Well, just finished the game today. My 1st round, finished around 74 hours. Pretty much an overkill for for the last boss, (with pretty maxed out 3 BBs - won't name them -, and a couple of carriers filled with 110 fighters - the end game was pretty easy).
It's definitely up in my alley. The storyline and characters and settings definitely reminds me of "legend of galactic heroes", plus little bit of Gurrenragan to me. Niall Eremond chracter is a definite give-away, although he only plays such a small part.
I thought the game was pretty quriky. Not sure I really loved every moment, but I was definitely into it - probably because I'm a "LOGH" nut.

I just wished there'd be a little more tactical aespects in ship battles and all.
Decent, enjoyable and galactically epic storyline. Nice bunch of characters and all. Something started so.. innocently, yet it ends up pretty epic. Great customization, but with high leveled characters towards end, it's gets pretty pointless - as when the characters are around 30lv, their respective post's stat's are pretty high - some going over 80s easily... which just allows to boost up the ship's hw only, rather than livability and other stuff. User interface itself could use a bit more polishing - menus and all. Didn't really like much of the graphics either. Illustration wasn't especially to my likings, nor 3d graphics never really impressed me in this game - but considering it's a DS game, I guess there is limitation. However, I just wished if this game was to be released on PS3 or X360, it could have been pretty awesome - especially the battle scenes, and some HD FMV event scenes that could have spiced up the whole thing quite nicely.
It's pretty linear game - but very easy to get overwhelmed, as sometimes the directives are not clear enough and many times, I had to run around and poke around different sectors just to find the story progression point.
Other than that.. I enjoyed the game rather throughly. I'm actually little burned out for the game due to heavy grinding - but it's not a surprise that it did pretty well in Japan. Many rough points, and sometimes it gets pretty overwhelming because lack of information available - but that itself is a part of the game's charm, it seems. You just don't know what's going to happen.
But all in all, it just did wonders for my itching for some LOGH.

Now I want to read the books all over again...