WreckTheLaw said:Sadly, even knowing what it's based on starts the old noggin rolling in a certain direction. It isn't hard to make guesses.
There's a lot more going on than what you think though.
WreckTheLaw said:Sadly, even knowing what it's based on starts the old noggin rolling in a certain direction. It isn't hard to make guesses.
vagabondarts said:I suspected this strategy but like Mejilan, failed to implement it. This is extremely helpful!
edit: GeekyDad's ProTip= Success!
on another subject, my dialogue and music seem really tiny and the laser blast sounds seem like they are going to blow out my dsi speakers... is it like this with your copies also?
Don't tell me this will end up being another MGS2, I don't think I can take being trolled by a developer twice :lolWreckTheLaw said:I'm fairly certain that it'll pay off later. The in between scenes with the observers seem to indicate that Yuri is being watched - maybe even that certain factors are being influenced and changed to test him. Maybe Kira is one of those things.
:lol me too!Foxix said:I'm so glad I'm not the only one with this problem :lol
What store? I might go out and check tomorrow. Want this so bad!I should be doing hw said:Found a game store in Melbourne that had this, I said "wtf" out loud and bought it immediately. Pretty awesome considering I pretty much never go to game stores any more.
I should be doing hw said:Thanks for the tip about Gen's power, might help me win the next battleI won the first battle with 2 busted up ships and one good one because of the meteors, but then that huge ship came in and decimated me :lol I might have to grind and get another deflector if the Gen attack strat fails.
Don't remember exactly, its was a fluke because I just saw it in passing walking with some mates. They don't play games much so they were like "Dude, really?" and all I could say was "You don't understand!" as I ran in to buy it.commanderdeek said:What store? I might go out and check tomorrow. Want this so bad!
Damn I was hoping you'd say JB or something. Looks like I'll have to wait it out till Thursday.I should be doing hw said:Don't remember exactly, its was a fluke because I just saw it in passing walking with some mates. They don't play games much so they were like "Dude, really?" and all I could say was "You don't understand!" as I ran in to buy it.
Some dingy asian store in Footscray, couldn't say where exactly. I was fighting a hangover at the time and was mostly watching my feet. :lol Had lots of Japanese imported games in it and it was kind of like a shitty version of Dick Smith except with obscure games in it.
I bought the only copy that I could see in the store, they did have the JAP version though.
I should be doing hw said:I don't even have any :lol
Cool I'll look into that then.
DaBargainHunta said:I've been following this thread, but some quick questions for those of you who have it:
- How complex is it? Meaning...
* Is building/designing your ship relatively easy or a giant task?
* The OP mentions a "tactical" battle system that's "action-filled." What does this mean exactly? If someone can describe a typical battle, that would be great. For example, is the action real-time?
* Is there a lot in the way of stats/data/other minutiae?
- What is the gameplay like outside of battles and design? Can you walk around your ship in real time, talk to your crew, etc.? Just describe a typical session of the game, if you can.
- I read somewhere that the story is loosely based on. For anyone familiar with theChildhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke, how accurate is that description?book
I'm excited but cautious. I have a feeling this encompasses some genres I've never really dipped my toes into before.
eznark said:Giant Bomb has a quick look up, might help if you are on the fence. I just got blown up going back to dude's homeworld. Obviously this game requires you pay attention
Foxix said:"Where my zero-g dawgs at!?" :lol
Edit: OMG. Watching more of it and he's really horrible :lol Come one man watch you're fatigue levels, and make sure both cannons are within firing range D:
Attempts 2 and 3 on the first "big" battle also failed. Maybe you could give me some tips as well? Did you grind a lot at the beginning?Woo-Fu said:I joined giantbomb just so I could post about most of the stuff he was doing wrong. It was like standing there waiting while somebody else two-finger types something.
eznark said:Attempts 2 and 3 on the first "big" battle also failed. Maybe you could give me some tips as well? Did you grind a lot at the beginning?
Mejilan said:This game is SO fucking awesome.
KTallguy said:Any difference between this and the JP version, Duckroll? (Or anyone else who knows)
We must be siblings. :lol I've been on treatment for the last 6 months and my memory and mental clarity have yet to improve.Samurai Penguin said:As someone who suffers from severe sleep apnea, I have the memory of a goldfish and tend to forget things almost instantly...
duckroll said:No, I'm pretty sure nothing has been added to any version, otherwise they would be talking about it. Since this is Sega, I think the real concern should be whether they took anything out without saying anything about it! :lol
eznark said:Finally clicked last night after 8 deaths to space tyrant. I wasn' moving in and out enough and I also didn't realize the blue/red lights were important!
Now I have a new hangup, the creepy story.
"You sure you two are related"...shiver.
Yeah, that's patently obvious.syllogism said:it will be explained
I should be doing hw said:Bah I'm in Ch. 4 now and have to go back to the previous system because I didn't finish a sidequest from the last chapter and you can't be doing more than one :/
It's the one where there are apparently pirates inbetween the place whose name starts with N and the one that starts with O..Ostyra or something...fuck the names in this game are stupid.
I've been going back and forth between them for 20 minutes and nothing but regular pirates are showing up, wtf?
Somehow I'm still enjoying this game :lol
Mejilan said:Game is so fucking amazing!
Right at the end of Chapter 3. I've already demolished the pirate brothers' fleets and am now raiding the pirate base. There's a pretty big decision far up into the pirate base, and I tried the one that I thought would be for the best, but it wound up in Yuri getting blasted by a bomb, the girl I'm supposed to be rescuing getting murdered, and Kira killing one of the pirate brothers. Instead of saving, I decided to reboot and try the other option. Smart choice? Or bad choice?
Edit - Gamefaqs to the rescue. The merciless path is actually the right one to take. Mercy in this situation only brings about bad (through surprisingly fucking cool) results. Amazing game.
There's a ??? location exactly between the N place and the O place. That's where I found 'em. It'll be a scripted battle, not the random ones you've been fighting. Don't travel directly from N to O. Travel from N (or O) to the ??? location in between N and O.
Thank you sir, I've just been travelling from N to O.Mejilan said:There's a ??? location exactly between the N place and the O place. That's where I found 'em. It'll be a scripted battle, not the random ones you've been fighting. Don't travel directly from N to O. Travel from N (or O) to the ??? location in between N and O.
Are you telling me there are real zero G dawgs rollin' dirty through the galaxy?WreckTheLaw said:I remain too much of a critic to entirely ignore the faults with IS. But. I still love it. Your example of no-mercy-as-the-right-thing to do helps to define the work's tone as something separate from others in the genre. Even with only one "right" decision per branch (so far, through chapter 4), the fact that canon Yuri is neither Paragon nor Renegade but somewhere in between really mimics the space swashbucklers that this draws on. It's awesome.
No, he is telling you that space opera is a popular sub-genre of science fiction, and that this game is a similar experience in a different medium.eznark said:Are you telling me there are real zero G dawgs rollin' dirty through the galaxy?