherwise not used. I also liked how they linked upgrading those powers to using certain powers in specific ways. Very clever and it made sense honestly with the story premise of how Coles powers evolve overtime when he "mixes it up".
Voice acting. When I first saw the trailer for inFamous 2 with Larry as the main character I didn't like the voice at all. But after the first cutscene I didn't notice the difference at all. Coles voice was very well done and I was also very impressed with Zekes voice. Just a bang of job IMO. Nothing felt out of place it felt authenticate.
Enemies. The enemies were great and nicely varied. I wish they even more conduits were created but the Frost guys were awesome and it made sense.
Side missions. They were all around better this time and a lot of fun and more varied. I very happy I didn't have to scale a building and disable surveillance.
Story. I liked that they continued the arc of the first game and completed it. It was very well done and more than I hoped for from "the Beast" storyline. I honestly thought after inFamous 1 the whole Beast thing would be a big letdown. But it actually turned out better than I thought. And I thought it was awesome that John was the Beast the whole time. When he was killed in inFamous 1 I knew it didn't make sense because he was a conduit. If anything it would have enhanced his abilities like it did with Cole. I'm happy they addressed that plothole. But I wonder if that was the plan all along. It's ironic that Cole essentially created the Beast to begin with. I wonder if Kessler knew it would be John. Probably not since he went back in time after the Beast destroyed everything. Speaking of going back in time, I am very happy they give Cole that ability. I thought for sure by the end of inFamous 2 he would go back in time and fight the Beast all over again from the beginning but they decided to actually end the game rather than created a "do over" cop out.
Low Points
Camera. It pissed me off sometimes when there were tons of enemies and you'd stick to some damn or ledge trying to maneuver. It got me killed at times.
Rocket Launchers. Eliminate this from your games Sucker Punch. It almost ruined the experience for me at times. I can understand the militia having them since they are easy to kill. But why in the hell would you give the Frost guys rockets and make them even more accurate. That's ridiculous.
No grinding drain. They was the easiest way to recover in inFamous 1. Why they didn't include this in inFamous 2 is beyond me. It wouldn't have made him overpowered or anything. They dropped the ball on that one because it was very annoying have to "zap zap zap. look for power source, drain. go back and zap zap zap" If I could drain while grinding it would have been awesome.
R2 ability requiring power cores. That's dumb as hell. I can understand the kinetic pulse using energy since you can do damage with it but Ice Launch and Tether are purely traversal. They should not require energy just like gliding doesn't require energy.
Flood Town (At first). When I first got to Flood Town I absolutely hated it. It was uncomfortable for me and just unpleasant to explore. But after a few missions in it, I didn't mind it. And actually, looking back at it and understand what Flood Town represents in reality, it SHOULD make you feel uncomfortable and it SHOULDN't be a place you'd want to be. But still it was a tough transition nonetheless.
Cole Dies.

. I liked his character and I'm sad it ended. Hopefully when I got back and play darkside he'll live.
Anyways this has gone on way too long. Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading.