On the topic of Maps, here's a bit more on how transit apps are created.
1. Declare what types of routing your app will provide.
2. Specify what coordinates it can be used in. Single state, an entire country, specific cities, etc. If you're trying to route to a place that's outside the boundaries of an app, Maps won't show the application.
3. Handle launches from the Maps app. That is, when a user wants to route to a new location from their existing location, it should be seamless when they click "Route" in the transit interface. It'll then switch to the app and the route and directions should be automatically shown.
Do you guys not have MasterCard PayPass?
Maybe not? Yikes. I knew America was bankwards on banking, but holy shit. I seriously just tap my card on a sensor at the top of the debit machine for about 80% of my purchases or so. Other 20% I have to swipe and enter a pin.
I remember in the early 90s when Debit cards became a big deal here. From the time I got my first job as a young teenager, I never used cash to buy anything. I understand that it was quite a while for point-of-sale debit to catch on in the US.
We do. PayPass is what Google Wallet uses. But I don't use it because:
1. I prefer my citi card rewards (Visa).
2. Not many merchants use it around me. A quick search using their locator (
http://www.mastercard.us/cardholder-services/paypass-locator.html) gives me places like McDonalds, a few pharmacies, Hope Depot, BP, and Einstein Bagels.
There's no support for places like Aldis, Trader Joes, Costco, restaurants/coffee shops, etc.