daxter01 said:
Kyaw said:Is it me or is the rockets so damn annoying?
I get killed by rockets at point black when i'm fighting close quarters... at least there are many checkpoints in the game.
I think he means when you go to Amp them and they fire a rocket killing you instantly. I lost count how many times that happened to me.Noisepurge said:try to listen for that rocketlauncher blast and use force push to send them back. this of course does not work if he is right next to you but then you should be melee'ing already![]()
Mush said:I think he means when you go to Amp them and they fire a rocket killing you instantly. I lost count how many times that happened to me.
Mush said:I think he means when you go to Amp them and they fire a rocket killing you instantly. I lost count how many times that happened to me.
edgefusion said:This is the number 1 way I died. Point blank rockets. Ugh, Sucker Punch why?
Questions about the overall plot:
Why did Kessler travel back in time, create the ray sphere, do a bunch of evil stuff to Cole and inevitably lead him to the ray sphere explosion on the dock which created The Beast? Where did The Beast come from in Kessler's timeline and how did Kessler get his powers?
edgefusion said:This is the number 1 way I died. Point blank rockets. Ugh, Sucker Punch why?
Questions about the overall plot:
Why did Kessler travel back in time, create the ray sphere, do a bunch of evil stuff to Cole and inevitably lead him to the ray sphere explosion on the dock which created The Beast? Where did The Beast come from in Kessler's timeline and how did Kessler get his powers?
it's not a theory. just watch the ending of infamous 1 again. that's exactly the reason.Callibretto said:someone posted a theory earlier and I agree with him.Raysphere are there just to speed things up. so even if Kessler haven't come back to mess with present time, Cole will still get his power eventually, and the beast will also appear eventually. also explained by the beast appearing sooner than expected because in this timeline, the beast is created earlier (because of raysphere)
It will. Where are you?Truant said:Ugh, I'm not enjoying this game at all. Loved the first, but a lot of what I liked is missing here. I loved the sort of weird characters in the first, the strange mountains of junk, the bizarre enemies in the red hoods, covered in plastic bags. Despite it's bland main cast, the world and enemies of the first were pretty colourful. This game just feels like a streamlined expansion. It doesn't feel like inFamous at all in terms of story, characters and the overall vibe.
Truant said:Just got passed the truck crash / Wolfe death scene.
Speedymanic said:John as the beast felt incredibly shoehorned in.
Anyway, pretty sure Kessler didn't create the ray sphere, he helped the first sons speed up the development of the ray sphere they were already working on.
This implies that a ray sphere is activated at some point in the future and explains how Kessler got his powers, but not the beast. The ray sphere in the first game malfunctions and disintegrates John, so unless that happens in the future as well, it's a pretty big plot hole. Maybe John isn't the same beast as the one in Kessler's future, it would be pretty cool if that beast makes an appearance in I3...if they make one.
In fact, they could make a third title based on Kessler's future, bring some closure to his story and put the series to sleep for a few years until the inevitable reboot on the PS4.
Speedymanic said:John as the beast felt incredibly shoehorned in.
Anyway, pretty sure Kessler didn't create the ray sphere, he helped the first sons speed up the development of the ray sphere they were already working on.
This implies that a ray sphere is activated at some point in the future and explains how Kessler got his powers, but not the beast. The ray sphere in the first game malfunctions and disintegrates John, so unless that happens in the future as well, it's a pretty big plot hole. Maybe John isn't the same beast as the one in Kessler's future, it would be pretty cool if that beast makes an appearance in I3...if they make one.
In fact, they could make a third title based on Kessler's future, bring some closure to his story and put the series to sleep for a few years until the inevitable reboot on the PS4.
MalboroRed said:John as the beast is not shoehorned in, he was there when Cole tried to destroy the raysphere and he "disintegrated", the raysphere did not malfunction, more like it got completely spent, which might explain the extent of John's powers, John already had the conduit gene, being able to control his body at a molecular level was one of John's powers.
Game Analyst said:The biggest problem with the game so far is the story. The story is not as good as Infamous one. I do not feel connected with Cole like I do with Drake in Uncharted. Everything else works really well for me because the gameplay has always been solid.
What I am hoping for is that for the next game (I am assuming PS Vita) Sucker Punch highers someone like Amy Hennig to write the story.
I really thought the enemies went down faster in I2. Cole does die faster but I think that's directly a result of the enemies not having the accuracy of the first game. I honestly though it was much easier than 1 on hard. Maybe use of the upgraded powers is the best suggestion. I used the skull bolt most of the time and it was really effective. The last evil bolt just dominates so try that when you can.Y2Kev said:I think I'm just not getting it. Cole's health depletes so fast and the enemies take so many hits. What happened?
Also Nix sucks. What is with everyone being a freak now?
Y2Kev said:I think I'm just not getting it. Cole's health depletes so fast and the enemies take so many hits. What happened?
Also Nix sucks. What is with everyone being a freak now?
I just think, at least so far, that they've shifted the focus from platforming to shooting. Well, it was never entirely there, but it was there in larger part. The underground sewer bits were my favorite part. And now it's Tesla Missiles?BobTheFork said:I really thought the enemies went down faster in I2. Cole does die faster but I think that's directly a result of the enemies not having the accuracy of the first game. I honestly though it was much easier than 1 on hard. Maybe use of the upgraded powers is the best suggestion. I used the skull bolt most of the time and it was really effective. The last evil bolt just dominates so try that when you can.
I was never a fan of those underground power segments. I think 'flying' the missile is a big cheesy but I love standing on the new transformer and blasting everything like a crazy man. I feel like they kept the platforming element but shifted how you experience it. The platforming segments aren't separated from the main gameplay this time. You used to sort of leave the regular game and go into the sewer for a few minutes for some gameplay that wasn't really like the rest of the game. Instead now they made flood town to make it more integrated;I'm not sure how well it works but I really liked Floodtown. You have to contend with more enemies while platforming now as well, so you may not get that enjoyment of taking a break and enjoying climbing up the prison or that garbage tower.Y2Kev said:I just think, at least so far, that they've shifted the focus from platforming to shooting. Well, it was never entirely there, but it was there in larger part. The underground sewer bits were my favorite part. And now it's Tesla Missiles?
You could purchase damage reduction upgrades in I1. Also the shield was much more useful.Speedymanic said:Enemies and how damage they can take is roughly the same as it was in the first title. It's just now you're weaker thanks to the primary weapon using batteries. (very annoyed that they changed it, it's not like the standard bolt was overpowered, they should have kept the standard bolt as it was in the first title and had other other bolts use batteries.)
The freaks will be explained, just keep playing.
Lince said:inFamous 2 lost the 'surprise' factor of the original game, but if you really liked what the original offered there's absolutely no reason to not enjoy the sequel as it is much more polished and fun to play with the vastly improved combat mechanics. Story-wise... well, I'm too busy killing bad guys while jumping from rooftop to rooftop to think about what character makes perfect sense and who doesn't. Also people complaining about the lack of platforming? have you reached the second island yet?
Thrakier said:Since you are an expert and a fine gentleman, I'm asking you: Is the XP pop up stuff on the left side gone? It wasn't there in the demo. I want my headshocks!![]()
navanman said:Is it just me or is the sound mixing pretty terrible?
I'm playing on 5.1 system using optical out and I can barely hear any soundtracks or ambient noise.
The only noise to be heard is the sound of Cole running for lots of the game.
Thrakier said:Since you are an expert and a fine gentleman, I'm asking you: Is the XP pop up stuff on the left side gone? It wasn't there in the demo. I want my headshocks!![]()
BrainZEROX said:User created content generates so much garbage... :/
It seemed like a good idea at the beginning but people are not game designers and I feel overwelmed with missions created for the single purpose of getting the attached trophy... Unbalanced shit, unexplained sequences, failed triggers and many bugs (even in Sucker Punch's ugc). Really off putting...
Maybe it's too soon?
roxya said:Well I finished it. Main thing I didn't like was the bigger enemies. I could deal with them fine with grenades, but... none of them are even remotely fun to engage, they're just energy sinks.
upJTboogie said:Just went back to play inFamous 1 and sewers are definitely more fun than Tesla missile missions. Getting a new power an then using it in the sewer, killing some enemies mixed in with some platforming is much better than a overly hectic fight with enemies coming from all sides.
Also man they should have kept the sound that came up when you killed an enemy or any other time you got XP.
Y2Kev said:And I have Improved Thrusters back now and everything is right with the world. Nerfing traversal = dumb
The feeling that traversal has been nerfed actually has a lot to do with the level design. Just wait for the third major area of the game because it's PLATFORMING HEAVEN.Y2Kev said:And I have Improved Thrusters back now and everything is right with the world. Nerfing traversal = dumb
If you try to do any traversal while fighting a Devourer or Ice Giant you will get hit, it is unavoidable.Lince said:have you tried to fight them while hanging from a high ledge or ambush them? if you play conservative just rolling and throwing grenades at them then it becomes a chore... the game gives you plenty of tools to experiment with, don't be afraid to use them.
Y2Kev said:And I have Improved Thrusters back now and everything is right with the world. Nerfing traversal = dumb